Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN, LAST WEEK OF THE PRESENT SEASON. rV 0-MORO il e efomd WOMAN'S _MWT;ORROWe Disguises Lord tonree, Mr Warde; Sir Wil- ?? Brtly Sr Vlentne o Gey, r Aderon;Hero, With THE ?? Private Boxes tobe had at SAMS'S Royal Libiary, St James's street, Pallmal. RUJPTION of VESUVIUS and EVENING ERPROMENADE, ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, Surrey, To-merrow, AModay, Juy2,with ?? usual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fiAR PET S. -WIL' ON HOUE MANUFAC- GJ TORY, 177, Piceadi1lyr opposite Burlingtoa hoiisb ahd Arcade where -every d'sc~ipdoh oE CARPETiNG 'av PURCHASlD on tbe most.mnoderate terms. Ai large quantity of old psterns, Brus- s'els, lo- pse,,cent. uander' the usueil ,pricde, Tu'rkey ?? tprices Itipoited. A supply of $ awv atterns in ileuisais will be pro. dueed every mnonth or superior quality and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U&RITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COM-~ R.t PAN1, No. i. P -es street,,Banl. London. CAPITsL. ONE MILLI~O wlnlaas~argctt, Esq. Robert Eglintool, Eeq- *~ netel evinlosEsq. Erasmus Robert Foster,.Esq., 4WiliamF~ebey~ackEsq. IAlex. Htobert Irvine, Essi. Jo a Bcightsaan, Lq. I ~~Peter Morrison, Esq. Ce argo Chen, Esq.William Shand, jun. li'q. ~3lI~is Covntry, eq. IHenry Let is Smalie, Esq. John 3)reett, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A7&VE AE ~ o~SUGAR- .The average price of Drowvn, or Muscovado Sugar, for the week eniling Tnieulav 26th day of J00 is 3Ss O1 per cwt, exclusbve of the distieso ExieadCsoscagal hro THE TEA1 Tr~h~ The deliveries of tons last week amonnted to 331,9901bs. The trama~3ctioro; in this branch ortae ra present rather litaited. TO CORRESPONDENIS. We are under the necessity, in order to meet the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAR PET S.-WILTON H-OUSE MANUFAG - TORY, 177, Picaily pposite Blnrlingtonho5 dAruQ Twhere ,very decition of CA0P mETinxG may be PURCHISED on the most moderate ternms. A ?? quantity oid patterns, _Bis. sels, Io per cent. under the usual price. Turleiy Clirpeta tthe pries imported. A supply of new patterns in Brussels will be pro- dued, every mouth of superior quality and colours.-N.D. Patterns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE BY TIUTION.. To Wine Mqrchants..nnd olhers.-By lMr. IZOD, at the Auction Wifart. Bartholomew.lane, on Taesday, July 3d, lil38,,at twelve u'clock precisely. HE remaining portion and private cellarof R .;Flne-bold WINES. the gennine property of C. Boyd, Esq.. collector of her Majesty's customs, postponedfroms June 19 to July 3 comprlsing 120Odosen of FineOidPort 180 do.ens of Fine Old 9old ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO FAMILIES FURNISHING. - DRY and L EVERRETT morstrespectfsilly infosrsn the Nobility and Gentry dint, In addition to their Imnmens~e.Establishment in Tottensham court road, they bare opened those extensive premiss Nt 5h') andl be fowlnd mtreet, with UPHOLSTERY and CARPETS, whc ilb.on ?? notice of all large Purchaes bigasaving at least of 25pe cneit. under die until chaeges of di rd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NFURNISHE ) L)IGI NG, Ini ar Soltner~et-house. UJ TWO ROOMS on the Second Floer-the back rooms looking over tbe Thames and Waterloo-bridge.-Attendance where the party dines ?? at 269, Strand, near St. Clementes Chun~byord. -N NS:Sf 'iEO8?S;.ho'4e nwflry . illL- - ?? Seonding ,tbeir orders, acep - 'ad '4v casts, toAI~E CRI,,R~ OL5~,Ir ;Wt~~itdupW uiocharg 1s.9 ly FIVE 'pmf 01={. £,S)MMiSION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Extensive Assortment of j PIANOFORTES, new and second-hand, by BROADWOOD, for sale at tlod Pianoforte Repository, 27 Soho square, Corner of Greek street. XORKandLONDoN BRITISH and FOREIGN jASSURANCE OFFICE. The former title of this Institution haviag appeared to be inconsistent with the extension of the operations of the Companv, at the annual meet- ing of shareholders, held in March last, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELFdLIGENCE. NTOTICB to SHIPPERS and PASSENGERS. -For the CAPE Of dOi)( HtOPE, the barquse ANN, bullion 3on tonsDtNCAN hALPIN,Conimuldeir. Thbiveueir will leave ?? 1)a ok n the 6tis instant; has room for g, fell Lenas Of oleasureinvitt q!ood,, and two cabins disarngoge.For freiahit or psesfa twilly to IIO5ON oil dEDiWAuno,12, KIng's Arnnd-yad, Colermnuuetlrt. OR CALCU l(ocing at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w 'i ?? u Pitr qe A ~AT ~lE ~ b Ci~TYS HALL, Fnal I ,~~PORITSEA.-tar IOON'baad ell onor to announce to the refere ?? Inhbian io' Portsmouth, portgea -and Ali- ihc it cinlity thattdie Exhibition Wvill RE-(PEoIi 'eda Aoiss ejuly 3ird, the profits of which'evening will be given t AI ?? Scools. hI 'ite performance will be repeated every evening du. ing thecweek, (,Saturday Briged. it . -!For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r PETE RSFIELD. - 1HF; Illisses PINK and BULL's ESTABLISH- sI AoENTf'rVOUNG LADIES will RE-oPrEK y on Aloinday 23rd of July. Parlour l&uatilers accomieodated on reasonable tenns. BOARDING ANI DAY SCHOOL FOR, ' YOUNG LADIES, r 13, KING-STREET P'ORTNEA. s RS. DOLEI respectfullV intfrms her Friends v MVI and the Public, that her SCHOOL will be RE-oPENED on Monday, July Ifa, 1838. The French ...