Advertisements & Notices

... halei be~ aUcttiolt &c. FISHING STORES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY W.W. HYDE, At Messrs. CLIFFORD and Co.'s Greenland Yard, WINCOLMLEE, on MONDAY, December 10th, 1838, at Ten o'Cloek,r LL the valuable FISHING STORES of A the Ship VENERABLE, comprising five good s Boats, seven Casks of Broad, (about 7 cavt. each), c about 300 Tons of Provision, Oil and Blubber Casks, d one Harpoon Gun, six Ship ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and M MS GlBSON begi moot respectfully. return thnka to the Ladies lfL Iaerpoi a nid its wneigh- bourhood, for the kind preference they have received since their eromiencement in business, and trust, by their united exertions and unremitting attention, they shall continue to enjoy a share of their pstronage and alpport. They have THIS DAY readv for inspeo- tion. a most beautiful Assartment o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILADEL HIA LiNH O=F~ PA)CKETIS SUSt1U ErAN`NA, J. W.A1`ucteK*N ?? .6541 tOns, SthI-oc. ALGONQUIN, ENsOCH TuIIaLIIV- ?? 4810 tons, 8th Jan. ,POCAHIONTAS, JAMESWS 5Vq tons, Feb. XONONGAIILA, H. PF. mc ltii Taese Packets will takea ksvantage of the steam tow-boatsoen the'Relaware. To ensure punctuality inoiailing, no goods can be -receivod after the 6tit o1 cie h montb. Apply to iVM. Auld JAS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II]BERNMAV 19S9tANCE COMPAQ HE Committee of Directors of the Hiberli Tnsu- T sance Company do hereby convene an Ex r rdinary General Assembly of the Co-partners, at thta ny's House, No. 42, Dame-street, Dublin, on FR the 30th November, inst., at One ?? p. I n esely for the purpose of taking into consideration eport presented to the General Meeting of Proprie eld on the first day of November, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIGHT and HEARING being sympathetically z rebated to each other, the Messrs S. and B. SOLOMONS, Opticians and Asseists to their Majesties the King and Queen of Hanover, and their street, piceadidlly, after they ha~ve de~voate~d their wholelives3 to chin in tdresting branch of science, have succeeded in effecting, for imperfect ision, a most scientific improvement in the monufacture of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... diA DRAP13R1V BUSINESS a'o mc, DISPOSED OF .. frO be SOLD,-A FREEHOLD HOUSE AND itPREMISES, with convenient Shop. Fixtures,- d&c., situated in thie scry centre of'asea port toiwn, in tcc cisouth) of' Ecgland, in %v)liich the above BUSINESS has cccii carried onl fbi' macny, years, and Icy tine present Pro- e prietor soccessfully flrit ix years, whoil wvill 1'ive satisf'ac- -tory reasonl for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY _B ) No. 1, PrvNcl:S-STnKitiT, BAxx, LONDON. CAPITAL ON3E MILLION. DIIIECTOns, William lBardgett, Esq. Robert Eglinton, Esq. Samuel Bevingtoui, Esq. Erasmus Rt. Foster, E'q. 'Wssi. Fechu ey Blaul;, Esq. Alex. Robert Irvine, Esq. Jobni BlriglhtilnO. Esq. Peter Morrion, Esq. Gore Cohell, Esq. William Shandjun, Esq. Miis Coventry, EaI. Henry Lewis Sirale, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FLAvX, T~ALLOIV, &f. 7 HE SUBSCRIBERS are nowv landing, ex schoomir JT Anrity,' Captain Flazer, from Rign, 50 Tons Prime ZINS PTR. FLAX; Ex 1 Jeuia, Captain James, from Petercbrtgh, 2a0 Catsks First Sort Y. C. TALLOW; r 10 Tons HEAIP; Ex oariet, Captain M. Millar, from Dinzig, 170 Tons Fine, High Mixed DANZIG WHEAT; Which. with 700 Half innd Qnarter Boxes Prime VA LENTIA MUSCATEL RAISINS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1.Ctanlalc,,, llereantlle, elentfie, and Geuneral Edueatiou. HOARDING a DA1Y NEiXIINAtY, CURTIS-STREET (YORK-STREET,) AND 28, NELSON2-STRERT. Rev. J. N'CLENAIAN, T. C. D. Pt lN C l I' A it, EGS to announce to his Friends and the Public,' that hbe receives, at his residence, 28, NEL8ONSTRECT, Y limited number of BOARDERS, who attend the DAY- SCH OOL in Curtis Street, whichis about three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NUMBER of excellent New and Second- A b4l aie.Ctae ?? IN ?? tatxe a now ON SALE by PRIVATE CONTRCa HiACTed.nLees, Nov 2,u18ng8.Leeds One ofthe best and most extens ~ive StO S u f FUR ea fS TOCARPETS ?? enaigPatLternRS ?? aL Width no in ?? supseritor Stckofsesoe Flory anpassagel notiis Clths, insies wi ?? AUCSeam, Sof of ?? byommerdsalc Sae -Leeds, SenOVe's13. Bulins aed m various Size~ ~ ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE SAVINGS' BANK, NO. S, ROYA4L 'JRCADR. TN Order to allow sufficient Time to balance the Accounts up to ?? of November. pursuant to Act of Parliament, the Newc'astlc Savings' Bank witl be closed, as usual, for two Satsurdave. ?? the 24th of Novemter and on the Ist of D cember, and it- will be re-opened on Saturday the 8th of Dacemberi IS38, for the usual Transaction of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORT OF NEWCASTLE ASSOCIA- TION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE FROM SHIPWRECK. A Meeting ef the Committee of this Association A avill be hold at the Trinity House, Neercastle, pn Thursday the 8th inst. at 12 ?? at Noon. By Order, ROBERT PLUMMER, Newcastle, Nov. 1, 1839. Secretary. FOR NEW YORK-The A. 1. Cop.. pered American Ship MONTPELIER, *aO Tons. J. Tysoq, Commander.-Will clear for the above ...