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Advertisements & Notices

... T~ 0-MORROWSudyhe1h t)te .. ANNIVERSAYSEM S fetl ut Poland-street Sunda- olWl epeeeintelJidt Now Connexion CaeOda tet ntemriga half-past ten o'clocteRv iOA .CXNwl preach on The rontrag hihabs et 0orpr. sent condition and thle wordfgo nt eonnt sixc o'clock,, the Rev. ALEAORM MEwl preach op ' The transcendant dignity he Svioar's character.-'A collection will be made aft ch sermon. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? FACKE.F - ?? . O0tons, 8th Oct. __ A, H. 3~NrancscIII ?? tons, 8th No.. QTIN, c ..Te :ay 440 tons, 8th Jan. Theo '#imosl aroall of tke first clasn, built expressly ferthiss hrm, and combine every quality to render thesm safe and expe- ditious convepmosnc for goods, and they are furnished with psp- cious ilid 6WPAS IM)ebWedations for passengers. The rate of 24 rd1,e rea o ae ki&'n the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Building 31aterials. BY MR. P. T. CANDELET, On Tuesday the 4th of Septemi r 1 on the premises No. 1II3, Cannon at t aeste THE Whole of the Va a e UILDING IL' MIATERIALS of the a ye rehouss.-Sale to commence precisely at tvelvo a ock a noon. For catalogues, and to view the prem apl to Mr. Pollitt, next door; to Messrs. Mirls and lluttervort , archi- tects, Cros-tcoro P. T. Can ee, auctioneer, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TJ ION ASSU R N !W o / U FIRE, I ior renc ete XII'Po l fa On this day, must e paid on Pr before fIfteen day erfom or the Of fice wivl cease to beliabeleir the u srd. Sept. 29th, 183 8- , Pices er, E IR E IN ' U A C S r n w b e a F S eFiielms d m b d on orheforo fifteen days after that lime, or the o ewilae to be liable for the sums insured. In proof of the public confidence in the principles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II '4 O NE HUNDRED POUNDS will be naid to any person who may be afflicted in the fillowing cases, andwho shall use f1.7 LLwY'S UUNIVERSAL FAMILY OINTMENTand who should not find it far imoreeffleacioustbananv other remedy extant, !In- viz. -ulcers, venereal ulcers, wounds, bad legs, nervous pains, ns; rheumatic anid paralytic painsj gout, contracted and stiff thpjints pains of the chest and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i1 Tb ISEASES arising from the irregularity of - A-F youth, speed ly removed by eminent surgeons of Jong experience in the metropolis, and the most virulent goeorrhta .f recently contracted) wit in a week, or no charge made 'e for medicine after the expiration of that period. Thle moot n sLnomsfol method of treating syphilis, impussancs, andhal diseases of the generative organs.-P s s s eni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ardly TiucGA!Ug LisTr.-Weresrcrt tlat thiecopof tie Game Listcam~e Itling, io late to hand thiatw.e coul~inot poss;ibly hod room iforiui oi- this ?? lalereory. Next week it will ocacupy a place in oca prs colinuns as usual. cling THE WiVDOW WEJ5TEv AED Htgi FAM!LY.-We have this week inmerely to achnowlege one sol itary suhsur,'ption for Mrs. Ieb o , f~ bterP viz. :-A foreicited wager at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i- in~ m~r~ of ON & BIRMINGITAM RAILWAY- Bfar ma LItThe Publickure informedchsit on and.after MoNvDAY; tlc Seti 1i- 7th. instant, tile ,IRAILWAY. iviil be OPEMf for Ifie conve'an~ il- P~sssOogocr ad.P4sreals,priivate Ouc~riagesased I lrsajes. hrouh- ' tyou the wao Lnrdistanea between London adI&Brrirmingbm. i he it PASSIN0GERSk.FLARES FOR THlE WIUO),E DISTANCE. Stari Lar Night eaO ity Day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;ldttar - Noir4 HE MANCFIESTER ASSURANCE' For Assurance against. ires, and on Lites anxd Su vorshitjp Pureclas o Anuuitiis, eversions, 4e. OEYICE; 98 KINO NITRUST, MANCHESTZR. CIP1TAL-TWO MILLIONS. Established M6arch, 1824. FPiRE DEPARTMENT. The Assasred are entitled to one-third of the Profits, without any liability on their part to the loucs. Parties intending to continue their Policies, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... efre ven J EWSBURY'S - ESSENCE OF COPAIBA and ivhl SARtSAPARILLA.-An 0n5', safe, speedy, and successful remedy for Gonorrhiesa, Gleeti Gravel, Weakness, Pains in the ?f Loinsand Kidnoeys,rLumbago, lrritation of the Bltdder and Ure- in thra, and all, diseases of the Urinary Passages, frequently per- ine, forming a perfect cure in a few davs. It is a very concentrated lea preparation cobnn l h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - b1antert. I ARTNERSHIP.Theownerofa spinning t mill producing 4,000 wei l p. orty's pcr week, anti having extra power to regame into cloth, is willing ti, ENGAGE a PART E wb as at command a sufficient sum for the erection of ar adjoiJing building, and filling it with the necessary qssntty et~bwer looms. The owner of the mill to undertake management of the business at a reasonable salary, an ...