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Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... Anglesey Qu-zrtcr Sessions. Oin Tuesday l~ist ?? of Qua rter Seasi~ona wvay d hold it Balvoaerin. ?? \'cilliinici, ?? choir. oala, Wililiami Bf Ikeley I ighes, Evil. Ali ?? Rlev. ?? WVynine Jones, and Rev. XV. Thomeaas, malgis- The11 learned chiiarmanit, atin addreaa to hnl grand Cd jury observeelthat before they entered into thue coo- d sidveration Of the inditmmenits, lie would alake tin op- ...

Carnarvonshire Quarter Sessions

... i The Qumrtcr Sessions for the town and county of Car- LI nlirvo comimenceud nol fThrsd;'V fMt, iaforoe Mlajor. 'G (jeielalt Sir Love Parry, of Aaildly, chlairmnan, ind e hlie follow ile ?? -tile tlighlt floe1, Eall0 . V Nev)lilvl ?? . llle ,r, t T J Car- N~Ii4,roughi W. B. II tiufio. i-1iq.. A1.1P.], B ICr ;s rec ?? John lIo)rl, EL-., John lRowlaolek, Esqr. F.- \Valker lorleolRerts, RIev. u ...


... MIERIONN ,EISH IREI QUARTE'R SEi'- SIONS. it 'hile Quarter So-qsion3 for the abore county rites Y hell nt titla, on IIFidoy( ihe liI) test. bilS. Ie ?? Iloyd, e EIsq.'of' litlgalt, naw thje C;lloIrilig nI1viotrtItvs:- I. 5) Wviltkic llrice, l'sq., of' [lilitills W\ \\W I,\ Wyinn, It I'sq. of ?? S. E] rnrs I'sq., Ilo6dw tri ?? i .r.XzylnP 1.1IxidIilo l . ll leos (liwoen, &c. eV o ' 0 ?? ( ...


... THE LA'TE MURDER IN ACRIILL. AchilL, Jan. 7, 1839. I write to give you some particulars of the mur- der of Mr. fleynolds, chief officer of the coast guard, in the island of Achill ; be died last Wednesday ; be- fore his death ihe identified his murderers, two of whorn are in Castlebargaul. Ihecurouner, I r. Knox, was sent for, but he refused to go to Achill to hold an inquest. Ihe deceased ...


... ?? OF LORD NORBURY. On Thursday tile 10th inst. a meeting or the ma. e gistrates of Ilie king's County wyas held at the Court. -house at ullanmore. 'Te meeting was numerous, be. n ing attended by wost of tbe resident magistrates. A eeitooal feelinjgof sorrow and detesttition of the crime In so lately commrittl there seemed to pervade ilte Ds- ma sembly. Lord Oxutanitown, tile Lieutenant of ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENC[I-FnIDAY. The Queen v. thie Corporation of Liverpool.-Lord Donmian delivered judgment in this case. 'Ihis wVU nn appeol on boal'lfof the Corporation, against a rote wbich had been imposed on the property ofithe Cor- poration. 'Ibis property consisted ofsources ofin- come wbich, before the Into sct, were employed for the relief of the poor of the borough, and were still li ...


... COUR' OF QUEEN'S BENCH.-M1ONDAY. tne ji PE) tI,,,CAN.1DItAN: aRISONtERS. fl lce this ?? for the decision of the oil by Judgles of thi3s Co rt U0p1 0 ihe case of the Canadian si- prisoners, the avenue leading to the Court wascrowd. to by ed from an early hour. te. Ore Shorily after ten their lordships entered the Court, gr( Dus when a Lord DevNaAN said the Court had now to pronounce bo en their ...


... Id MANSION-HOUSE. Cg _ Ex''eonnDINAnY BILLIrSGATH SCL-NCR.--Mlia/nl Iieynilds was brouight before the Lord MAliyor, ebarged i by M1r. Goldham, the clerk of Billingsgate-mairket, o ry with having stolen four large plaice. of Green, one of MUr. Goldhani's men, stated that as s s hbe was on the look-out ait an early hour, he saw the b s prisoner cutting along' amongst the vessels of Bit. b ...


... RURAL POLICE Wo find the following letter to theo ].url of0 1Derh Lnrd Lieutenant of la.ncaslire, in the Lassea;. Y, r aelte ?? i e ~ ?? Wh\\itelniflltij1rh Jn. 3,i MthY LonD-I Wvish to call tle itte ltiolot wou Lordship end of hle Inttgistrates of file cotivof ' Y caster, to the state of thecoslthabla,,j force it county. y * 'hlo number and efficiency of tile regular consaf. bles in niany ...


... , COURt F0! Q(luEEN3S BENRCII[.-WrAXESDAY. e ?? Queen v. 1ih Eldiitor, k8C, Th Ie IlIfie ,'Is Itan' a (l I Wels/h N\'ejspu~ller,) t I Sir WV. ?? moved in this case otr a criminal in-. e form1ttoti ngainlt the editor, &c. of the iel'hshmaen, on ) Itilo part of tle liev. il r. MIoriris, rector of LI a nelly, tad vicar of iniothier palishi. '1,acircumrtabencos of te ti *:se ?? ?? rt ,ulattioi of ...


... ?? ?? u ].:s ?? At :in fnllials hlvd iti tile eveinicg of tili 6iti tilt, ;!t ?? .MiS~iima IV c I~t I Ile:Cllt ill IIIi; sII S]ld , 1}t0 I he bndy lf tile lute ia' lellis Revnoldis, Wij[. ?? Olliver ,I ?? by i r cii:L, F-ql. Slilalaiarv iIl;giatiilt'l, tlhe I lo ll2aimi Cvideice ivNIS reriiivel itS tO 'I'liias Ilfailiri-' Sul,b (on-l-a blu of lOice, soriln- !Uc(!;:tli 'tjIiSClli LIJI l1i tltc ...


... IN 'IIE EIXCII EQUER OF P LEAS, E VAN XItNVIS, 1i, ELlFIt JONES. It may bie it the recollectitn of our readers, tbat at Itoiii Merionettitshie last t hiiZes, ti tse cantte tt fo- ii-mi before All.1 ottice Vatog aft and a special july, wb eu- a vertlict was found lor t be defeoIdaat. 'Ite qtuesiton at isiste wots reapectitg a right of tway ?? tito banks oif the river MNowddacti, lerding 1rom la ...