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Advertisements & Notices

... ssElv3LY ROONMS, EDINBURGH, i,7,rO1? O.NE NIGHT ONiLY. TRAUSS, With his celebrated Orches_ tlo eeo respectfully to announce Ii. GRAND CON CERT frFRIDAY next, November 't. PART lst. ?? (Le Serment) AuBEn. I,I'l,hl,wmela (Walzer) STRAUSS. ,I cdcction et vuariations F llct , camp. ct eeeutg by 0FR0SC. i ?? ra Gnl *pe STRAUSS. Les-Banquettes diesD tmes1 1)..*ture (Pnh WIX Clercs) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2JADDIN GTO N COU'NTY BALL. ¶1H iHADDING T ON COUNTY BALL E is fixed to take place in the ASSEMIBLY Rooms, IADOIINGTON, on the Evening of TJIURSDAY the 3d January 1339. LUFFNESs, 15th December 1538. PRESENTMENT ' TESTIlMONVIAL TO The ion. FOX MAULE, BY TIF LIBERAL ELECTORS & INHABITANTS OF THE COUNT-Y OF PERTH. 'r having been arranged, that this TES. @TiMONIAL. consisting of an Elegant PIECE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GEORGE STREET. f l'A DIRECTORS beg to announce, that - they have resolved to OPEN the ROOMS far the season with a GRAND FANCY BALL and SUP. pph. similar to last season, on the EVENING of FRIDAY the 18st ?? next. There will also be SIX ASSEMBLIES, viz.- OO TUESDAY, 12th FEBRUARY (FASTEN'S EVE.) THURSDAY, 21st FEBRUARY. THURSDAY, 7th MARCH. THURSDAY, 21.t MARCH. THURSDAY. I1th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Si I A0 LE NIGHT! ?? 6 isUNIQUE THEATRE, V,,rTr.Lroo Rooms, EDZIZBLRGFTH HIS EVENING, SATURDAY, October 29. ,kSTER B. GROSSMITH (but ten car~old) wiill Re-appearin ?? nMY COUSIN TS PROCTORS, & DOCTORS, 'I0M R~YF5 RIGHT, (in consequence of the 1il- a°L' lise has ni~et with from Fashionable and !¢S' ieg t~ld Aeditroies), for THlE LAST TIIZE. 't ?? I s. 6d.-Gallerv (for Servants only,) 'Ue ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMMENSE SU5UESS I !(11 LAST AlIGHT!! UNIQUE THEATRE, WATERTOO RooMs, EDINBURCU. THIS EVENING, MONDAY, October 29. OR tlhe BENEFIT of' MASTER B. GROSS11IITH (but ten years old), when he lppear in THREE ENTIRELY NEW PIECES, v'1 newS cenery, Dresses, &c., entitled TRA- ;;FL ?? NMBER Nl~pp, arnd V,LLE RS T RIALS, 1 NUM. RNP, n 'jTWO BARBERS. FAREWELL NIGHT I TO-MORROW, TUESDAY, 30th ahee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISH ACADEMY OF PAINTING, 1sCULPTURE, & ARCHITECTURE. ? HE TWELFTHI ANNUAL EXHIBI- t 'floN of the ACADEMY for the WORKS of LIVING ARTISTS, is now open at the Galleries, hoa1 nsi~tl~f, oudan WLLCLOSE on SATtiRDAY 28th inst. Opcn from nine o'clock &.iMt., till five ?? ,l Xle.-Season Tickets,5s.-~Catalolgnee, 6d. By order of the Conneil, D. 0. HILL, Secy. Edinburgh, 10th April 18S8. ASSEMIBLY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY'S 7THIIRRD CONCEIIT will take plane on SA- TURDAY MORNING, th,, 7th inst., at Too o'clock, in the ASSEMBLY ROOMS, on widii, occasion MISS BRUCE will make her first appearance in this city. Leader . . MR MURR.AY. Piano Forte . Mr WILEtYNSON. By order of the Committee, JAMES DEWAR, Secy. 14, Duke Street. SCOTTISH ACADEMY OF PAINTING 4/v SCULPTURE, & ARCHITECTURE. THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL PRINTED FURNITURE AND MOREEN WAREHOUSE, Y/t 77.T, SOUTH BaDGEo STRFrT // {/ (Corner of Adain Square.) GRIEVE respectfully intimtates, that he al*v has recently returned from the English Mar- kets, v/here he has made extensive purhasees, and that his Stock of FURNITURE, C INTZES, 310- REENS, DAN.ASKS, FURNITURE. DIMITIES, BLANKETS and BED QUILTS, &c. is now very complete, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RITION O THE MERK PER TON. MEETING of the MANAGERS ?? AGFNTs for STEAM PACKETS, od Ai other REGULAR TRADERSto the ,,lACKS. ITwas Restdlved to announce to the ?? Lhi the ABOLITION of the MERK PER ,taetl' .rt of the Edinlburgh and Leith Agreement To) In Term` Cease to lie Levied on Goods import- hot, rht after Saturdiav the 25th current, affording in d ?? Reduction of 19. Id. 4.12ths per Too on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DAY AND EVENING EXHIBITION I~AT TO!k /1j//(ICALTON CONVENING HALL. IIE Proprietor of thesplendid PAINTINGS nf tile TEMPTATION and the EXPUL- ;ioN, respcetfully informs the Citizens of Edinhbrub, helhas made arrangempnts to exhibit these cele- !1~d sem of Art in the Evening as well as by Day. Thre llurs of Exhibition, from nine till fnur; and n in bh E fening, from six till nine, ?? illuminated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVENING AND BALL DRESS WAISTCOATS. 9 HOs. A. THOMSON & CO. have just received (in addition to those purchased last month in London by Mr TeomsoN), a splendid assortment of the above goods. A beautiful selection of DRESS SILK HOSE, NECKCLOTIIS, STOCKS, CRAVATS, HAND- KERCHIEFS, and GLOVES. Likewise a fresh sop. ply of Andre's celebrated HATS. 6; G aORGE STLEaT, WINTER GOODS REDUCED IN PRICES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J /j1RND DRSS PRO~kENADE. PIIRESIDENT and COUNCIL of HEth SCOTTISH ACADEMY having resolved~ to OPEN' their Exhibitiofl Rooms in aid of the SOUP KiTCHENS in Edinburgh, en4l generally for the Re-. lief of the Destitute ?? tbis inclement season, A PROMIENADE WILL TAI~r: PLACE ON 'TEIIJRSDAY EVENING, the lst 1'eLvnca, Fron Eight till Twelve o'Clock. St~ewards. Thec Right ~on. LORD GRF.ENOCE;. Thle ...