
... &tltttflatT* SOME ACCOUNT OF A NEW GENUS OF CHUltCHMAN CALLED A PIIILL-POT. J1 (From the Moraing Chronicle.) As that old married pair, Mother Church and the State, Have giv'n birth to a new sort of of ...


... MARK-LAME. M«y U.-Th* supply Wh«» trom f k, dl . and Soffolk, mu only io » hailed extent this norniog, with qonntily Barley. Btmnt. Pea. frum tb««e eoantiee. »od only a moderate arriral Oato at well Iruh. and no eweelt thia craia are from Soolland. but eererxl hate with Foreign Wheat and Floor amee thia day WWal met moderate aale. and flneaamplea muat quoted about la per cheaper titan on thia ...


... Husnu by the lmrum*lant on the •.welling wave* ..f .K*ean. with mighty tempest a* hi* harbinger. the Jirklr Karl ..f hhaw ha* again set his fiM.t tlie Hhtiah The appr-*emor has been ApprupnAtcly ushered in s great r.tnlnUion of the element*; for while civil war. blood and carnage are devastating the province ha* deserted, lude.' and alarm overwhelm tin* heri . ik.w, ...


... CATTLE SHOW, &c.-SEcoND DAY. Yesterday the exhibition was enriched by some specimens bi of agricultural produce, which served to make up in a great measure for the scantiness of the supply on the preceding tr day. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant waas present. There were some specimens of the red globe mangel ?? wurzel, from Mr. Fenton Hort's farm, Leopardstown. Some h of the marigold ...


... : y4SM098 AND VARIETIES. * , ,f - I SPT. 12.-The Queen rode out thig after- 'flont in the Parlk, accompanied by their Majesties the King and Queen of the Belgians. Amongst the rovea suite were Lady Portman, Baroness Lehzen, Viscount Mel- bourne, Viscount Falkland, Lord Portman, Hon. Colonel Cavendish, and the Hon. C. A. Murray. The Duchlss of Kent followed in a pony phaeton, attended by Lady ...


... s Bentley's Miscellany. Bentley. This number opens with a most rascally frontispiece; it is, . in fact, the richest piece of rascality we ever saw. T he Jew and Morris Bolter begin to understand each other. Ay, and wre understand them also, and shudder as we do so. But, as if the thing were not plain enough in itself, Boz must needs force his illustrations upon us; and between Boz and Cruik- ...

Published: Sunday 11 November 1838
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 7908 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... t -T T b 111tv, 'LI, illIZZ 0 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED T} IE ABIJESS Of TULFETH. (onaonsAt.. ) PART JV. Xi. cii thiit tit with parting ray 'limit Abboy's turrets lone arid gray, &nad, glancing thrbugh each tinted patli, on that melancholy scene, Nzr shed a blyther ray Whsibe N e, winding up the neighbduriing steep, Two lhorscimen wrapped in converse deep -cre pricking en tlicir Way: ''hi ?? ...


... - ' . A Dutchman in describing the appdarance of' his two horses, said that ' They were so much alike that when you saw the one you would think it was the otheor One was a black horse wid a white spot in his face, and thd other was a white horse wid a black spot in his face. A most singular instance of terror in the human species is recorded in an American paper asi having occurred in ...


... - ho 1)rl/llhenIscse,-WhI;Lt is it thiat Saps tboe noi1is of youth.- 80 |kills tll germ of generous anilbi tionl-desolates tho domestic flil hearthl--roliders ramilies fatllerless-digs dishlooiureid grayves 7 Druinkenlnloss. What makes a loan shi unned by the relatives ?? who loved hilll- ?? by the eontemporries who out- th |Stl ippedi him-roeviled by the very wretches who betrayed him? ...


... Mlarch of' Tee-tntalism.-The enrolled adherents of thu Total Abstinence Society in Glasgow now amount to from 7,000 to 8,000. Shenstone, the poet, divides the readers of a newspaper in- to seven classes. Bl says-' 1. The ill-natured look at the list of bankrupts. 2. The poor, to the price of bread. 3. The stockjobber, to the lies of the day. 4. Tb'e old maid, to marriages. 5. The prodigal, to ...


... 11 We understand that some misunilerstanding has arisen upon a point of precedency at Court, and that in conseqllence the Marehioness of Lansdlowne hi resigned her post of First La- dy in Waiting to the Queen.-John Brill. The Earl of Devon, it is stated in the Limerick Chronicle, gives constant employtnent to upwards of 5010 n1en 1po10 his es- tates in the West of Ireland, under the ...


... joltells i -w9womM -r ? - I 01 ?? I I., . ?lh Vn-, T (t ~ E I! Th7 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. THE AIILK MAID'S SONG. (oRIGINAL.) Am not I happy-am not I gay- When I traverse the green fields and hasten away To my cows in the valley, or sweet clover'd lea, Where I dlrainl their ftil udders beneath the elm tree ? I rise in the morning by first peep of dawn, Beforo the sweet dews from the hills ...