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Advertisements & Notices

... COLBURN has just published the following _If N E W NEW WORKS:- T. THE LIFE and TIMES of the RIGHT ItON. HENRY GRATTAN. By his Sost, HENRY GRATTAN, Esq., M.P. 2 vols. See. svith Poctrsit, Ac. T E M P T AT IO Nt or, a Wife's Perils. 3 vols. Ill. CAPTAIN D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... William Reid, Esq. Robert Ferguson, Esq. Edward W. Taylor, Esq. Thomas Hope, Esq. John Wilsnn, Esq. J. D. Hustler, Esq. Wm. Vhittaker, Esq. AUDITORS. Samuel Eyre, Esq. I John Wilson, Esq. I G. E. Williams, Esq. Resident Secretary-Mr. William Hole. Bankers-The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dford, C. S. K., 4, Bedferd-row sre Beeson, James, Tottenhlrat Droke, John, Enfieldl Belk. Edwis,, 174, Tottenhsm- Drummnondi Lieut.-Colonel B., ceurt-road Chsories-street. Uenbuw, John, H6, Mecktlenbteth- Drumnmoed, Roabert. Xiogalsury, sequalre Duckwoarth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at all thii Booksellers in 2 eV;,s. vo. withi Portrait, &ai., Y LI'gS ANDY)IMES tlF THEt RJIGHT HON. HENRY GRATTAN. LZ ?? Isis Son, HENRY GRATTAN.EgcbIM.P. Trnia truly lusble vork wili un~tueeiionahisy Iona ono of tho soot impeitant end interesting additions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Esit. London : John W.Parker, VtSrad TbIts day, Secon~d Edition, E'nlarged ndinirrd 5. 5. FVIE DOMESTIC GARDEESMAUL ~L living a.n Intrioduction to Pravtitrat ~reio ?? Appendix en tics Operirtiens of Forcingicu~gtuClueo Vines ii Pal. y JOHN TOWERS. il 15 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF ENGLAND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, 8, King William-street, City. C.APITAL, ONE MILLION, _ DIRECTORS. George llarclav, Esq. John Ctthbert Joyner, Esq. William Cory;Esq. Henry T.awason, Esq. ?? Davis, Esq. James Row, Esq. Lairtciece Morgan, Esq. J. A. Thompson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... One Million. DIReaTQona. MATTHEW HARRIS01N Esq. Chirmarnii. JOHN HAMPDEN GLEDSTANE9, Eeq., Doputy Chairman. Thomas Starling Beeson, Esq. JonHcs tsq Frederick Burmaester, Esq. I mrs ?? John Catvert Clarke, Esq. iChreRsel.e. Frederick Dawes Danvers. e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pogeressive Rtevolutitons in ttse Cooditlon of tile Intisihitunsit offltose SRegiaons Ity LoI.,rT'EIGNMOUTII.lM.P. London: John W. litekir, WeA Strand. Titledioy, oasia terr volturmts octiaro, price 105., C LARKSON'S HISTORY af the ABOLITION of tlso ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Marshal Ceunt Romanroff; arms and armcur, silver mounted guns, swords, dirkg and pistols; coins and medals, antique rIngs, agate ewes and boxesi truscan vaser, and various other antiquitics and ?? e viewed and catalogues had of Mr.John Wlly, 74,.Coleman-street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RailioshLtell, Ee1I., MI.P. Sir Janses Oflullhir Georgo Itenlnie. JIll., lII ribs. Grimsiditch, Eall,, H.P. John lSiie..eil,REsq. Ma:rk GamblerREsq. John T'aylor, Es9q. nobhn Harvey, Nit. A. .1. 1VJl~y. Rsq. Titones Ilaswkes, Eso., M.P. R. Walker.REsq.. MIP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mesself alo sbealt daiyhwth govods. -sa hors helre a a-r high wotcr futhrthev'r Adrinform-ation applyoa cc, letacica eci1, John-street, Cruelithedfriars;4, entir wb o Dublin. JARES HARTLEY and CO. STe~ oferbstneframdddiy ?? dipowtch by uthe Piray to Lrn~eri~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nENTS. JOHN RALPH ORMSBY CORtE. Eisq., M.P.. Portland-place. JOHN ROMlER, Eat.,,1t. CambrIdge-terrace, Regent's-park. DiRsccromcs. George flicknell, Esq., Bloomrse Charles Forbes, REq.. Fitcrey- bury-equare sqare Janice Brine, Esq., Eton John asrer, Evq ...