Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2- n~~~g~~tfaraqcs. k On the Sth iet., at the Holy Trinity Church, by t. special license, by the Rev. J. H. Bromnby, fr. John M.itchell, of Scarbro', to Miss Ann Wilson, of this place. On the 2nd inst., at the Holy Trinity Church, Mfr. Philip Gilleard, to Miss Douglass Brittain, both of this place. On the 2nd inst., at the Holy Trinity Church, Mr. !Frederick Tuill, to Miss Sarah Gilleard, both ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? . - . . =i0 I MARBRIED, 8 On the 28th ult., n Clifton Church, Edward Iroages, Esq.2. ar- h geon, of this town, to Maria, widow of the late John Amer, ER., of Bury Doynton, Gloucestershire.. I On Tuesday, the 3d instant, at St. David's Churot, Mr. Joebs N Jones, draper, to Miss Phaebe Jones, both of Abergele. On Thursday, the 5th instant, at Ellesmere, William Beckett, ) Esa. wine-merchant, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. h July 5, the lady of Dr. Cutting, Charlotte-st. Park-st. of a dau. : July6, at Henbury, the lady of the Rev. H. H. Way, of a dau. MARRIED. July 2, at Broughton, the Rev Wm. Colston, of Broughton-hall, Oxon, to Julia, dau. of the late Dr. Felix, of this city. Y'July 2, at St. Thomas church, in this city, Mr. James Fry, to is Mrs. Ann Hamlen, both of Congresbury. h July 2, at St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IMAl RIAGES. At Loudoun C1astlcCharles Henry, Esq, nephew to tlio 1)ulD e of Loinster, to Lady Saline Constantia Iluwdon Cnrmi holl Hlas- tings, dauglltol' to the Mlarqiuis.-At 1lampstead, 11. It. Upcher, Esq. of Sheringlbam, Norfolk, to Carolino, only dalghter of tho lato J. Morris, E'sq. uf Ainpthill House, Bedfordshire.-A ( Col- clestor, C. G. IPounnd, E ~q. 1. P. of Birch-lull, Essex, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 6th inst. in Craven street, the lady of Charles Nicholls, Esq., of a daughter. A few days since, the wife of Patrick O'Brien, Seargillcroft, of five female children; the mother, with three of the chil. dren, are doing well, and likely to continue ?? It-is. The poor woman who, our readers may remember, was so suddenly delivered of a child in a booth in Hyde park, amidst the ...

At Rugby, in Wasrwic

... kshire, on the 23d ultimo, Mre MARSHALL, widow of Lleutenant-Colonel John Marshall, K.H. of Wester Calderhead aid Birkenshass of a son. At Ruchlaw, on the Ist current, Mrs WILLIAm AINSLIE, lateofthe Island of Mauritius, of a daughter. At 9, Great Stuart Street, on the Ist current, Mrs CAstP- BELL, of a daughter. At Ayr,.onthelIth ultimo.Mrs JAsios CowArofason. MARRIED, At Albyn Place, on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _ ?? ?? ?? __ __ . _ Peas On tile 21it inst., at I'lasiuclaf, near flailechi, tile Ye lady ?? Jontes, 3sq., ol a con and heir. IIY(, ()i tile 2711 ilst. at thi CtUnihedittl, iy tile Rev. Ili 1lr. Ioliamer, Mr. Williami fughes alit rrenter of ORl this city, to Ll iza beth licherts, of licaumali. riiT On the 141ti inst. at St. ScipuIchieres Londor n, 1 Is- bert, second scun of Robert Wiliams, ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I BIRTHS. At Barfreyston, Kent, the lady of the Rev. James Giltnaf, of a ?? Dulwich-cemmon, Mrs. William Burgman Mathews, of a ?? Gloucester-place, New.road, the lady of Williata Powis, barrister-at-law, of a ?? wife of Mr. W. H. Ris den, of a ?? the Rectory, Freckeuham, Suffolk, the lady of William Ashmore, Esq., of the .16th regimunt, of a ?? Trha- nuel College, Westminster, Mlrs. R. 3. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Monday last, at the Parish Chuttch, Preston, by the Rev.. Charles Wagstalf, Charles Saxton, second son of Brooke Taylor Ottley, Esq., of Delaford, in the county 9f Dublin, to Kate, youngest daughter of John Macmahon, Esq., of Ste- phen's Green, in the city of Dublin, and of this town. Same day, Mr. Thomas Butterworth, of Accrington, to Miss Mary Fletcher, of this town. Same day, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I c- t On Sunday last, at Mount Pleasant, Darlington, I the Lady of George Harrison, Esq., of London, of a son. I d On Saturday last, at St. John's Church, in this n town, Mr. David Smalipage, cloth-dresser, to Mrs. S Elizabeth Morton, both Uf Leeds. e On Sunday last, Mr. Samutel Hirst, plumber and e glazier, of Clechbeaton, to Miss Eliza Cropper, of Leeds. e Same day, Mar. Joseph Croft, cloth ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIIED. Oil W'cdnesdlay Ilast, ait fleaduingion, by the Rlev. B IV, C I.Lathoer,01 Rector of Iyaddieeden, li-tcks, John Latlimer Nieliol. Es'q. oi Canxileyrweli, tot Curodino, third daughter of' Edw~ard Latimser, Esq. of Ileadixteton. On the 10th ins'tanit, at St.. Pancravs Church, Alattliew Cie Stovvll, Esq. of' the Bombay MNedical Estabhlishment, to Mary Anne, younige!3t daughjter oft the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At NI3rthbTook bouse, Uant? on t1?e?tb ini?r. ?1e Ri?ht lilaria Anne ? Ye?t?rday' tl?e La?1yor JoFinHnwartIEt?q.1 TQwK) Clerk Of t3?o?ow??b of ?'or mouth, of 8 SQfl. .I n Duke-street, ~Vescsiinater, on the :4th' inst. t'oe -.Lady of Capt. B. Siarwvoid Ke'dy, R.N. of a daug~eer, ?? still-born. ,i, At Hlihea, on Saturday last, the Ledy of Edwvard| Hlarte, Eiq. of the Ordnance iDepartmlent, of a7 ...