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Advertisements & Notices

... &/7 U-7L SOO.N CLOSEL AS H HAS YET TO VISIT ENGLAND AND IRELAND. HiE NEWV P\N-ORA31A on thle :10; ?? displaying NINE VIEWS of tile (ORO- NA'rION of HIER MAJESTY VICTORIIA. to- gether with the P'rocession in the Interior of the Abbey, antl the State Procession from the Palace. throlugh the principal Streets, with their l'ublic Building*t, of London. painted oin 20.0100 sqware f. i-et of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .ABERDEEW SEIU!S Ti~t fyiteral Meeting ot'the SUJBSCRIREIIS, hiel ?? tiluelne Were appotinted ',TFWrewDis for si1te season, viz.- Sir .wi..i Vomlsss. 1Bailt. Al1itiinld liexl'ittVSOV. Air 'rti.t s B5 liN ?? . ?? MiA Ails, Lil. Cot sie'. 'ti ?? 0 I.I tCS r.~ LIAosnND. }Caplain litlt t Ale ?? 'Jr ?? lsox' Al r Car a TarnDcx'. Jun. A1rW.a. 31105AV5. 'JIoe 1irs! ASs. i IPLV still take place Inl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEIN IWA.tRT COMPAhNlY. CAPITAL, £.lO,000. ! DIVIDED INTO SHARES OP 0I EACH. C5TIGE i (l'erh k iven, thrt PROSP TUSEUSES oftis o this r'lng ?? of e h tai v ix n ?? of nf 1 pe, Cetilt. may o -frot. liand appli.ations for ap iareO be directed to, to |i n 'Anut&' AxDRSi fx. Aberdeen. . i t ?? Lr, is in irreparsti alt by the ?? Solid- i * S ir irl 1 ttdonn ttd nn son Itos r'e eied ai Mectiitg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A NOTICE. j l8PROPRIETOR of the celebrated IPAiNTINGS of ADAM.! & EVE, nor Exlhi- biting in the Calton Convening flOUmn, Ilegent Bridlg.e, having kindly offered t, ?? the entira Rrceiprs Of SATURDAY NEX1T. the rsth curr'nt. (THIS DAY) to the BENEFIT of the POOR OF THE CITY OF EDINBVURGH. the Managerl of the Cha- rity Work House bope that thb Citizens vrhn have not vet seen t1cne noble Worke of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~i !Ai ~ U .- NTRACTORS, w Aberdteen Hacboutr '1Trustets, t ito execute above 20110 yar'di ir,' ?? both sideosof the I-AD,' aII .Iitof substantial %Masonry and Ptlddlt vidi prti-u of Cast fron, tle~ttIAT with tbs ~tuiTide Valves, &c.e., all ngreeitbly Abt -in, -tni spetflation-fi l mad, out by JAoe:~ C~vil Ei' -incer. of London, which will be see s Sr bouy GiT11, Waterlo', Quay. AbordeecOl f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GEORGI. STi.1.1.: trHE D)IRECTORS hbe to arnoutnrtro, th~a t the 'RMAND FANCY I9u.i. nnl St;l'lr-:: miii talce plice on the Even.inr of V1tDA Y the ii !t - -.%vfu.y curt. undler the f l'ovshin ihutitiguishlrd Pal tronage: PATRON R;SES Thc Rigglt lMmi. tho Cmint:.t of Moct'in The Rin ht Mmn. the C tice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i'y 20YA VI-SCOTTISH ACADEMY AF PAINTING, SCULPTtRiE. ANI) AIRCHITEC'~rI:u. i lIE THIRTEENTIH ANNUAL ?? L TION of the ACADEMY for the WORKS -f LIVING ARTISTrS, swill open sit the Cilleries, Rtoayd Institution, Mound, early in the otonttli of Fe- bri;:ir next. The'lie leiners and othvr Artists nre requiestedl to take notice. that the Galleries ivill hle open for thet recep tiotn of Works of' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r TEiACHER WI7TZ7-D. ! ; AN I iFED ililillo'dititlv'i a 11tISII|Il\lIl'jll f* I ?? tmoli le lS' ie ?? ii inilS Institiltiilo li;lillf. Thu eligielielit wil 'UV fir yoar', and tie ilrlnyIS k ?? IISllct xii ntld rIL' ore 1r ii FitiaY' i0.t. :,t Ali, ;, 1 j ?? ?? ?? troui, UIrculv wiihle ?? ' il'tivlc l'si 111;) iC Ilvrllwd. t Aherl(eii, Isl itn. t ISl9. 2:LA~.;t,~1Ts W.ANTED, Wn l'lltoll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A~i3RDEEN 1~!AR1Di 2APAb'IY. CAITAL., ___,tt00l ?? ENT 0 SIEI.A 1's ?? 1C1 EACIE. ?? of tis f rtali1. o~lilltiltlitt l ov lsilliti: :lto it sill 7 V0 - o ,,ltit f ttptadtfl0, pet oi r , ettot megiy (tio l 'Utunined frome .'nt ' 1t'ti'livtiito to: ollte bie bhr' tilc e to, thie A o & A n *t toters . Ahleetlic'c ni I * re , !s he p0 a si by t h oe Cotopopn1y5 Sol i ci- tion t,, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , SECOND EXHIBITION of the mLEDINBURIGlI SOCIETY of ARTISTS is ltow Opet, at 'No. 4, ST A-.irntv SQUAoR. Admission, Isl.; Setason Tickets, 39. 6d.: Coaalogues, By order of the Commlifte. Jd it. IRi ENTICE, Sery. let Jan. 1839. I USICAL FUND CONCERT. /14 *.SSENeII;LY lOOMS. TU4E 'II)FESSIONAL SocIErY of egUSICIANS h respectfully tin asnrince their ?? nfgivint aGRAND V O C A L and R$TRlJ5F.NTAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... El)LUCAjTlION AND IEION. / f.1 itJ /IEvening, of MommyS a8th, and l \¶ 1:o't:s' 1 :30th instant. TWSO IEC'rt Itl Hr ~hrlsT Wo1l. li'I,. c:rta. it' P i. Tl1 E I'Mr * Guoln:1:8S: 1 ll 11AP'TIST C'IAPEL. MU1 STl' P'OlTl. To, commnne' at seven o~ k T I ( PtRioITS To it:, S. C :, IVri' t o t. SOC IE: lY. SU B.JE( TS: L:CTntir 1.-On the Naev'sit orf co tibining thi, Principtles of Christianity whit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]? HI FIRS'T BANFIF ASSFMIBLY will Ito hold o11n T 1t WInedoiiday, tile 30tl Jiiuitiry, ill the County Mlln. S'r E, 'A Ii S. hlttjtlir4ielteiiil l'i.\i N.c IIlA N(CI0 a. SOITIEiV, 1SI. JAMIi HOSle INNUS, I.Stj. Co1loellI JA ?? (MlViV'i, C..1 . TrIC!;Lt to Io liii lit it .)IAl1T5E IIIllAI'i S. DIainUlil!g to ?? lit it o cloci. BONE FORANUaE POI SWILE AT 'l)Iltlilt.A). PI FERE will be n ...