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... THE BISHOP OF DURHAM, in a letter to Arch- deacon Thorp, has made precisely the defence we anticipated, for having subscribed for two copies of the forthcoming volume of sermons by Mr Turner, the Socinian Minister, at Newcastle- upon-Tyne. I beg you to understand, his Lordship says, that I gave my name on this occasion iu courtesy to an eminent person, for whom, setting aside his religious ...

[No title]

... MINISTERIAL PATRONAGE OF POPERY.-Under the present auspices, of course Popery must extend its borders. IVe have an instance from a new quarter. It appears that at the Cape of Good Hope there is a Popish Bishop, to whom is assigned one wing of the military barracks, till Government shall have built a Palace for bis Lordship! Pleasing hear- ing, reader-is it not ? NEWS FROM PARIs.-The fortune of ...


... COMMUTATION OF TITHES. The following circular has been issued by the Tithe Commissioners:— Tithe Commission, Oct. 31, 1S3S. Rev. Sir,-It has been determined to select and carry through the courts, at the public expense, one case in which the law of rating tithes, as laid down in the case of 'The King v. Jodrell' mav be re-con- sidered and finally settled by the Court of Queen's Bench. I send ...

*',,....,,.,##'...,.. CHURCH PASTORAL AID SOCIETY

... ABERGAVENNY POLIcE-On Saturday night last as our vigilant police-officer, Patrick Cusac, was on duty, he espied a rather suspicious looking character, who is well known, carrying a large bundle he stop- ped him, and upon examining the bundle, found it contained two fine geese, in the feathers, weighing 22 lbs. Prisoner said lie had bought them for Is., but could not tell of whom. Whilst Cusac ...


... fttoumouthsfuce. A SPLEXDID ENTERTAINMENT was given on Tues- day week, by Joseph Bailey jun., Esq., M.P. for the borough of Sudbury, to about 150 of his friends and supporters at the Town Hall, Surlbury. The evening was a delightful one to the parties concerned, as well as a gratifying testimony of the progress of the good cause. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR NICHOLAS CONYXG- HAM TYNDAL, Knight, ...

[No title]

... CHIT CHAT. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. — According to the Catholic Directory, just published, there are 4-16 chapels, 9 colleges, 16 convents, and 536 clergymen in Great Britain and 67 chape's, 1 college, 1 con- vent, and 74 clergymen in Scotland. WORK FOR THE KILKENNY GOOSF.It is to he hoped that a detailed account of the total cost of Lord Durham's temporary banishment to Canada will be called for. ...

[No title]

... FROM THfi LON DON GAZETTES, London, Friday, inor. 30. The following buildings are certified as places duly registered for solemnizing m.irriages, pursuant to the Act of 6 and 7 Wm. IV. cap. 85 :— Sion's Chapel, Llanclly, Carmarthenshire. William Rees, superintendent registrar. The Primitive Methodist Chapel, Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire. J. Pratt, superintendent registrar. The Baptist Chapel, ...


... In the course of the past week we have received various communications on the subject of these alter- of them both sensi,:e Rnd useful. Of the whole at present we shall only say, that we have endeavoured to give them our best consideration. But it is with particular satisfaction we announce, that we are authorized to say that the parts of the plan on which we originally commented, which met ...

[No title]

... TilE CHARTISTS-—V correspondent writ's I was present at the meeting on Saturday even- ing, and was much amused by a little incident that occurred, and which shows ihe intelligence of the would-be framers ot a new constitution. At that portion of Mr O'Connor's speech where he was holding forth against placelnen and pen- Sioliel-S a dii-t V-Iookiii, f(,Ilo- at my side bravoed lIlost lustily.. ...

[No title]

... LATEST PRICKS OF METALS. Copper—Bi it. Cake, ton Tile, do 87 0 u U bottoms O ) FJreign-S. Amenca.. «ty :i.( ,wt) bd..tùlI. (j o r i i I I r i t i II i I (, c k s c w t 4 (i 0 Baca, cwt 4 7 u t'lates.eomuv.sij 1 le I 12 0 to t II to best A ...