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... see- regard to the barns be suggested that they might have came off in~a natural way. He afterwards caiied two witnesses to speak to lit -his eharacter. His LoRseosere having summed up, the Jury the found the irisoner Guifly.-Sentseoce deferred. to 7th ...


... you with a gun. Joseph Taylor, a labourer, at North Bierley, one of the watchera, corroborated the above testimony, clearly speaking to'the identity of the prisoners. - Edward Taylor spoke' to bavingg been knocked s down by aomeone, whioh was thrown from ...


... considerable resemblance to the othe~r docu- 'F e meats, but they appelir maore disguised than the f i-others, andbe 6ould mnot speak so positively to them. ' e Saw these lettens last about five or six weeks agit; ort d rather more. Hisexaminimiedtdiem only ...

[ill] Election Petition

... women intend , to prove, and, therefore, feel a dilliculty ill directing the rcounsel how to proceed with their case. 1 only speak for fmyself. l Mr. Hill said, if theheads of the objections weredealt with eseparately, there would be three distinct trials ...


... presented itself on every side. These remarks considerably affected certain gentlemen present, who declared that the man was speaking treason, and in order to prevent their chaste ears frombeing stung with the soundof truth, a motion was made, seconded, and ...

Porkshire Spring Assizes

... George Shacl eton, Joseph Holmes, and Isaac Bottomley, on a charge of burglary, but it appearing to the Court that he was not speaking the truth, an indictment was ordered to be preferred against him, to which he pleaded Guilty: was this day brought up for ...


... proceeding as that ol which tlie parties at the bar had been onvicted. Mr. DEeEDs thien called the following witnesses to speak tolthiecharacier of the prisoners.' 'fThe' Rev. C. Haudley.-I am the vicar of the panshof.1'H er'ne-hii aid have beeii so for ...


... for some time in a poor 'lodging-house at Chaillot. A NEW COMMISSION OF THE PEACE for Ireland has been issued. Generally speaking,' the clergy are removed from the bench. We learn, from the Del- bin Pilot, however, that 'the Liberals are by no means satisfied ...

[ill] [ill] Petition

... to eloiunire i tt the whole circumustances con. nected with the vole. Mlr. Wratigham replied i The chairoran said. afier speaking with several members of the Comullttet, thly colIshilervki it neeessary, as MIr. Aristir huad pldged hIiiselI lie would coniiect ...

[ill] Election Petition

... support of the objection, said there were tswo persons named Cherry; both their votes were impugned. The witness could not speak to the christian names of either, but as both were proved to be there, the objection was sustained against the one in question ...