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Lothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBL1C DINNER. J HE SOCIETY for time ENCOURAGE- T M ENT of time USEFUL ARTS in SCOT- LAND have re~olvcd to Conmmnemoerate its Institution bv a PUBLIC DINNER in the £IOPETOUN RdoBe Is, (,arrv's), Queen Street, Edinburgh, on WEDNESDAY tmwe 21it of Felbrmarmy cart., at Sir o'clocl. Sir JOHN GRAHiAM DALYELL, Kt. F.A S. President of the Society, in the Chair. Dr D. B. REID, F.RS.E., and MUNGO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2/A EVENING PARTIES. , TFOLIOS of H. B. SKETCHES, _ SCRAP-BOOKS, and Hmnorous English and French CARICATURES, I.ENT OUT for EVEN- ING PARTIES, by A. LESAGE, Printseller and Picture.Frawe M~aker, 21; SouTH HA~oYmt STURaT. e-,,4 GEOLOGY. i U ROSE will deliver hies SECOND LECTURE on GEOLOGY, in Mr Forres- ter's Class Room, No. 24, Waterloo Place. 07r 3on- day 12UL cirrent, at Half-past Eight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t bs -im e PROFESSIoNAL S O C I E T Y'S fi TIfRD CONCERT'will take place on SA- TURIIAY i'30ORNlNG, he i7rh lnst., at Two o'clock, intbe AS!;EMi3LY ROO.;IS, on which occasion tilSS BRUCE will tmake her first appearance in tbis Leader . Ma F. DUN. Piano Fnrte . l'tr WJL!;INSON. By order of the Ceimnittee, JAMES DEWAR, Secy. 14, Duke Stre-t. SPANIEL LOST. LOST, on 'Mondav last. the 4th February, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?YNIGHTLY ATTRACTION! lEATRE OF M~AGIC, MIIRTHI, AISD MYSTERY!i TFATERLOO 110O.MS, I s now OPEN every Evening, where MON- SIEUR PHILLIPPE'S brilliant and astounding pe ferntluaces are received with increasing marks of ap- P jo deseription aan cnnvey any adequeate idca of lIONS. P.'S truly unrivalled and wondlerful Feats. They must be seen to be believed. AdrnitsiOt5-BoxeC, 2s, ; Pit, Is.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5 AT_ - LIVE FISH! AT THE WEST END. O HN ANDERSON, 109, GEORGE STREET, has again received a large supply of fine TURBOT (most of which rsas alive on arrival), also a few verv Rich SALNION and SOLES. Turhot, 9s. to 18s. Salmon, 2s. Gd. to 3s. 6d. per lb.; Whiteham Soles, 2e. to 5s. 6d. per pair. Orders fronm the country (per poet) punrtuaily attend. ed to, SCOTTIShT ACADEMY OF PA INTTNd, / ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inv .mf - rt,S pre s. A, NQEW YEAR'S TRIBUTE tO the ANEW REIGN: consisting of Thirty Sonnets, addressed in all humility and devotedness to her Miajesty the Queen. ADAM & CHARLES BLACr;, Booksellers t o her M~ajesty. Ji, CHIEAP COALS. I~fE SUBSCRIBER begS ?? tO r~eOm- ?? to bis Friends and the Publie hia HOUsEHoLD COAL, at lls. 6id., 12s. 6d., and ISa. 6d. p er TOD, confident tbat thej are thse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RK~qlWgTS AND OTilERS CONNECTED WITH THE BURGH OF CANONGATE. tP- T HE MAlGMSTRATES and MANAGERS -L of the CHARITY WORKHOUSE, together with a ornimler of Gentlemen resndent in tile Bugrgh considerina tl c present protracted severe weather, arid the consequent wants of tie norurnrsq PThor in the ri9- trict, have estbliilhed a SOUP KITCHEN, where a daily supply of excellent Seep, with a ?? of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY'S 7THIIRRD CONCEIIT will take plane on SA- TURDAY MORNING, th,, 7th inst., at Too o'clock, in the ASSEMBLY ROOMS, on widii, occasion MISS BRUCE will make her first appearance in this city. Leader . . MR MURR.AY. Piano Forte . Mr WILEtYNSON. By order of the Committee, JAMES DEWAR, Secy. 14, Duke Street. SCOTTISH ACADEMY OF PAINTING 4/v SCULPTURE, & ARCHITECTURE. THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J /j1RND DRSS PRO~kENADE. PIIRESIDENT and COUNCIL of HEth SCOTTISH ACADEMY having resolved~ to OPEN' their Exhibitiofl Rooms in aid of the SOUP KiTCHENS in Edinburgh, en4l generally for the Re-. lief of the Destitute ?? tbis inclement season, A PROMIENADE WILL TAI~r: PLACE ON 'TEIIJRSDAY EVENING, the lst 1'eLvnca, Fron Eight till Twelve o'Clock. St~ewards. Thec Right ~on. LORD GRF.ENOCE;. Thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IOFTLY ATTRACTION! T , TRE OF AMAGIC, MIRTH, AND MYSTERY I WrATERLOO Rl O OMS, S now OPEN every Evening, where MON_ SIEUR PHILLlPPE'S brilliant and astoun11ing ofirrrnances arc received with increasing marks of ap- rellation. No deseription can convey any adequate idea of IoNS, P.'S truly unrivalled and wonderful Feats. hey must be seen to be believed. Adnmission-Boxes, 2s.; Pit, Is.; Gallery, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rflSCOTA AADEhSY OF PAINTING, ,>//gSCULPTURE, & ARCHITECTUIRE. rf~ E TWrELFTHl ANNUAt ESXH-IEJ- TION of the .ACADEMY for the WORKS of LIVING ARTISTS is now Open, at the Galleries, fiseyal Institution, Mound. Open from nine o'cloci A.rMs., till five P.Mr. IAodmission, Is.-Senson Tickets, ols.-Catalognes, Gd. F By order of the Council, | D. 0. HILL, Seey. !Edinburgh, l0th F'ebruary 1383. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... // ff ENTERTAINMENT / SIR 3A AIES SPITTAL, rO be given in the ASSEMBLY ROOMS, on FRIDAY flist, at Seven o'clock Evening, as ororlri advertised. TlCKETS-Ten Shillings each, may be had of- ?? Alexander Craig & Co. Snuth Bridge Adarm & Charles Black, North Bridge Mlillar & Baird, Hunter Square. Duncan M'Laren, opposite HiM Church William Blackwould & Sons, George Street William-Tait, Prince's ...