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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _B I R T H.1 On the 24th inst. at Lisnabreen,theLadyof the Rev. Adatn Huldson, of ,.son. M A R R I E D_ (in the 2-.,d hist. byI thc Rev. John Coulter, Gilnahirk, . . M. Foster. of Rose f odze, to MAlry Jaue, eldest daughter of John Wallace. Esq. Belfast. On tile l9th iu-t. at rrinaltanagbIi, bv the Rev. John Brown, Droghead, 'Mr. Mattliew Graham,, Ediailnn, counttv Derryn to Mlizabeth, cldest ...

BIRTH On the 1st ins

... t. nt Behvoir Pail. the seat on 1 er flitler, Sir Robert BATESON, Dart. u. r. the lady of Sir Beresford B. McMahon, Bart. of a d(lIlt(lr. On ti '8th ultl at Iath I LIdVe, Dlallveastle. the Litdy of tile Rev Thomas Hincks Of'a d*I ?? r. Oil the '2'd altn. t Balilymacalictt, the wife of Mir. Joseph Elliott, of a danghter. Married ED On the 29th ult. in St. Ann's Church. by the Rev. A. C. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? I R T H, On the 27th tilt. of a daughter, the wife of Robert Stawart, 1Ui). District Asylum, Belfast. _1. A RRIED_ On the 30th ult. by the Rev. Charles Boyd, in Ballynalinch Church, Mr. George Mills, of Mount-pleasant, near Lislm,a to Miss Sophia Mullen, daughter of the late Daniel 1ll11ii Esq. Seneschal of Ballynahinch. On the 25th ult. by the Rev. Henry Kfyd, at the seat of her uncle, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I;IR Tr H-| At Tnilivinilly Glebe. nenr Cookstown, the Ladyofttie Rev. A ?? Stniiirt, of a s(il. (i1 the 19th inst. at Coivailore, tlie Countess of Listowel j * r.f n S'mi. On 19thi Tilsy last, at Knmptin e. Est In-1ics, the Lady of Cptailn J.olin ?? Bm es, of 313th Regiment, M\ad a T hitive IrlF:ilitry, Of a SOtl. q (In the I ()th inct. at Woondioine, near Teeds., Franiecs wsifi- ! of yr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SB I R T He On the 23d tlt. tho Lady of William Mopton, Esq. Excise, Strabane, of a daughter. On the 27th ult. at C len Anne, the Laly of J. J. C. Atkin- sfn, Esq. of a son. On} the 21st uilt. at St. Mtary's, lridgenortli, ?? ofthe Itev. Knox larrsall, of a daughter. on the 29th ult. in Ballynnlsanon, the Lady of the Rev. Mr. Dhurphy, Presbyterian Ministor, of a son. On the Ist inst. in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BATTLE OF LUTZEN-DEATH OF GUSTAVUS V ADOLPHUS. v BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE for the present month contains v an excellent Review of the Life of Wallenstein, Duke of t Friedland, by Lieut.-Col. J. Mitchell, and as Wallenstei. has been rendered classical by the Germno Poet and his. I torian Scbiller, as well as by the English Poet Coleridge, V his fame is a subject of more than usual interest. At the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B I R T Ho On the 14th inst. at the house of her brother, Upper Pem- broke-street, l)ublin, the Lady of Thomas Waring, Esq. of Waringfield, county Down, of a son. On the 8th inst. at Glonarm, the Lady of the Rev. Ross Jebb, of twins, who, with their mother, are doing well. On the 13th inst, at Dungannon, the Lady of Surgeon Dawson, of a son. On the 12th inst. at Dysertegney, the Lady of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D&MVTII OF CH-lIEF BARON JOY. 1~_In times so disastrous as tire presrnt, we can ill afford such be a loss as we have sustatuild in Chief Baron Joy. In his death we announce at public Calanmity. Another eminent man tro- has been tukeri from, us, and narrow'cd the circle, already Lich too small, of the liglrts of other days. To be deprived Of such at mian is at c11 i hes a public mnijfortune. We ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BI1 R T Hl On the 12th inst. rt Hollywood, the Lady of the Rev. William Blackwood, of a son. On the I 3th inst. at Greenville, Belfast, the Lady of Thomas Ferguson, Esq. of a daughter. Oin the 8th hist. at Cavanacor, county of Donegal, tile Lady of Captain Flunifroy, of a daughter. On the 5thl lst. at his residence, Glernsille, county Dablill, tho Lady of Henry Rooke, Esq. of three sons. IR A ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... s 0 - ?? IRP T HI On the 12th inst. at Rath Gael House, Bangor, the Lady of James Rome Clcalandl, Esq. of a daughter. On the 8t0h inst. at Dunstable Villa, Richmond, the Right -Ion. Lady Louth, of a son. ! M.~ARRFIED_ IOn the 10ith instant, at Carrickfergne, by the Rev. John Greer, Wes'leyau Mifluter, Mr. Jo-eph T. Bloyd, of Larne, j rooliendraper, to Amn, eldest danhltcrof tile late Mr. SR- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PA3 I R T H. On the I5thinst. at Greenmount, Belfast, the Lady of Lieut. Colonel MlGregor, of the 93d Highlanuders, of a son. On the 17th'lnst. at the Provost's house, Dublin, the Lady of Francie Rolpb Sallier, Esq. of a son. On the 16th inst. at Green Hills, county Louth, the Lady of Henry Osborne, Esq. jun. of a daughter. _M A R R I E D - On the 16th inst. by the Rev. James Morgan. Captain ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SB I R T II On the 1st inst. in Londonderry, the Lady of Win. Laugh- lin, Esq. ,M.D. of a son. On the 25th ilt. at St. Lconards, Horsham, England, the Lady of A. W. Beauclcrk, Esq. of a daughter. _M A R R I E D- On the 28th ilt. at the house of the lady's father, by the Rev. Samuel Watson, A.M. Killinchy. Mr. John Shilcock, Lagan Bridge, near Ballynahinchb, to Christian, second daughter of Mr. ...