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Advertisements & Notices

... Jf t (ADVERTISEMENT.) 1 TRE EDItOR OF THE CALEDOMAIT MERCURY. Sip-In giving your account of the proceedings in the Police Sheriff Court on Tuesday last, both you and the editor of the Scotaioan omitted to state, Ist, that on the day when James Bishop executed the order for coal for which he was fined, I had left the ofie about eight o'clock in the morning, and did not return from the country ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN BIBLE SOCIETY. T IIE TENTR Pt'B[IC AfEEIIN' Of t1is SOCIET'S aL ints ield in ?? Churics, on Thursday, the 21 .t JAM3ES FI tGUSON of KnuNcMUNDY, Esq. Presidlent of tile Society, inl the Chair. At tine reqiest of the Clhanirnan. thie naeeting was opcnea with prayer, by the R1ev. W. i(. TwnveeFs, after wihich Onne of the Secretaries read a Statenllelit of the Society's proceeditngs ,inee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO T 3M, FDITOI OF TIDE AIIEE1DEENX JOUREAL.b } Silit,f BE:G' voln wvill x'ileVoilil' tlo Soiotixe ti1c lae of the 1Editorvf thea Atbexrleorx CstO t I i))iial, by assuring h int that the Mectings at the Cattle Siews, hxeld by the t'eexn1ar-tilne Agxrieil tiiral Associeltioen. ore always Open to Iteporters; aind tih at tile Comiexittee of MaIillgeoexit are perfectly colmipetent to ducido, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. UR~QiUHART. DrUg-gist, ?? hs icee laia to his Friends awill the Public for the ?? support whtich lie hats recelveil duhirin tie last twenktv ye11, d bes to intimlate thlat 11-It si lias a Setlocd asa PaRnr MvJI ALXANDtEn I,'TI,ljERTON. Ih lta bee CTIn ?? 1 Ia'ilflOfII IIt t oI il Cvs W 111itoisot&(X A5 for !he lust six VearS, attit onl whom will ntosy plrjcipalthY dote i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TERM TRANSACTIONS. 1F facilitv afforsled fiot mliv voa i pnst bv thu T AI,EilDEIN F11RE a LIFE ASSIllAN('IE COMPliiANY in ONEl'Y TRANSACTIONS ?? beren oftel experienced anI( ;1olt'lvdgvd. They nlow ?? in tinate, that every -a pie seel niarv tratisaetion. or in ob jilh thecosititugency 01 'ifie is involre(. callothe tralisnoted oil the shortest notit'e, oi OlInce. 891, Uniotnt Stoet. 'his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * PAROCSKAL SCROOL, PSTEttUFAD. At roteritead, thle tb irloetith dlay Of (elolter, MLifeltC hunileed and thirty eighit at a meeting ocietcit ahd Proprietors, and .Martndtories oan Ageitisfoe IterV1 tors aict Pirtprietors, of the pnarili of retl~irlteai, teall within the Sclieol-rootii, anti by adjOirnmntiett, itt (lie i Towin-Iltll, called by lr SCOTT. thle Selteelntit;(ei, at titO request itT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~ S. 'rHALBE1RG . ,toanno ce, that his FAREWVELL sizcNElT wsil take p VENN, TUYLESlDAY 1Y3vlG JanuaOry 23, AT THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GrEoRGE STREET. On wlhicl occasion fie will perform several of ris most fthoriri'o CoUltositions, and a INVrw iUS. Fantasia, on A WFEBER'S OPERA OF OBERON, (First time of perfurmance in public.) ?? S. TIAtBERG will have the rssistance of the most eninent Vocal ...


... EW, NoE 136. J 3yr 1'b pouiiishied 07t Suturday lhe 4th. CONTENTS. I. Comte'S Coarse ot Positive Philosophy. 1 3 rocks Fraditions of the Rhine. 9r ~ D~r ?? Life of Admiral Lord Howe. lh al Re sltt-n's Novels. 4 , , st's Lectures on European Civilizationr, 5 i\j~n e* 0Works, of Art, and Artists in r,. mr Ward oi tile Revolution 168S., . Lori, Cl hatbams Correspondence-His character as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5 AT_ - LIVE FISH! AT THE WEST END. O HN ANDERSON, 109, GEORGE STREET, has again received a large supply of fine TURBOT (most of which rsas alive on arrival), also a few verv Rich SALNION and SOLES. Turhot, 9s. to 18s. Salmon, 2s. Gd. to 3s. 6d. per lb.; Whiteham Soles, 2e. to 5s. 6d. per pair. Orders fronm the country (per poet) punrtuaily attend. ed to, SCOTTIShT ACADEMY OF PA INTTNd, / ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BORDER GAMES. 111l TW1rELFTH ANNUAL MEETING Ff the ST RONAN GYMNASTIC CLUB is thb held at INNERLEITHEN, on THURSDAy he ,01ai day of AtrGUST, when Medals and other va- h,:rlel SPiZO s vill be given for Quoiit Playing, Running ,le~tlrgfr Leapilg. Putting the Ball, anti Throwing the ;eloanert andenl Friday, the day following. the Bow- enef the farder are to compete for the Msaronmont mren atnl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItEm~OVE. 17 L.LTAMX AiKENZIF tlegs to iat ?? ii a'eaa TVand the Patblie, thaat hie has, i~-1-110'id fl-sata his Iota' l'eiie.No. 7. Droad Sit-cot, to ti1a 110t ' No. 12- 'if statee sitie, corner' of Notherhirkeiati'.. fonleal aces pledl by i VWhe lte SIla 1). C' ?? shAVr40- hello; laid in ii soipcrior' and iii fai,4itoraatblo iissortanacnt of Cf.0T'I I I en IlABI l)AS'II ltlti C'n0)its, sai ...