Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLiN. Last Appearance but Two of the AFRICAN ROSCIUS. HIS present FRJDAY, Januar 4, 1839; the per- T1 formances will commence with Shakspeltre's- Tra- gedy of OTHELLO. Othello, Mr. Aldridge (the African Roscius);1lago, Mr. Graham; Cassio,' Ir. Hudson; Rodrigo, Air. Chute; Brabantio, Mr. Barrett; Ludovi,co, Mr. Braid; Montano Mr. Houghton; D.uke of Venice, Mr. Roberts t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j F ~ Euce fli ?? tfO e'o .anoag, On h tch0 h l isulf tht ?? ieitaired W. 1). ' tie, first teearlat s4,^ni a ?? (Iraftsinari) will be a great acjjoisition to ''IpER 'VHF. SANCTION OF THP DIRECTORSP j~i , PlA t ~shiis~ in~ dem) 8!o., priee !d. r j1-, poRT of tlie DIREC'IORS to a ' ENERAL. MEETING cfICtheCAtAM- iIIANUFACTVU 'tSattIAN- n t~ the effects of the adwnintltration of the opexl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3fgE~TlNGC (JF cEI1' A MEETING ?? the CREDIT~ORS of Mtr. RICH ARt),jMULl~lOhLAND.of Liqnuaay, is ?? qite~ted at the Oflic.e of Mrlt H. C. CLARIKE, Rosemabry- Street, Beiflist, ait oNE o'clock, on FRI 14-A Yi4'+h inst. LISBURN, Ilet Jamuatiy, 1830. 7 No. 48, HIGH-STREET, BELFAST. C 0 , VI 1 LE )W i 91 I, 'E 11E 3E G most resipectfully to return their gratefli; thanks E lto their Fciendls snd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -rg~~ ~ mt wu~ - §t ws15t -IL conseqiuence of our report o-the Council pro. eoes lnga, wve Ptnuptr] i pouir.Util next week the two commu- a, ?? this subject which we have already acknowleged. I We could not ind tesmnfot botl, and as the writers take oppo- to ite views of thle subject it is only fair that they should appear together.w aseirrosv APPLICATION Foa PAYFIuNT OF Assassiti TAxas.- C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEWCASTLEI UPON TYNM AND NORTHM SRIELDS RAILWAY. 'YOTICE is hereby given, that at a Meeting of N the Directors of the Newcastile upon Tyne and North Shields Railway Company, held this Day, a CALL of 5 per Share wag ordered to be paid to the Treasurer of the Cornpanv, at the North of England Joint Stock Bank, Newcastle, on or b.fore the 12th Day of January next. By Order, NV M. SW AN, Clerk to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ',tilI 11BOMBy, to Still positively the first wveek cc FbruaY, lts. insfe still EARL flALCARRAS, bird -ii icc, ?? J. VA rux, ?? Ill tle Ecast India Docek.- Fot to asrage appl to ljlssro. Crawford; Colvin, end Co., 7.0GA .,cc.tetor to .e'sore. ANO udlocLtLETT, 3 ClinncCat's ~ult VALP R~lS (cell Ing a tm uh F las'eccgef5 and VrA,' ctract to aIIpsiiey iteah c~oiol tic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | IThe order to Withdraw the Advertisement of House lat tigh Team to let, came too late to be attended to this week. B:Z The order to withdraw the advertisement To Sca- venlge's, w as received too late. Persons willing to tender will be guided by that which is addressed To Farmers, Cartmen, &c. in our first page. w We have received a letter from Michael Arm- strong late printer at Hexham ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -IM ?? CHARLES. DEACON histens to return his- ,V.L'sincere tlienlhg to the inhabitants of Witney, for their liberlaitV ir suibscribini to defray the fine he has incurred by the l malignant persecation instituted against him by Charles Leake, ir tilie attorney. He refers, with proud exultation, to the eager - d&eire manifested by the ?? families in the town to sub- scribe, as a convincing proof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |zX 6tsh. a,9ERiQt'1j Intended, io~beipr'eacbed. 4kst'on ae, i4 of theib Fundit::.i mthu. MiSS PAR; 3pEAT'ULLY ifofrfi 'entd and4the Public, t t o l rerume he jehIg on Monday, January -h1359. hto krois Aplcto Mr., H. P. P.. j5, Bckett Street, Nw tle 0r Tyhe. 4~ Cfeme0Rt5i EsXwib~ent for tho .; 3*sn~ f YroUI Glestle enel 7i rLL E' lRE.QPNEDfItD r the Christmnas Vaca. t;l MC on jDAY a 7th Day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A NOTICE. j l8PROPRIETOR of the celebrated IPAiNTINGS of ADAM.! & EVE, nor Exlhi- biting in the Calton Convening flOUmn, Ilegent Bridlg.e, having kindly offered t, ?? the entira Rrceiprs Of SATURDAY NEX1T. the rsth curr'nt. (THIS DAY) to the BENEFIT of the POOR OF THE CITY OF EDINBVURGH. the Managerl of the Cha- rity Work House bope that thb Citizens vrhn have not vet seen t1cne noble Worke of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE^,A UW 110 YZAL, )IUBjaLI. Madame DULOKEN Pianist to her Most Gracious Anjesty Queen Victoria, BEGS respectfully to announce that her BENEFIT, aJX andnmost 1ositively ther last Appearance inm Dublin as she is compelled to sail for England the day following, will take plttbe THIS PRtESENT SATURDAYj;,44Jnuar Last Appearance but One of the AFRICAN ROSCIUS. The perforrnances will commence with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CRANES. and T'OOLS, ateO SOel. nB r Jo'loc HOLMESOD Mosiluyap ?? 1839.-aV~ht leye ?? in the Forenloon, at-the uorY, ?? Mesr. iee nd Elmusley, Stone Merchants, TO] of ii VE CRANES, and.a. large Quantity of Tools, ha ;y including flare, Hansuers, picks. Weeges, Chains. s Id Bellown, and Anvil, Squares, Crabs, and other Implements, and rmitb'5 Teals.Ja 5, The Cranes- are fixed at the under ...