Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On the 13th inst. at Brighton, Colonel Creagh, C.B., to Maria Elizabeth, relict of the late James Vaughan, Esq., Madras Civil Service. You CAN'T MARRY YOut GRsNDoUnTRln!-An old onan, named Paine, almost 80 years of age, who resided near Duodle, Northamptonshire, married a girl under 20; be died soon after the comrdiision of this egregious act of folly The grandson of this aged votary ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 28th nlt. the Princess Charles of Hesse Darmstadt, of a Prince; 101 discharges of artillery annotnced that event to the citozens of Darnmstadt. . - h On the 3d inst. in Nelson sqnare, the lady of W. A. Dow, Eaq., of a son. MARRIED. On he ffth inst. at Hoensey, Henry, second son of George Smith, Esq. of Colney Hatch, to Margaret, second daughter of Richard Mars;hall, Esq, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IMAl RIAGES. At Loudoun C1astlcCharles Henry, Esq, nephew to tlio 1)ulD e of Loinster, to Lady Saline Constantia Iluwdon Cnrmi holl Hlas- tings, dauglltol' to the Mlarqiuis.-At 1lampstead, 11. It. Upcher, Esq. of Sheringlbam, Norfolk, to Carolino, only dalghter of tho lato J. Morris, E'sq. uf Ainpthill House, Bedfordshire.-A ( Col- clestor, C. G. IPounnd, E ~q. 1. P. of Birch-lull, Essex, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Brair.--.Oa I'uesdany lstimrs.J. F. AVood, ofl oly- w7ell-street, of a daughte'r. IMARRIED. Feb. 17, at St. MLarys Cshurh, Kensington, lby the Rev. It. V. Shortlamn, Recotor of yimSt('ad, Esex, Ricliard Bignell, Esq. of Banbury, to Elizabeth, secoui daungnhter of the late V. J. Shortiand, 3sq. of Kidfing- ton, in this coulllty. Oil Su mnday last, at Readiling, I1r. Dolmaii, lote of t[le Swanr ...

MARRI ED. Aug. 28, a

... t St. John's Chnrch, Hampstead, Thomas Hait c, M.1 ). of' Deddinogln ill this county, to Sarlah W'hite, four th daughter of the late Dutton Smiti Turner, Esq,. of 'larondon, Jamaica. i Wednesday last, at (irencester, by 'the Rev. S. Demainbray, Chiapluin in Ordinary to her Majesty, Stephen Demainbrayv, Esq. of Leacuhlde, solicitor, to Emmia, daughter of Thomas Byreh, Esq. of Cirencester. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _B I R T H.1 On the 24th inst. at Lisnabreen,theLadyof the Rev. Adatn Huldson, of ,.son. M A R R I E D_ (in the 2-.,d hist. byI thc Rev. John Coulter, Gilnahirk, . . M. Foster. of Rose f odze, to MAlry Jaue, eldest daughter of John Wallace. Esq. Belfast. On tile l9th iu-t. at rrinaltanagbIi, bv the Rev. John Brown, Droghead, 'Mr. Mattliew Graham,, Ediailnn, counttv Derryn to Mlizabeth, cldest ...

BIRTH On the 1st ins

... t. nt Behvoir Pail. the seat on 1 er flitler, Sir Robert BATESON, Dart. u. r. the lady of Sir Beresford B. McMahon, Bart. of a d(lIlt(lr. On ti '8th ultl at Iath I LIdVe, Dlallveastle. the Litdy of tile Rev Thomas Hincks Of'a d*I ?? r. Oil the '2'd altn. t Balilymacalictt, the wife of Mir. Joseph Elliott, of a danghter. Married ED On the 29th ult. in St. Ann's Church. by the Rev. A. C. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? I R T H, On the 27th tilt. of a daughter, the wife of Robert Stawart, 1Ui). District Asylum, Belfast. _1. A RRIED_ On the 30th ult. by the Rev. Charles Boyd, in Ballynalinch Church, Mr. George Mills, of Mount-pleasant, near Lislm,a to Miss Sophia Mullen, daughter of the late Daniel 1ll11ii Esq. Seneschal of Ballynahinch. On the 25th ult. by the Rev. Henry Kfyd, at the seat of her uncle, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At~htha~onFriday the 6th inst., iMrs. Richardson, dar vsifeof Dr. Richardson, of Haslar Hospital, of a son. F. On the 11th inst. at Oweslebury Parsonage, thle lady of the Rev. Charles DMaherly, of a daughter.P At Orchard 'ierracc, Chichester, on Tiuesday last, P the wvife of Dlr. C. King, of a daughter. H MAlRRIED. At Plymouth, Alfred Howsard, Esq., ot' Mielburvy z; tererae.! Dorset-squlare, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 96irtirn. On the 2nd Inst. in Portland-place, London, the lady of James Wigram, Esq. of a son. On the Ist Inst. in Park-place, London, the Duchess of Beaufort, of a daughter. On the 31st ult. in St. James's square, London, Lady Geor- glans E. C. Grey, of a daughter. on Thursday, at Calverley, Mir. Geo. Blackburn, clothier, third son of 6ir. James Blackburn, cloth manufacturer, to Mary, second ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 22d instant, at the Collegiate Church, Mr. John Judson. to Mliss Ann Smethurst, both of this town. On the 24th inst. at the same place, by the Rev. Henry Fielding, Mr. John ~Stothard, of Helene, to Mliss Arabella Wood Jebson, of Chorton-upen-MediloCk. Same (lay and plaec, Mr. Marcus Keymer, to Miss Pris- cilla Wilkinson, both of Chorlton-Rpon-Medlock. On the 20th inst, at St. John's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. ANDEW WARD, I T Y A-f I .- e l i n- -1 C A 1n_ In justice to the memory of a man whose sterling worth will live deeply engraveis in the regrets of a wider range of devoted f iends than ordinarily falls to the lot of even the most elevated, whether from ranfk, talent, or private virtue, we cannot allow the day, which has con. signed to the tomb the subject of this brief notice, ...