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Aberdeen Press and Journal




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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... .j'ree Publishe'd, P .~SlRMON RTROSI'(iT ofthe Year, 1838: preaRAL hed TR SP WonTt' ruricilrill SUN. S DAY, January 6th, 1539. By tirlevtcs.RO RT ORf Minister of W~odside. Published bVP.GRAY, 78, Brond Street ; and scidby ALr-x RA., woosidehlO ,ANES CirUiLCSiiANIC, C!otton; and by nill Boobsellers. ar A SERSMON. occasioned by the Second Centenary Of tire Reod tforniflltion; wjerein, %with a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKIE & ~iO:4, Qvlaun Street, Glasgow StTICOLLF1'01*,e STRENTv, Itt) Nllt'tl1ifi WgMIrWKLt't5ttAROt 0 Otj And 40, E70tad Street. Aber'ctieen, AYE 1 at PL~bUlio1td t ito folluiving Wurks, for thle Use1.1 Of Schools :- I. \~tiES aIilCA TITEAllrl'ItIIETIC, adoptedl to the, 1 pi~erittl 1%'eiglt, jult Meoasures. Wittt ait Appenixi Coll tai 11n1 a brief view of the 'Nature, Use, mid NcgothittioU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To SititowneTs or Proprieto-s of Collilerles. EAST PIntI 11orse-, thle 1thl Niiv. 1839. rrli i f~ifT ifnllEC~tR~ flt' EAST INDIAL iH~ fft'ilTP NY do liereby Give Notice, that t1cr Govern.o meet of Ititlbay arie rea.vl to jtirltt h-so. at reasonabfle pr-ieso :iii it ltint i3of COAL. whiehltilmy be offeredl forl sale at lthe' l'irt. ?? iltil that serh Coal be O f good qual ity, and suitabli foe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GCENERAL SHIOW or LIVE STOCK, .1511 \(l;llt'l.Ti'R \l. MEETING AT ABiERllD)EEN ix 184-1). Il 1H HLANi) AND AGRICULTURAL SO. F I'Y TY 01' 7l'f'1,'i D). having resolved to hold thle (en-zliSll 'hio .f Live Sttoeh :aitd Agrieldtur'al Moeeting for 1840 A i. rdov. rhi folh-i ior Preniulhen are offered to he then I wlrd,,ii, l~ Wediiy i iheral ?? fioin the .i lontils of Aber- riven. F:o Kiillehalji ...


... s, China, and Stoneware, 17DW-A1RI) HANR , lSO tefv Iith Ielstes. B.iloy& !ji' Co. Erdirdbannvh. bL2s: espctfully to acquaint the Ni- bilitv. Gentry. attd tile l'lilitc ill general of Aberdeen and it- vicinirv tihrtile still eintinitesscilingoff tbe reimainder 01 tble I-tock of Chilna Glass, ond st'netsre. belonziiig to ttic ai\ Williain David.,n. 41, U'nion Street, at prices Consider- a:bly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Miss Cruiclcshanrt's B1;nd Asylum. To the EDI1Olt of tile AIlElIDEEN JOUIUSNAL. SIR, I N refei ctlce to a paragralih which apperell in your paper of last week, relative to thoe thslgns of the abovc- ramned Institution I beg distilletly to Own l that 31r COI.LI 'S piliu wvas sbullitted to ilnc along wvith m5y Own, foir llollifica- jc tio ; undi I dill modify lay plan to m11eet the expelns lnd i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INVEflUiY TI 8I:N..1 t ItIS Of th, 1N ttlle ?? V tut tl> etiili NA- TIU)NAL .k t ~lIi i SAXItN(S IIANI;, wvill be beld, with. in fla: Towlt-11:111 blre,on Thurslday the2 °Ist in~st., at ooonul. ALEX. S. MIAClEAN. litveitry, Iljit Nov. 1 S311. NOTICV. A LL tinose. intdl tblv to Ilii lhtc, Firm of liELIM AN A Iild HlORtNEU, tie I'eqtiestedl tio suttle thlie AccountlIs, without foil. 'twixt mill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AM o. 1~3 AAa REERIDEEN MAUMEST COMfPANYI (CAPITAL, iC2O,000, divided into Shares of XI each. (I to f lihi Direl~oro, J AMtha.-IAlIlilN. E'q. oif Peesley. rP I' H- BAvt Of Pm1tlitiittt, htii-ot1poi:.iii tis Co. tiany. and conforring on thrni tim val tltlal. pt'ivileia( icrjo ed etai hia i MARItKEKI' PLAC. ?? the it, lif'Abrdeeni, ?? ?? onI the i at .1 uk T ie ol.iee~tq of the Comlpanly. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]? HI FIRS'T BANFIF ASSFMIBLY will Ito hold o11n T 1t WInedoiiday, tile 30tl Jiiuitiry, ill the County Mlln. S'r E, 'A Ii S. hlttjtlir4ielteiiil l'i.\i N.c IIlA N(CI0 a. SOITIEiV, 1SI. JAMIi HOSle INNUS, I.Stj. Co1loellI JA ?? (MlViV'i, C..1 . TrIC!;Lt to Io liii lit it .)IAl1T5E IIIllAI'i S. DIainUlil!g to ?? lit it o cloci. BONE FORANUaE POI SWILE AT 'l)Iltlilt.A). PI FERE will be n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERUDEEN BANK. T S a C S GPEd -% r l. I ,MV' l'TXNG of the ft I'ARiNElttv *Xf the lCANICINC. CO9IPA N'Y in tBiEB iOK F'N. held thi, da~y. the lc ?? by the iitated tlid~al Meetiglitof the 2d current. for the Subdi vision of m:wkami ; pproipriatioin of Additonall SbfIIts having been uonsail'm's!y amd fitnally .sll5etioned-Notice is therefore ?? 'ises. that applicaltions falr thie vcollining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G EORGE. MUDIE, Invernettie Brewvery, begs to IF inform his Friends and Customers, that he has subset the RREWVERlyto MrJOHN M'GLASHAN, whoenters to az it at NWhitsunday first. G. A. returns his best thanks to o those who hove supported him. and in order that the Out. th standing Accounts may be collected before the present Carters are out of G. M.'s employment, he respectfully intimates that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIES' WORtKING SOCIETY. THE AsNUAT, MEETIXG (if the LADIFS' WORK. T ING SOCIETY will he held in the EAST CImaRC11 SE:S. ,i. Hors,: oil nMONDAY the 2.thb March, at noon, when all who take an interest in its procedrigs oire p1articclarly re- fluested to attend. Ring's College Library. H! ' CTITATO( ittlr CA )AMMITTE IR. reutmtist tIP.? T all iIOXO C 'orvs 'i'd firo thi Library, may be ...