Advertisements & Notices

... * laltcate r2J elosurei verydifcu twe dweopher tore will take ?? another pel at It ltbe hope o XOtPO ,uceeaut. ~~ P~je~li4?iW~rA c~frespondent caiitibsysotaljea r sc'8rumvnttaiog out t Dht a 4h .f ~ b e stroet, es therejare.ccor t h i gpgof t lin ht eghorho ho have co mm~ir~asom9o~voryfgress e s ses W haetrz ttehdvour corroespondehtsinote to the ;he Eropor authborities: -- , p in Till; Bwnmsu: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN Leite ED. POsfdid, addxrssed LoAANtteri SRers, prWVteOs, ore incrabtiofonsatdo~1 to the pmmdartey (fby i%, therefore, at Mppreant d.oe, not rece h te ents ?? rieasmabge time. he mosttncue eiter thlat he~dege ts eirer, ty suitedB on t--t--ro some cat-e, probably a - igs t Surveyor, Banley. m0PARENTS AND GUARDIANS.-. BaRKER BROTHERS, Tea Dealers, No. 9, BIggate, ?? a we ed and respectable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I.1iLND FLORAL and HORTICULTURAL ERHIBI1113TION and FETE, at tha ROTAL BEULAH SPA, oo nVedneedsd, Jire, 6. 1IMS, in All) Of the FUNDS of the NIortvo 4 N~OCIETY'S SCHOOLS fur Educating. Clothing, and $;Intaiing tle descandanttt of those who tave seea, botter ?? jne heP Mot Gra5cfus MAJESTY.* Her ?? QUEEN DOWAGER. ~er~y~~ig55a te Dchee o KNT. ?? ~ h asdrit5 IES HOMBERG. Orace th Du~hessof ttht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. IOTICE to SHIPPERS..-.For CALCUTTA Nk' DIRECT, the ADELAIDE. 700 tonls It, D. UUTRrtet Corn- niander, will rseeve goode ins tie East India Dorks onr IMonday the lat of Mia. and will sail from Portsmouth onl tue Is% of June.- F or terms of fr iht and Passage ap~ly to the- Corurliander. at the Itusle Co0b-hosee8; to Meesre. raring, ltrotbers, !8, Bishops. eah-streat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P : ORKS PUBLISHED 6y JOHN LIMBIRD, 143, STRAND. , Every SATURDAY, with Engravings; at Monthly Parts, 8d., and ready for deliv with the Magazines, * HIE MIRROR of LITERATURE, AMUSE- T- MENT, and INSTRUCTION. 9 The MjRRou, a Publication containing mueb matter of improving amusement selected with con- idqrb~e taste'.~'-.Potitical. Ozsenratio.w_ on.tle I -dcation f the People. By Lord Brogharn. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HdIif WATJIICA i LONVON-.RIDGE, THIS DAi. iMornilg, 20 minutes after I I Evening, 43 rninttes after I. PUBLICATIONS. In a few days will bo publielted (itt a chlap form, for gratoitous dis- trib1,1i~on), T ONDON: A SERMON on BEHALF of the L lC IAtl'IN INS'ltUCTlON SOCIETYdftl4el et'd nt Chitre- mont Chtlapl, It, B.ttt Mtay , e W1ditday Eseit tog, Mdayitby tiia ,,ev.JHlN; HAltIS:llOtlol of ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY.-72 The TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY ofthe ,UES RIDING AUXILIARY SOCIETY, will be held In 14JDDERSFIELD, 0on TaeSdtiU, Wednesdayt, and Thursdayj, b !Uac the Sth, Gth, and ith, 13.C The Services will b.e held im the fioflwing Order: Tuesdy Eveingat Seven O'Clock, the Rev. G. B. KIDD, *f Mcelslildwil prachat amaen-treet Chapel. Ingv at th Highfeld Chpel it Half-astSvnoCd~e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T Iramuies, flotel-Keepers, and all ConsumersI WEST OF ENSGLAND TEA AND COLONIAL COFFEE WAREUOUSES' N Years have now elapsed since the opening of the above Warehouses in Bristol, during which time they ,cNBN ired aSOLr RRaPuTATION for SUPERIOR ITEAS, EXTENSIVE TRADE, and HONOTYRABLE DEAL- 1Jqre now known in most of the adjoining Counties, as an Establishment where Good and Fine TEAS of every ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... *t OI**IGN WOOD rGOODS FOtR SA1,F. rionrr 1 SNwEV~ltAI, parcels of smrplus Quebec Geos 1ndted Queen-s ! oi o ?? 5, srLoS PINI: Cro-ti ''1Mll BER, PINE nold SetetCE 1)IIAIS an~d }.NDS, ?? and Asen ?? S-AISO, '20(5 Loads of' DA~w'rtvC TIMr- Istle of ' , BEI, name 12-inch Plan k, and Ends anod Lathwood. street, N .Apply to S. BoviDl, Giosporr. street, F. ; ~NO'rlU E. W. Stelt s }-IPersons having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [MADVEtRTrSMEiNTr MEETIh'G OFANTI-SLAVERA DELEGATES. Lord JoLN RUSSELL having given notice this evening of the intention of government to move on Monday or Tuesday next that It is not desirable to adopt any proceedings to give effect to the resolution of the 22d of May fbr the imme- diate and entire extinction of the apprenticeship In our slave colonies, the Central Negro Emancipation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAfCES OF IR!9H STOCMS-YgaibnAV. S& per Cent. Stock ?? 100jjj S; ditto new (1830) ?? ?? ?? 100Hj 3S per Cent. Debentures (of £92 6s. 2d.) ?? 92j Royal Canal Stook O33j G. C. Deb., 6 per cent reduced to 4. ster. per an. 92 }hbernlan ?? ?? 24 Iloyal :fannk. Ci nf Dnblln Steam Company . 1 1 i 1 GENERALaIPOST OFFICEMAY 22. lnouRS. MINUTES. Despatch of Irish Carriers at . 8 10 A.M. Delivery ...