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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... T'ILEATRE ROYAL. r-ttul.i oformtcil, thilt tile ?? ?? lp':rt'' noV AL ill Be\-SOI~t1 t;or n ' , ~, ii 'E ?? xr; .l~ni1 14, IS:39, s1-lt1lwia ( 'l'l-blatedl Actreis )II;S 1:1 IZW 11.1IAMtl Iaitt. I o'v;tl Ii aitarktet, tool rolt is P Eltr s~s i,%,n Nights .. lN.. ,ill ?? her 1l;_lw il t ) . i' ciV i nt fi ll |i | ?? of i ,rv (;irl ?? 51rs FIII'VIM.IIA5X.N ?? ,rl 1 w r>12ill ?? ile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ?? 1~O~flI' W)IV N, U(tN D)'1 (FSOCIALISM, r 'x (1.-I'URES ois SOCIALISM. INt TIrit '-jrI,(N C('O'VINING ROO0M, Oil .i:, :Itl lUtiiScjA'andtFRIDY P ?? l i:.:lt ?? to corn- tO k. o:ilci Lectuc ire, Foturpeinre. \j \IIt!1:ss and CHIALLENGE. fronm Tr fl:.- P'IIILAFI Ii'lEAN SO riI (if ..Lh iheiril I'tibioiictioin Officc', H14, Ca- *1.t'Neti Street. NOaicl(:'I'0 SIA5'I CII, HWlS ¶1 1: ! I 1 ...


... NIDAY, F lINUAERY ]. ruESIAy. FEBRtUAR1Y1 1C. WE)DXESDAY, EBIRIAUARIY ?? ollours of exhiibitial, each dtliv. fromt Itiae ill the mor-ling till nine at nillt. NFWv ASr ocl1'rON FOi rl i. nti3ioro.s' of TIlE ?? ARTS 1 .IN SCOTLANI) . p1u5i a;l~~ re taost pasrticulal~rly rct';S,.tt'?tl{ to} 4,1i, I. ttt!rvC. tlitt the Prizefloidtrs of the NEW ASSOCIAT)N nare entitled to xl'rfrt Pi'tort:; fromI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 6. a~iti't' ASSE1:11r. ?? 1hl s x c\CISOM.ATETS l'rq ), i t3ct. Iterjorttize- coirpur te ,.jli. LISTS.otlSS r. Tin!. rvhlvt. 5Tlr I ?? 2 . ij r 1:. Famii TorvjiL,.to tie podm ( Strn.*t. v iij tl''ho, Cl,4:1. 3L & ?I3imm.,.Ill .kVT,,0TVER (N AN I: IS ?? .N ) l S fo ii l i (.1_0 2jv w1:h rh SITvil..r ?? t 1t. t h (-1. i lIl, fimiierSA Poirfoor, of ti'* li., I'lK 31ir,I lin ivit 'h A ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VI N i:jL\A M SU Tv, . ,I. , I''lit1. ?? lavv lot,) IN ?? on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I.:: illCad, to ?? ?? ?? I I the ?? IIN Di CT ' if~ F/ , u /s 2,,e; finil Ith ?? II I tilt' 2. ~ ~ I I . . ?? w'1 ?? VI ?? I I I I 1) NA 1 .Tit' l Iu ?? . : ?? IIti 1.I . I A 1: ~ I lt ii tl li I I 't I i t . il '.ll'.dni It . ol ~ ~ ~ . it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIVI/rMBPO CTTPlOESIOA SO-|,J JI/CIETY Or )USCIANXS most reqnect- tf'V inirml tlwir r t'onl. Asn inec and the Pal,- lie. t'.t ti.i,- SlECo'ND OPEN' PRAc.TTlCf i M!'TrTIN( r the en. in1X a'n-on. will talke t.l4c of 0) SA'TII11AY t1jii pothf o'¶ltnyn,. (-Instend th vf tf'' 2t.1. ns filrnieriv 0-rt' :,I. tilp Ruloml having re, lteei nre-pn-i,!ml f,'r thoe ,nAli' S de fi r the NeXw Seln.r). in tle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TJ2; ?')jlll I.IT~*ANI) C.NtRY VXX1E1ISITING, 5 j ?? the (5 i~th and Prinve's 8trret Gnr- 1.1 S ±ir iccon''aoildation for Families. Terms ?? 'tit ?? thec mo-k beautiful anti~ central in IITi~lNlANI; OF SCOTLAND. T tice first GElXEII.\L ANX1JAL MEET- i\l(; *r diV SIIAIIEIILI(T)EIIS of the Jollt : I.Nli of SC(3TLANiI), lheld nt ?? 011 thle 19th *iult 1S.39, thle following of~- fie!vrr :t re 14te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thi, present E etiing. MiONDAYx, Will hb' perfoirmned. for the Second Time these Four Years., Plaiiclie's Operaitic Comedy, in Th'lree .ccalled After wh~cb. For the First Timec ill dii. (Citv. n Neir and li tvre .tiug D ramai in r'vo Acts, THE I :'NS(IC IP'TS SISTlEll Or,. Titt Ii ?? or ' lVII-AtiiIMi:T. rfraii~lliild Friom the ceoil rated Frenichi Mlclidraina, elititii - I,.e ('ooiwi~criti n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S'1 sr ONAN'sS IIOIH)ER Cl UU. inrilerleithen on Toe-day thle 5'3tl annl ?? til 24th instant. Folr particularsl sce handl-bills. By order of the Patron, Il BlOVD, Seey. Innerleithlen, 5th .Tulv RS~39. SAIliNG ANT) STrEAM VE:SSELS WVANTED, F'OI1 PER~FORMlING T51l: MAIL. SEll- VICE TIE'rWEIEN AIIERI)EEN OR l'ETE'nllF J). AN!) LII.ER K i I;Ni THDE - *- SliF;T[LAXI) I.SLAND39. kepartmenet of the- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11)1 l;G 1II ZOIDLOGI('CAL GARDEINS. - r. ( ()MmIrrrF EE forestablisbingtile EDIN i`I ;l Ij(;1 Z)OLOGICAL GARti)ENS beg ?? IlniI t, file D)ONORS, SUISCltjIUIII.s ajii i'i BIJC.( thalt Mr l), the~ M~aiagter, Imv- r1id troilm Londonantiid Liverpool where lie . ~rt&i~ ,, ii tiolber of valuable and interltilng ?? 'jtl,- C'Ulti( inclitding thoie present- ib. Soi4-t. will Wbe Exhibitd lit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... // z / ~ STOCKS. FOR SAIEAN OY(>AL BlANI; C'O)lUNIMlC'IAl BANK, t' NATIONAL BANNE. EDI)NIt[-I(II GAS mcia;l r o. W.ANTrI:-S(OTTISJI UNXISN. SC EALES. HEI)ER~~SON. & C O. 2/'IN EST SEF:33 OAtl'S. T HEF. Suflacribvi-r hliivc jot impjsorted direct. n T u Iol'ti de verv tillest lI ESlANDi SlF:1I) oI'S ?? Sale. 'hidllS qnlity is well known It, I.e of 4r:grct proldutce. a53d very early. ?? J()IIN ...