... LA Ir ISNTLLIGENCE, COURT OF QUEEN'S BEN'CH-SATUrIDAY. Sittings at Nisi Priu,, before Mr. Justice Crampton. Th110nipson V. Home. This was an e'iectruent for non-pa nment of rent, for the pre'mi-es fertlnel ' tlie Royal Arcade, iln College-green, in this city.S 'Ihe lease vas dated on the 30th of January, a382;, and a year's rent w as due on the 4th of March last. A foianer ejeetment wvas ...


... POLICRG INTELLIGENCE.-MONDAY. a1ANSION.lHOUSI; Aletrolder, the Polish Jew, whr was some days ago charged with having arrestod several of his countrymen upon false affidavits of debts which had never been contracted, and afterwards taking small mams of money as a compromise, was brought up for final examl. nation. A clerk In the employment of Dlr. A. J. Brown, an attorney, at. tended for the ...


... POLICE ZNTELLIGENCE-FlIDAY. GUILDHALL. A young man, narned George Lucas, was brought before Mr. Al- derman Kelly, charged with robbing hibs employers, Messrs. Barton and Co., warehousemen, Friday.street. i11r. George Attenborough, a pawnbroker In Crown street, stated that on Tuesday evening the prisoner came to hin brotberns shop and ?? a scarf for el. It struck him that the prisoner was like ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-WEDNESDAY. DfANSION-HOUSE. A moo, named John Cllter, wvoos brought up for final exrsmlnatlifl in the custody of Daniel Forrester the officer, charged wvitho ?? committed several forgeries In tba trsnsi'er-books of the Dank Of England. Mr. FAaaiHFIrtLD attended for the Bank, and stated that 'ha6 prlioner lad been, together ivith a Mr. Thhomas Robert Waood, trustees to a ...


... BRISTOL POLZCE. V G~~~~OUNC'xa-HOUSE, SATUTRDAY, May 5. h Magistrates present:11Messirs. Newman, Asia, G. B. Sa~nd~ers, .t and Lunell. , Joseph Gething was char-ed with stealing a side of veal, th property, of .JohntMilton. 'It appeared that the prisoner was seen flto take the' meat from the prosiecutor's' hoard, in Union-street a market, when he was pursued by a butcher, and apprehended with ...


... CORONER'S iNOUEST ON MIR. KENNEDY. 'gy On Tuesday an inqulest was held in ?? Board-room of ,lii St. George's Hospital, Hyde-park-coroner, before Mr. 1 lan Higgs. on view of the body of Mr. John Kennedy, aged lia- 26, who committed buicide by swallowing a quantity of wn liudanum. on- William Sherlock 0olice-constable, was on duty in Keen. ont sington.gus'dens ont Saturday, About seven in the ...


... BENCH OF IMAGISTRATES. urnRaIDY, MAY 3.-I'lesent: IN. SEY;Uito1, G. BASHVIT, nald F. Ii. liDNotlt, Esqrs.; and Major Al.LEN'. CAUTIO. rO PA UVERs.-1Richard Cliessell who hall been aiarelded at Bristol, upon a charge of deserting his wtife alnde faml, and leaving them chargeable to this parish, was placedl at the bar; awhen the Assistant Overseer stated, that lie had, as tile Magistrates had ...


... _#BJweTLE POLICE.: gP 'ie--FRIbAY, MAY 4. - Before &eii rs A' rmen RIDLEY and BATSO91. :3 tarl~se~r~lal JanJeeipreggs were brought up, the for- Z~rnEfceged willth -tae Ilg a quantity of linen articles, I.,kei'y' wa e,' or,. endl. a quantity of other.small aitlcl1s'stbe ipropereyi-of blr Mark Armatoge. invileeper, 13pot'stireet, and tlie latter riLh receiving the sfame knot- have ...


... RENT CHARGES-REGISTRY COURT-TUESDk.y R~ilitn h~l~ 1_1 ?.zx be - X X -t WilliamShirley Ball, Esq., of No- 44, Harcourt-Street (one of the sureties of the Dublin election petition, also tic petitioner against the return of the sitting members for Longford), came forward to claim the franchise as a twenty pound rent-charger. The claim was grounded upon a deed, beating date the 31st day of October ...


... Pre 'have been some interesting matters men- -d in both Houses of Parliament this Inst week, ! worling ot this $great boon to the labouriu- us A petition was presented in the House of `b, by the Bishop o(t Exeter, relative to the in- ot of'he poor in the parish workhouses. Tbe uun omplainted that the bodies of the poor were .ICvetlv bauied, but thrown promiscuously t4- 'l and that a method ...


... ~STOCKPOELT. AaTLSfD CaiLb Munoir ATSTocKPoaT.-On the d, morning of Friday 'Qee6e; an unmarried woman, tl e4divied Ann Byroin, the daughter of a green grocer Si at 'Rtockpbrt was apprehended on stispicion of con- 6 celing the birthof a child; and her mother was also ta en into custody, it beiig 'supposed that she t7 was an accessory. The exatitnation was to have been entered into before 'the ...


... 6-74? 1- ?,t 1-cOff:41 M?- U, . -;77.1 .h~tlArni Rrpj~ .iq awe OfghL lifg~ie a mei ,i~ac'K Iii n . ~ BeUhdtthie inE,>*ii/aw9b3ch. bbu~ fltc~Fp9eE~. 'w i49f4All 4 i~iyi mb bsf> p I~ ~ ~~tw msi~atd metbIG1^vdatfi~e. Whoil rthaeiiusol.'ta Ii ,4etlemeat h£ i;ftdt2iiir'. Th- ...