Advertisements & Notices

... st PVN Y-. 0a 1'S or STOLEN, from a F-ield, at Hipley, near ss .Lj iambiedton, on 'Ihursday night, the 21st inast.,- .d A G;REY WliHUNGl, thirctoe hands one inchl high, e- five years old, longi tail, airl a blister mark on the near s . h ip.-Whoeverw^ ill giv e inl'orniaition to ?? Ewens, c. Ilip~ley, that uill lead to the recovtry of' the horse. shall ie he rewvarde d fsr tb eir trou ble, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e e LADIErs' BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, it I'ORTLAND PLACE, (;OXPORT. C l?cnr? PUi'it.5 (IF Whit.!! ARE SELECT.) 1?I ISS IIAIIi', with bcet titanks, begs to a???ize - j?J. her Friends, that the I'UPILS oflier ESTAB. ir I?lSl?J?lEN'i' will ieLsuMt. their ?cUitiEs on tlte a Lith January, 111311. N.B.-A vacancy for ati Articled Pupil. '1'O PARENTS ANI) GUARDIANS. II. i?l ACE, West-sticet, Fareltam, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a 0 Iv It It a- 01' it, Is of ot be or ii, li- Ire Ito gn be ry. /0, to I/I, ?? ore 'it- ?? ?? itty ?? ill., CS)' be tiet LIe. till 1//Il oh 2 of ted ary I' ('1111 I/Ill Il/li Ito! ill/C ar' ?att 1011 iltI ?? ?? lies tit ?? lb till 10/2 itot ((dl (tIC /111 11111 0(1/2 floe 'll1't 11 1 tta? ti I, SLIt /11 Ia of; 1St 'di ?? ?? ceo ?? etc Il/Il il?' /11, I/is Ii. 'I/il ale II - tile f/a- A 1110 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H IALBERG proposes\ on or about the 9th of A l - fiitely th'-rodfter give a CONCERT, n rse ciah he will play his Grand Fantasia on Airs from LeLz.tugeeflenots; his Fantasia on the NationalAirs Ged s&ae the Queen and Rule Britatmi;, e ferwed by him at Buckingliam PIlace, by Comand of ilst Gracious Majesty Queen Victorta; aud at the termination of the Concert, he will perform his Grand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *1- 0 A COUNTY BALL will be held at the Town hall, Hyde, on Monday, .Jamsary the 8th, 1838. the lion. STEwAitna: Capt. DudleyPethani I The Hon. ?V. H. A. ?? a R.N i?oloies. tOP. Fitzroy Btzrhford, Esq. John Sinteon, Eat ..E.5 George Player, E?q. Samuel Sanders, Eeq. Portasa v C. H. Roe, Esq. itetteawoeth Shearer, Esq. solicit.? Heathfield Smith, Es?. Dancing to conantence at eight o'clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A GENTLEMAN of respeetabhl Collegiate Acquire- ments, possessing a moderate Capital, woulnhav an opportunity of forming a ?? with the Prop Qot a highly respectable and profitable Catholic semioryi the South of Ireland, and would be received as a ar er'on liberal terms, if the attainments required were fotzi satisi factory. Letters addressed to M M. A., Education, at the ffce of this Paper, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THE NEW PANTOMIME Having been received with most enthusiastic applause, will be repeated every Evening this. Week. Sixth week of tbe re-eugageme11t ot MRS. FITZW.ILLIAM. rĀ¶HIS PRESENT MONDAY, January !, 1838. ill T. he produced a new ERomtntic ranms, in threb ts, as performed with great success in London, called Jr THE DREAM AT SEA. (WRITTEN BY MRta. JOHN BALDWIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BiPPING INTBLLI(VENC1H. , ?? BOMBAY and ',.tsipling-da eth Jn tm thu 11mtatabui .af'a1,4) too.'. CVAptin I'DIA~ml) Thaljt'i, IS. la aaip! Docka.--fPer freight or' paeeage lipanly to !ia'ar, oaa' Co., ?? Great Whole eitter-statet ; to john aI, rroreian~l's.court, Coralfill oar to J~%Njfls . un n. ;oUTP1 AUSTRALIA (mider engagc- ,. l, siHENRlY POROCTIERt, A 1, a~urdcn4,)tau Cua Ta'a-'r. ylia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &HIiPPING INTELLIGENCE. OR CALJCUTTA (will be dispatched on F nuury, caling at P'ortemouth to embark pas. iclA~~ ChipnHOT ON aR os D~ OT1 0Cod ?? freight or passage apply IC ~ ~toiiw O., Greett St1. Hellen's, or to DoxiaT'e D~ tl NLN. 7, Georgo-Yord, Lombarti-street, *Olt MADRAS, STRAITS, and CHINA, plendid rivprfluiltI Indiamian RELIANCE, A 1. 1,51. .4ter Cao lin R. E. WARNERh, ?? will Fall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARISH or BRIGWI'T N. L..1,01WANCE OF ?? S RATES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a, Comn- L nitt'c of Directors and ?? has been appointed to hear asl iriplications that tuay be made t i them at tiheir Board, f,-r the ?? of tile Poor's Rates, inad that sueb Committee will mneet at the Towit Hall every alternat.: Tuesdlaiy, at Thlree c.oclk in the Pfternsoon, couimencing with Tuesday, the 9th Bi3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tre:ladoc Bachelor's Ball. MAj,,%IGAREI & ANN JONES I ';SP1;ClFU.LY beg leave to in those La- 16. die 9 l eianfl Ge n who purpose visiting the e r abve alf, thall the t tho have made amplearrangeentsI svith re gartl to l {eds and Sltbl jng Appli~atiicat fewev days previous, wjli bie esteemed a favor. Dl dock's Arms Hotl, Dec. 14th 1837. of anglesey. 1l F IHREISl'RY GIVEN, that a GE aG.NE- N A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEDU1CA 21TO,. ANY Gentleman desirous of forming an Establishment A for the Education of youth, has now an of getting an excellent and extensive House d eat De Inesne, with every necessary fixture and req ?? for the accommodation of fifty or sixty Pus aa in a beautiful and healthful situation, abbot One ile from the Town of Carlow, with some patronage attached to it; Apply, by letter, directed ...