Advertisements & Notices

... BANGOR fliocesan Church Building Society. rjt~l-I CO-iMMITTI'E are respectfully informed tae I RtST QUART''ERLY MEETING of tie Society, will be held at the CHtAPTERt Roon, on utgD .1 thile 2ttd Of JANUAIY next, at 12 o'clock JTe priticipal object of this meeting will be to make sucl grants as may then be decided upon. I-. PO CEN VSECUtETTAfIEs. 11. OWENN, ecngor . e 2tilt, 1838. - ~~TO THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MTEXE G TIHl[S IV.1 ' -, TESTIMONIAL r 0 1 1 C T 0 It P1k. C ' OF CARRICKFERGUS. IrFE FRIENDS, &c. of Dr. PAUL are T fully informed, that the presentrition of the a *vill take place at the Rev JOHN ALIX.Nl) a Bl EESTIN(HO USE. THIS DAY, (T UESIl)J Ist January, 1839, at TWELVE o'Cloek . Belfast. 1st J.In. 1839. / Secretary. THE TOTATi A u13TINTE , XIE' So§liai tILT. BE [SHELD ITS THE ASSEMIVU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIFE S& FIRE INSUUANXC,, BkATES Reduced Thirty per Cent, pe,' Anju.-a. INDEPENDENT AND WlSt'rM A1IDDLESEX ASSURANCL COAIPANX. LIFE ANNuiTry II LMS CAXLCUL.ATED ON EQUITABLE PRINCIPLI N FOR IMMEDIATE BENEFITS TO TIlE PL'BLLC. FoI' every.C100 deposited. th is Associatilon will _rnnt tho A :1. nuity placed opposite thre ot ill.i £50 anld 11pwardms, inl prop I Age II to 411 1' -15 tooa1 to 12, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Last Appearance but One of AFRICAN ROSCIIJS. ?HIS present TUESDAY, January -1, 1839, the per., _1 formances will comnmence with the Tragedy of the THE REVENGE. (Written by the Rev. Dr. Young.) Zanga, Mr. Aldrioge (the African Roscius); Don Alonzo, Mr. Graham; Don Carlos, Mr. H. Cooke; Don Alvarez, Mr. Roberts; Manuel, Mr. Houghton; Isabella, Miss Chalmers; Leonora, Mrs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rrlIE WANDERING PIPER will continue this Per,! v formances at the NORTHUMBERLAND.BLD- INGS, THis and every Evening during the pres t eek Froni Eight until Eleven o'Clock, assisted by r $1) land Pipers, some of whom have gai-ed the fir P s at the competitions in Scotland. This will be a etto the loxers of Ancient Music seldom to be met wi For particulars see hand-bills. PRICES OF BRITISH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. j'VOR LINTIN DIRECT2 thle clipper 9chcpnerI UKRLPI'E. 182 IOns,. .. CaPtaiIUWIL~SOX, te.Mion the 15th January, 1Wil. loading to the St. Katharine Dlocks. The Xelriie'a eailiafiusities. are ?? freight or passae, apply to imlaunnc, gm ths. and O., No. St Lombard-street, or Aazlaoota, liaq~iltAlT. sod Co., 11, St. Hlen' a-place. VOUIt SYDNEY DIRECT (under eng~.genuent _ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at Friarsi Schaoo01, 3aag r e GovitNorrs. --lle Deal, atd Chap per of Bnangor. )y |;I.ADD A. ASITIVI1lse Revv W\.t] ' ON1i oo ''rinlity Colleg, Cambridge, iltlyg one of of ile a,- r- tern of We\tmieoter School. ,CH 7 S'OL OOL will le-open 011 Mo.Ni'OAS the :1 j, 4t of ?? i'lv. B oarnlerl ore received] at trlo leioiioe of tile lllaa o iMster, rion application to w horn, ttrenm, and oiloer In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O(FFEtS i'Olt SALE, -II fI l wi r OODS, in Stnore and Bond, which be I wlill Sell Chellp, for Giled Paytnvsts ;- 6tJ Cl'ies~t5 ,TEtA, da d SUGAR; p er ''71 i (td. rlle laid Rellned S GARA £Ilhds l~eaf uid S-ein TOBACCO, all of prime _ 40 tli-t' ODA ASHI; s>((j Jgs iondrn Refined S A ITPETRE; Oliarrelvitish, Refitted ROSIN .so IBalesaind Cnsks Pure und l'rimeti' BARII.LA, jitil his ustal I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON & BRIGHTON RAILWAY COMPANY. N OTICE is V-Iereby Given, that the next Ilalf Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of this Company, will be held, pursuant to the Act of Incorporation, at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, on Thursday, the Seventeenth day of January, 1839'; when Five Members of the present Directioin will go out of Office. but are eligible for re-election. And at which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANGLESEY. To be Sold by Auction, tth otsl of ii\r l 'l'homas Wjilliams, called i It.-Y . t 'et le I. i'ton NVELINF.0 AEYtiS, thle 9th day Of . ljj l, 9between the Hours of 'I'wo and Ire ' l n the Afternoon, unless previously pst(l ofs by p bvytecontractsubject toconditions toe then produce calle F lf ?? DT1ENE ENT, called FOEL C'RAIG, in tine Village of 1wYranin the paish of Llangeinsven, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r TEiACHER WI7TZ7-D. ! ; AN I iFED ililillo'dititlv'i a 11tISII|Il\lIl'jll f* I ?? tmoli le lS' ie ?? ii inilS Institiltiilo li;lillf. Thu eligielielit wil 'UV fir yoar', and tie ilrlnyIS k ?? IISllct xii ntld rIL' ore 1r ii FitiaY' i0.t. :,t Ali, ;, 1 j ?? ?? ?? troui, UIrculv wiihle ?? ' il'tivlc l'si 111;) iC Ilvrllwd. t Aherl(eii, Isl itn. t ISl9. 2:LA~.;t,~1Ts W.ANTED, Wn l'lltoll ...