Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On the 13th inst. at Brighton, Colonel Creagh, C.B., to Maria Elizabeth, relict of the late James Vaughan, Esq., Madras Civil Service. You CAN'T MARRY YOut GRsNDoUnTRln!-An old onan, named Paine, almost 80 years of age, who resided near Duodle, Northamptonshire, married a girl under 20; be died soon after the comrdiision of this egregious act of folly The grandson of this aged votary ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Thursday last, at the Parish Church, by the Rev. R. Carus Wilson, M.A., vicar, Mr. Richard Crankshlaw, cotton- spinner, to Rachel, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Naylor, tailor and draper, all of this town. On Monday last, at the Parish Church, Mr. John Howarth, to Miss Ann Mason ; and on Tuesday, Mr. Joseph Hall, to Aliss Ellen Midghlill, all of this town. On Saturday last, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ocoe 23d~, t r - October 23d, at Ambborie) the Lady of the Ik-v. G. R, epp, ofa dauighter. - ' : On Sunda, tIhe I dti agt, at Orl;5* itt this I,°kiptyb lra. Jshn bFenton, of a son. On Thursday. the Fij instant, at St, Peter's Churcl, . by the ev. WTtn. Fisher, Mr. ileiljiamin J.tnplough, of )Oncaster to Haunah, elsst a2t~Juo of t~s le :est lurch, Esq. latfheld, V'qr.1r lire. O - the elh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETE R, WEDNESDAY, NOvEMBER 28, 1838. ThirtDg. On the 260i instant, in the Park-crescent, the Lady of Mr. George Robins ofa daughter. May 17, at (Chicacole, 'East Indies, the Lady of Capt. Reid, 6th Rest. Madras Native Infantry, of a daughter. Nov. 19, at Kenton House, the Lady of the Hon. J. A. Lymaght of a son and heir. Nov. 20, at Wincanton, the Lady of the late Rev. William Carpendale, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I^arriagic0, 16ivtI, alit, MDatoo. C,- Tou hisure itmertionl of Births, Marriagesi, or Deaths . in this paper, they miust be left at our offioe before noon on the dity preceding Publication. ;1ARRIED, At Iloblit Twn thle Rev. John 1,lltic, to Ma,'y, duitlihter of John BurnettU, Esi., late coluniat Secretary of jan 0ol' inin's Land, r On Monday, the ?9th tilt., at Thordton-lablt, Mary, eldest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE COUNTESS DOWAGER OF [ T EW BITRGHi. I The mortal remains of this lamented lady were brought on Saturday morning from her ladyship's late residence, at Brighton, for internment in the family vault at Slindon. Onl the procession arriving at the boundary of the estate it, was met by'the carriages of Anne Countess of Newburgh, and by those of a vast number of the relatives and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. At ?? ,Tarucs', C(ptalij tlioi I fuil. Edward M leisonee, W.IN to 1Dililit, Ot ly danglsiter of' tlhe late (Ctol. Tlteriston. or Fal rollelr; flil. 5 (aI'ltlbire, -At St. itlavsy's, islingtoll, ,johItI t'roil. laistc, Es~e, of' Wt-lbeek-streot, Ccas1dtitl-ssqsare, to Emil't 1,- ,th laugh-' ter ?? thi 1atie RoV'. ''lTeophilir I eonie, M. A. frit'rl] y ?? Cron- bottier, .I Xurst, At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 10 31it't~jl. 10 On Wednesday, the lady of the Rev. James Parsons, of a York, of a daughter. 10 '0 «arrtcf. 0 Yesterday, at St. John's church, In this town, Mr. Joseph 0 Stead, joiner, of Hunslet, to Miss Bridget Baines, of 0 Holbeck. '0 On Thursday, at the parish church, Rothwell, Mr. James 9 Rogerson, superintendent over the National School at that place, to Miss Elizabeth Ann Reynolds, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B3ir4)s. On the 6th inst. at Whitby, the lady of John Chap. man, Esq. of a daughter. On the 4th inst. the wife of Mr. C. D. Loveday, of the Edgeware-road, of three boys, who, with the mother. are doing well. A few days ago, Lydia Bassett, residing at 35, Wilton-street, Regent-street, Westminster, of three fine boys, who, with their mother, are doing well. Marriages. Oi1 the Ist inst. by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 313TET. 18th inst., at Melton, Mirs. Rouse. of a son. Lately, Mir. Thomas Scott, mnerchant andi bakedrf ; John's Street, Colchester, to Eliza, youngest d 'uhe oftl late Mir. Robert Page, of Great [1Qrkesley ehc )tI 1.5th ?? Dunn, Esq.,of Salfron Walden ps~ to Mlary Ann, eldest daughter of William H-unter E~ x 19hinst.,' Crat B~rOckdish, Norfolk, by the Rev- l~. c~ Rob~ert, you~ngest son of ar. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 'On Friday last, at Swinton H ouse, the lady of H. H. Birley, Esq., of a daughter. MARRIAGES. On Monday last, at the Parish Church, by the Rev. IR. Carus Wilson, vicar, Mr. Elias Burton, to Miss Alice Ather- ton, both of this town. On Saturday last, at the Parish Church, lMr. William Cow- burn, to Miss Elizabeth Fiddler, both of this town. On Saturday last, at the Catholic Chapel of St ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHrs. On1 WI'e noadav, the :31st of' October, the lady of John Al'illionlts, Esq. of her 1Aljesty's Deck-yard, P'ort-. Disouttli, of a. soil. D IA It IRIED. At tie Foundling llospital Church, Cork, onl the 1 st hist., by thie l cv. W1'. II alI, i cetor of St. N ic iolas, Nicholas Cumtm ins, E'lsqJ., High Shetifl of that city, to Julia Ann, third daugihter, or the late Major (irneral Sir R ...