... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. lIEN1y-STnrPT OrFICE. PUDLMeANS CASES._A great number of pjhplicans was summoned before the magistrates of this office, for having iheir houses open at prohibited hours. Mr. John Walsh .appeared as counsel for eight of them.; John Ballasty was summoned for having his house open on Sunday, the. °181h of lay, between twelve- and one o clock. Serjeaht Prenderviile ?? to ...


... SMAN5SION HOUSE. A young-maa, named Johen Kidd, apparently about nine- teen years of age, was brought up for final examination on Wednesday, charged with having forged a check upon his employers, Messrs Bolitho, of Fenchtirch street, tin and lead. plate merchants, for the sum of 3861. 7s. 9d., and with having stolen 151. out of the desk of one of the other clerks of the establishment. The ...


... A -X PtAE FiNED FOR E 1WANESS. A Atth lenin-storeet pollce-office, Dublin, on Thursday list;,after the disposal of the minor fry of cases, a constable ushelred into tse boaitI-room a gjsnlemau of rather a ftre:gn ppenraIce, and atLirei in an undreasa militiry frock, who wonb prh~telItd to -tle magitrteSi 'a tlie Ea'rl of Rl.bicoimon. His Lordship, zaMF6liiog forywvid with dn air of offended ...


... COURT OF EXCHEQUER-DUBLIN, MAY 16. TITIIEs-Rcv. lichsard Jones Hobson v, .Patrick Ay- new, Esq. and others. Mr. Joyv. for the plaintiff, moved for liberty to sub- stitute service of subpoena on the defendants, in this cause. The application was grounded on two affida- vits, one of which was made by plaintiffs Attorney, and the other by a process-server. The Attorney of the plaintiff stated ...


... LAW NOT1CES-TaIs DAS. COURT OF UEENIS BNCH, GUILHALL.-Athalf-past 9. COURT COri MO~N J IS.-Pflce v Trumper-Badfard v Bunn- JGrvie v Woraall-Gore v MoLrlewAllen v Flicker-Brooke v Healey-Weasamv aGoldham-S d v In ?? v Withams- Barrow v Eadon-Miles V ?? v Pllmmner-MHKay v Hart-Ferguson v Malbon5ByOwI v Blakston-Ros vNBoards- Joyce v Capel tend ?? v Hughes-Seaward v Hawker-Greenfell and others v ...


... _e=1 Clp - - ?? POLIC . OrJPICM, =WAIN13N MONDAY, April SO.-Before Messrs Aldermen BATSON, DUNN, and R{IDLEY. James Forsyth was flned 5s. and costs, for an assault on one of the policeman in the due execution of his duty. Johss Sinith was charged with exposing his person in the house of Mrs Pendleton, publican, Byker Bar, on Sunday afternoon, amiut 5 o'clock, and was committed to hard labour ...


... NUWOAE8TLUI lOLICjI CONrlC. iMANoRE. SATURDAY, May 12,-Bjfore Mr ALD. DUNN and Mlr JUSTICE LoaAINE. Jane Stobbs was charged with stealing a tumbler glass, a small jar, and a buckhorin handle of an umbrella, the property of her master, Mr Keenor, Head of the Side, but the evidence not being suaficient to ws'arrant conviction, she was discharged. MONDAY, May 14 -Before Mr At.D. DUNN and MIr ...

The Murderous Attack on Police Constable 199

... w'Jie 1tMUvedroUS Afttk on Yvloce Constable 199. , APPREIHENSION OF THE 'RUPIAWS. f Since the perpetration of the heinous crime, the particulars Of e which were recorded in our last, the police havebeen indefatigable . in their exertions to discover the offenders. No clue, however, could be obtained until Tuesday last, when the following occur. rence took place, which ultimately led to their ...


... BRISTOL POLZCE. V G~~~~OUNC'xa-HOUSE, SATUTRDAY, May 5. h Magistrates present:11Messirs. Newman, Asia, G. B. Sa~nd~ers, .t and Lunell. , Joseph Gething was char-ed with stealing a side of veal, th property, of .JohntMilton. 'It appeared that the prisoner was seen flto take the' meat from the prosiecutor's' hoard, in Union-street a market, when he was pursued by a butcher, and apprehended with ...


... CORONER'S iNOUEST ON MIR. KENNEDY. 'gy On Tuesday an inqulest was held in ?? Board-room of ,lii St. George's Hospital, Hyde-park-coroner, before Mr. 1 lan Higgs. on view of the body of Mr. John Kennedy, aged lia- 26, who committed buicide by swallowing a quantity of wn liudanum. on- William Sherlock 0olice-constable, was on duty in Keen. ont sington.gus'dens ont Saturday, About seven in the ...


... BENCH OF IMAGISTRATES. urnRaIDY, MAY 3.-I'lesent: IN. SEY;Uito1, G. BASHVIT, nald F. Ii. liDNotlt, Esqrs.; and Major Al.LEN'. CAUTIO. rO PA UVERs.-1Richard Cliessell who hall been aiarelded at Bristol, upon a charge of deserting his wtife alnde faml, and leaving them chargeable to this parish, was placedl at the bar; awhen the Assistant Overseer stated, that lie had, as tile Magistrates had ...


... LA,4 0 Lt6ItNC1. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCIH. (Sfittings at Nisi Prius after term, before 5Mr. Justice Critaipton.) ACTA9N To ?? A POLICY 0OF INStliANcr, fanics qmid [Vill ean M'Csrinachk, Ad'leinist,.atr),s aofh tit late Tlomes Coogan, v. WV~1liamr Cooper andl Others, v D reclors of thes Fork, and ?? of Bug/and Inrsurar-rce o Comrpa ny. Mr. Mlacdonagh opened the pleadings. It was an action al of ...