Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... it. ,,. MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. le, R., MARRIAGtES. rs. At St. John's, on the Gib in st. Mr John Mills, mrarlier, r1r to ii5S Bimonas Ferpusin, both or this tuan. At GQoesieiti, on the 7th hst. Mir Thomts Paul], mari- in. ner, to Mias IllizdhethI Dixon, iy In this town, at All Saint' ehltch, on tile 5Oti inst. Ur 5r Janies Mean, coninainer, to MAiss Alatgar1et Manners. 05. At the sante plce, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SZUETHS, 7AnRIAGES, , DEATNE. BIRTHS. On tho 22d inst. the wire of Air. Wim. ilagueth, Joiner, Prael .he Street, ot a dlsughter. in, this toten, in Ellon Place, on the 22d inst. the wife of Job James B.tatmatn. rEq. of a daucliter. At lijto.n Piace, Neo- B tigo Street, ean the 23i inst. tho wie of Mr. Frost, surgeon, of a son. At IHetton Hall, on the 20th inst. the wife of ibohort- Philipsn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ]BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTH. At Itittiet, Dptiyoihirt, n)o the 14t5 inst. the rn uf Jo5eyph GI)nil, L-q., Ct :., tila son. WARMIIAGES. In this tlown, nt Clvoerinu-pinrce Cihoppe, no tIe 13:h in,. Mr. Al- xiir 1!,ite ti Miss 1iarv llmihurt. Itth of tNfi*. town. At St. Adlts'. in Ito ISi ttlt. Mo.J. kilte, w, olien-dlr p r, to Mll. qIPnerim, of ltirt op . 1 At (Galteohia l,in Ithe 17th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Tuesday Iast;at the pahchurci MJohn Clapham, iron mpulder, to $hrp, dalighter of Mr.i2Jiuhes Sharp,jw. 'mauufactures'bd'It of thii f6hvfl. ' On Shiusrday-Iast, at our psrish cburn ?? eser, to Mrs. Sam ' day'at -our 'patish church, eoope~r; clothdrtsger,r toMiersHarrjetS ,.i Pf~hj town. I day-; atoui'' hhizdhtnch$ll |oWley6i4c1hiejBramley,- to Mr.a io fArmley. ., 1. > 'Seme day, at' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EX MTER WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1838. Nov. 30, at Totnes, the Lady of the Rev. J. Rt. Thomson, of a daughter. At Sandford, the 28th of November, the Lady of J. H. Stevens, Esq.. surgeon, of a son. November 30, at the Honiton Academy, Honiton, Mrs. NV. Woodgates. of a daughter. November 23, at Wreekleford House, Dorset, the Hon. Mrs. Heury Asthey, of a daughter. June 26, at Kirkee, near Poonah, ...


... y last, at tile Parish Church, by the Rev. Charles Wagstaff, B.A., Mr. Henry Nightingale, to Mary, the eldest daughter of Mr. William Parkinson, innkeeper, Grimsbaw- street. On Tuesday last, at Skipton Church, J. J. Starkey, Esq., of Liverpool, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Henry Alcock, Esq., of Aireville, near the former place. i' - On Sunday last, at Burnley Church, Mr. Benjamin Smith, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE LATE DR. M'ALL. (From the Manchester Guardian of Saturday.) The last obsequies to the remain3 of the Rev. It. S. iU1'All, LL. 1). werepaidyesterday weekiby one of thelargest concourses of mourners ever seen in Mlanchiester. The funeral train, of principal mourners, friends, and relatives of tile deceitted, left the residence of J. 1). Heron, Esq., Swinton Park, about itilf- past ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DELATH'l OF LORDIELDON. (Arraniged from, the Post.) On Saturday, at hall-past fear in the, afternoon, in -the 87th year of his ago, died, 'John Earl, of Eldos, Upwards of 25 years Lord Hifigi Cirancellor of Eog- land. Ile was born on thle 4th of June, 1751, which be- lag tire birtirday of hlis old mastor and kind friend, King Ultorge thre Third, the King, was wont to sany- IDo not speak to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Tuesday last, at the Parish Church, AIr. Henry Corn- wall, to Miss Mary Ann Samwell. Same day, at the Parish Church, Mr. Willism Cooke, to Miss Ellen Gradwell ; Mr. John Banister, of Walton-le-dale, to Miss Mary Jennings ; on Monday last, MIr. Enoch Dickin- son, to Miss Catherine Dixon ; Mr. George Clark, to Miss Elizabeth Critcihley ; Mr. Robert Burrow, to Miss Ann Askew ; on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Thursday last, at the Parish Church, by the Rev. R. Carus Wilson, M.A., vicar, Mr. Richard Crankshlaw, cotton- spinner, to Rachel, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Naylor, tailor and draper, all of this town. On Monday last, at the Parish Church, Mr. John Howarth, to Miss Ann Mason ; and on Tuesday, Mr. Joseph Hall, to Aliss Ellen Midghlill, all of this town. On Saturday last, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, On Tuesday the 28th ult., at St George's Church, N. E. Bieber, Esq., of London, to Rose, second daughter of Thomas Tobin, Esq., of this town. On Wednesady, the 29th ult, Mr. M Marks, draper, of Oldhall- street, to Miss Harris, of Shadwell, London. On Thursday, the 30th ult. at St. Oswald's, Chester, Mr. Wm. Field, of Rugeley, Staffordshire, to Christiana, youngest daughter of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Friday morning week, the Lady of Esq. of Leeds, barrister-at-law, of a son On Tuesday last, the wife ofw a oor cot Murgatroyd, of three fine children-t a boy. The Vicar was sent foe birth, and he named them Fa and the mother and children a a MARE! A' On Sunday last, at our Bulmer, to Miss Snowden, On Sunday last, at Dew some, grocer, to Jane, da farmer and oatnufacturer, On Monday ...