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Advertisements & Notices

... .kUMIMY, COt;LUMON, ANVIDaIaATION AT ELLCTIOWI. -We regret the absolute n~cegrity of -again poptpon- ing the conclusion of our series of papers on these im- portait subjeect; but we have no choice1 as we ?? this week actually overwhelmed with a variety of articles which will not admit of delay. We are unwilling to divide No. 3 of our papers on bribery, &c., because such an arrmngement, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To 'CORaf LAW Mot OPo=Y.-We advise A Younivg Political Econotnist to read attentively Adam Smith's observations on this imnbr- taut subject. lls lucubrations arete source from which nine- , tenths of the w. riters on the subet have deried their informa- tion; and it vwill save our correspondent of trouble if he wmll go at once to the fountain head, and take some cool and patient ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHAMPOUING, / MISS E. SMITH, 45 LVEEMI1NG -STREET, PRESTON, ESpEOTF ULLY inforn's 1101 Friends and the Public in generial that sbi has commaencod the practice of SHJAMPOUING on RUBBING prons nfflicted with Paralytic Affections, Spinal Compldaints, alei55 in thle Limhs, Lumbago, Itheamatis,&c E. S., frois anl auquaintatiro which she ha d forfiled with the late llr's. Wn5lwhose skill in thle art ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3k?' GAME LISTS. COUNTY OF LANCASTER. % (Second Publication.) ; ERSONS who have obtained GAME CERTIFICATES It for tho Year 1838. List (1) CGlieral Cerliffleates at £3. 13s. 6d. each. A K Ailside, J. M., Kirkham Kemp, Jomes Colquhoun, Li- Ainsworth, John, Samlesbury verpool Ainsworth, William, Liverpool Kendal, Rev. C. E., Brindle Alison, R E, Charnock Richard Kidd, William, Widnes Alison, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JANCHSTERTLOTAL AND HOR- MIE TICULTURAL CIETY. -Tho FOURTH A1EETING of this Soric for s, will be held in the Nxv COnN NItCHANGE Mannhester on MONDAY NXT, t, for tho Exhibition of Carnations, J iias~ )rehideons, Stove. Green- house, aud cileo w lantsY suits, Vegetables, &c. 0 PLATFoRD, Hon, ,Seeretary, 19^J B. PRO OL , successor to THOMAS ' * WOOLFIELDT,, NO. 24, CHURCH-STREET, Lsvaa~ooL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Building 31aterials. BY MR. P. T. CANDELET, On Tuesday the 4th of Septemi r 1 on the premises No. 1II3, Cannon at t aeste THE Whole of the Va a e UILDING IL' MIATERIALS of the a ye rehouss.-Sale to commence precisely at tvelvo a ock a noon. For catalogues, and to view the prem apl to Mr. Pollitt, next door; to Messrs. Mirls and lluttervort , archi- tects, Cros-tcoro P. T. Can ee, auctioneer, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 gant r n LawTAlwciatin RCRTARY canapetO to undertake the corO~~~s~~O en~~~dIgeneral 1&ianageo~tap tof h buintess f the eC's en~ ',aerOlo of'a peiseverinig of the business of the g en d t education and enter- 1 taiing zeatous views in favour of a repeal of the corn-law, a liberal salary would. be given.' Letters (pest paid) to b addressed to Mr. Clialimaasi,)lien secretary, solicitrorYork ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ANCI TE., OAL AND'-.HOR- 4-VA.ETIN cy 'iEY' ihMGEENERAL 31 E T~q~ tisSociety wil) bls~do todyEc iug next, h the Blackfdars hm, for the purps ad bhr officers for the efisuinig year, tO pfl accounts, andl transact other business of ihe soaietyi.he committee are requested to meetsat four o'clock on the same day and plaeo.-By order of' the Committee THOMAS ROBINSON 0d Hon. THOMAS BELSHAW,'i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANCHL MEHANICS'iNS~f M ITUTION.-NANTED immediately-, a MlASTER to elt~lrintena1 the Boys,' Dy S I10 h Manchester Mechanlics' Institution. Rep co ill be re- quired as to abilitie ao)ga aint emd to the Honoraryc Secrtr i nttto~Co er street: if by letter, t~~pi.B re fteDrcos July A, 18.38. ~ANCE1ESTER MECHANICS'INSTI. st e~~-TUTION.-The Directors have much pleasure in Minfot neing to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TJ ION ASSU R N !W o / U FIRE, I ior renc ete XII'Po l fa On this day, must e paid on Pr before fIfteen day erfom or the Of fice wivl cease to beliabeleir the u srd. Sept. 29th, 183 8- , Pices er, E IR E IN ' U A C S r n w b e a F S eFiielms d m b d on orheforo fifteen days after that lime, or the o ewilae to be liable for the sums insured. In proof of the public confidence in the principles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fRANK S'S SPECI- rFIC SOLUTION of CO- . /.iZ/ [ a X PAIBA, a certain and most It / Yedy core for all Urethral Dis- e rchaes Gleetb, Spasmodic Stric- d tres rritation of the Kidneys, BBladder, Urethra, and Prostate Gland. . . TTSTIM5ONIALS. From Joseph Henry Green,Esq., F.R.S., one of the Council ol the Royal College of Surgeons, Surgeon to St. ghomas's Hos- t 96 . pital, and Professor of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T.S!OTT11,4 Niss51nA .? it ';7 KY The Rev. If. GREY, A.i' from Edisiburgh, will PREACH in Llovd-strcct (~el, TO- AMOR ROW morning (Sunday, the 19th 1ns), at half-past ten o'clok, wshen n Collection Will be mfd in aid of the Funds of the above society. E__(P-C N OF GROSVENOR- - ?STREET I'f'APEL, PICCADILLY.-ThiisChitpeI having been thoroughly repaired and beautified, and fur_ nished with a NFw ...