Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... hi MARRIED. h On tednesday.,the 19th ult., at FlorenceSamsel Dutton, jun., w? 8sr., of this town, to Jane Malcolm, niece of Alexander Shiras, I Esq., Trieste. - at On Sunday, the 23d ult., at St. Philip's Church, Mr. Josh. h INadinjun., of Manchester, solicitor, to Mary Hannah daughter h} 6f Chas. Cooke, Esq., of Hereford. a On Tuesday, the 25th nlt.. at Trinity Church, Mr. Hutton, of ex the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At ApPleby Rectory, I irezss ;o I e a the d instant, the Lady of the Rev. aoh IiD , a ghter. . G . of a IA fR l S ?? EIl(oti L i BE ._O- ri da ~ ~ N~ g~ M. ArbE~ Is~ct LWn Teu iy. inorning tftd 2d ingtant,' (en. Vitcoutt Gomrnlsmere, (J.C.Bj'Iedno'the hymeneal altdt, ..t St.' George's Church. 11anovser-squarc, : liss Gibbing , daughter pf Dr. G(ibbipgs, of-Brightun. Thi ceremony tooh plaice ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 22d instant, at the Collegiate Church, Mr. John Judson. to Mliss Ann Smethurst, both of this town. On the 24th inst. at the same place, by the Rev. Henry Fielding, Mr. John ~Stothard, of Helene, to Mliss Arabella Wood Jebson, of Chorton-upen-MediloCk. Same (lay and plaec, Mr. Marcus Keymer, to Miss Pris- cilla Wilkinson, both of Chorlton-Rpon-Medlock. On the 20th inst, at St. John's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. ANDEW WARD, I T Y A-f I .- e l i n- -1 C A 1n_ In justice to the memory of a man whose sterling worth will live deeply engraveis in the regrets of a wider range of devoted f iends than ordinarily falls to the lot of even the most elevated, whether from ranfk, talent, or private virtue, we cannot allow the day, which has con. signed to the tomb the subject of this brief notice, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ]BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTH. At Itittiet, Dptiyoihirt, n)o the 14t5 inst. the rn uf Jo5eyph GI)nil, L-q., Ct :., tila son. WARMIIAGES. In this tlown, nt Clvoerinu-pinrce Cihoppe, no tIe 13:h in,. Mr. Al- xiir 1!,ite ti Miss 1iarv llmihurt. Itth of tNfi*. town. At St. Adlts'. in Ito ISi ttlt. Mo.J. kilte, w, olien-dlr p r, to Mll. qIPnerim, of ltirt op . 1 At (Galteohia l,in Ithe 17th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Friday morning week, the Lady of Esq. of Leeds, barrister-at-law, of a son On Tuesday last, the wife ofw a oor cot Murgatroyd, of three fine children-t a boy. The Vicar was sent foe birth, and he named them Fa and the mother and children a a MARE! A' On Sunday last, at our Bulmer, to Miss Snowden, On Sunday last, at Dew some, grocer, to Jane, da farmer and oatnufacturer, On Monday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Thursday week, at Carr Hall, the lady of Edward Every Clayton, Esq., of a daughter. On Monday last, at Goldsboro' Hall, Yorkshire, the Lady Louisa Lascelles, of a daughter. On the 5th inst., at Studley Castle, the lady of Sir Francis Goodricke, Bart., of a son. MARRIAGES. On Wednesday last, at the Parish Church, Mr. Jamnes Dix- on to Miss Jane Clarkson. On Monday last, at the Parish ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jealous N ?? ?? h *On the 9th instant, at Weetwood Hail, the lady of H. C. moral Maurshall, Esq. of a con- inl On' the 5th inst. at Studley Park, the lady of Sir Francis Egi oodricke, Hart. of a son.sud On the 30th nit. at Brighton. the lady of Sir Bellinghain every Reginald Graham, Hart. of a son. they down *On Wednesday. by special license, at Wentworth House, Rothe by the Rev. James Upton, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On ?? last, in Upper Mount-street, the lady of Robert J. On the 10th instant, the lady of the Rev. Francis Cc oper, of On the 10th instant, at Miltown-house, Miltown Malbay, county Clare, the lady of Thomas Barclay,. Bsq., of Ballyartney, of a eon 'On the I11th instant, in Limerick, -the lady of Lieutenant Beechey, Royal Navy, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. On the 9th instant, a. H. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATHS. On Thursday week, at Tunbridge Wells, Kent, after a short illness, Vice-Admiral Sir Tremayrte Rndd, K.C B. On Saturday, at Edinburgh, John Ternbull, Esq., the City Chamberlain. Mr Trnbulit was present at the fleeting of Council during the whole of Tuesday is his usual health.- Caledonian Mercury. A few days since, Charles Tennant, Esq., of St Rolloe, one of the ablest of the Scottish ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Hlomcsl Tctpsated. John, Dolune Hritfith, ?? of Lambeth, to Ge Eg itr. Eliziabeth, soeond daughter of ?? Snmith, Esq. al horneel -lempsted. --At Burwah; SuEssmex; Nathanr Wethorell, -. of the Inner TeIiple, to Sufr,, youngest daughter of tisd ate Tiomnwi Gould, I-.sq. of Not-thaw-plact, llertn.--A1 Soluthiti void, SuffollI, Cieo. Poiweil, ju n. Esq. of Yorlk-buildin{x, Ibling- ton, to Miary ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Death, from .&ueged UTraeftin a Lunatic Asylum. i An inquisition commencing on She 6th instant, and continued by adjournment the four following days, was held at the White Hart, SouthamptOn, having reference i to the death of Mary Ann Strong, aged 49, late a pauper r lunatic confined in Mrs. Middleton's asylum, at Grove- l place, on the Romney road. Considerable interest having i been excited ...