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Police Court

... given Calvert th the box, telling him to take it to Smith's. It seas given to Ib hirir by a gentleman on hoeard, wtho was speaking tO soroe f ladies. It was not Smith whir gave it hin, lIle gave him sixpence for his trouble.-Mr. Thompson said he uouid ...


... f toud yo accordingly, assessing the damages at £100. (Dur- trt ing the proceedings, Mr. Ne wton himself attempted ase to speak; but H Lrdship said hs would nothear eal him at anll; he appeared by his counsel; and it he twa interrupted the proceedings ...


... several others relatise to the regulations issued by the Commis- sioners. It was true that the House of Lords did not, strictly speaking, cosist of representatives of the people; but injustice to that distinguished body, he felt bound to state that their Lordships ...

[ill] Election Petition

... room. Q.-Did vou ever pay any motley to ally person in ill that room? A.-What period are yoii speaking of? AMr. Hill-Take your ouw period. A.-I cannot speak positively. AMr. Hill-I ask you, it, before the election vou ever made any payments of Money on ...


... Monday evening last. ?? appeared to be drunk. He smelt of liquor decidedly. He did not appear to be in ill health. t-ie could speak. The last witness said that he was drunk or ill. Witness set down the charge, and Locke signed it. Coroner- It is too bad ...

[ill] Election Petition

... book schich I Isept and the other clerk c hook. A comparison had been made shortlV befire the conversation of which I seas speaking. The vote had be-in giveus probably aln hsur beflre the comparison was made. The other eheck clerk sad not his cacd 'when ...

Porkshire Spring Assizes

... short time ago, that he should be able to attend the court: he was therefore ignorant of the subject on which he ought to speak, and could not sfbord them the assistance they might require; bot should any unforeseen difficulty arise, the court would be ...


... not speak. Believed tisat sit- MI'Lealn was the murderor of Smith, but slid not give information tile agatest him In Lrondon h le consist glee a reason for this. I tot 110.Oexatinled-WhenI taken before the Siherliff, witness did riota alt, speak osit ...


... away a portion of her clothes. The following Sunday, while taking an airing, he met with her; but she passed by and would not speak to him. She had, in his name, hired a house in Charles Town, in Northowram, where she was visited by a person against whom ...

[ill] Summer Assizes

... common law right which they and their predeces- sors bad had a right to since the law was known in this country. He would no.w speak a word or two as to the principle of law by which they were to be guided, and gave the authority of Mr. Justice ifolroyd, confirmed ...


... I-I alet had a key, and some. acem times looked himself in. I then went towards coy desk, Int. knei tending ?? to go ftud speak to Millie, but while I wan in the act of opening my desk, I thought I heard Jaci some one cemiug' behind, and was Its the aet ...

[ill] Election Petition

... women intend , to prove, and, therefore, feel a dilliculty ill directing the rcounsel how to proceed with their case. 1 only speak for fmyself. l Mr. Hill said, if theheads of the objections weredealt with eseparately, there would be three distinct trials ...