... FnnILY SUICIDE.-On Wednesday morning, George pFre, porter at Somerset House, cut his throat with a ?? atNo. 8 Feathers court, Drury lane. He was taken to Charing cross Hospital with but little hopes of his re. covery. He is a widower with three children. The ...


... There were three debts amounting to 197L Os. lid. The two stated to be good ones were, one from Mr Bunn, the lessee of Drury Lane Theatre,; and another from Mr Levy, the proprietor of the Victoria; they were for arrears of salary. The cause of insolvency ...


... tsr the defence. Mr. GASLELE stated the cose. The plaintiff was a medical gentleman, residing iii the neigbbourhood of Drury- lane, annt the defeindtmnt Ilie son oi a tailor, residing in Stai hope-5,treet, Clare-muarket. Tie deteudan t was ill of a typhus ...


... and seven o'clock, an acci- dent occurred in Drury lane to the carriage of the Duke of Brunswick, by which his royal highness had a narrow escape. It appears that the coachman was drivinI along Drury lane at a rapid rate (the carriage pavement being broken ...


... information against the defendants, for sending challenges to Mr Durant and other gentlemen connected with the sub-committee of Drury Lane '1Theatre. Judgment had been allowed to go by default, and the defendants were now brought up to receive the sentence of ...

Central Criminal Court-(SATURDAY.)

... aged and decayed members. Various resolutions were passed in accordance withtheobject of the meeting. The Covent Gatden and Drury Lane Theatrical Funds are not available for actors engaged at the minors. DEPLORABLLE ACCIDENT.-On Thursday evenipg, Mr. Field ...


... Yates's share of extra supernumeraries, &e. Leach being en- gaged by Mr Yates to perform. Mr Hooper (of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, who is also engaged by Mr Yates) stepped forward, corroborated the stage mana- ger's explanation, and censured Mr Leach ...


... and exposure to tde cold. DEATHI FItOne WANT.-A few days ago an inquest was hel I at the White Horse, Short's Gardens, Drury lane, on Ann Newnham, about 50, who died in an unfernisheda'oom in Liicoln court. The deceased, wvho fronm Jetters (iband in ...


... John A4son two juvenile thieves, were charged with having stolen a plate of ready-dressed meat, the property ofa cook in Drury-lane, ulhicl had been cut in tempting slices and placed in the ?? cook, who wias not a little lbundi fat, oily maln, appcared ...


... corporal in the 24th Regiment, of Foot. I know the prisoner, aridremembermeeting ?? October, in Mr. Godfrey's, of ?? Lion, Drury-lane. I was in his company from six o'clock that evening to twenty minutes past tea o'clock. Cross-examined by Mr. MAULE: I looked ...


... vocalist of eon- siderable attainments, who had been engaged to perform and sing at the English Opera House and also at Drury- lane, both of which were at that time under the direction and management of the defendant. The plaintiff had been engaged at ...


... LA W NOTIVES-Tuls DAY. B*NKRUPTCY COURT. BASINGHALL.STREET. Before HI. Commissioner FousLANQUE. James Miller, of Drury-lane, stationer,at twelve precisely; choice of ?? Peter Edgley, of Southborough, Kent, vl- tualler, at o0e8; choice of ?? Tbreadgold ...