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... POLICE INTELLIGENCE.-MONDAY. 'MANSGIOIX-fOUSB TuE Nnw PooR-LAW.-The moment the Lord Mayer took the chair in the justice-room, he asked Brand, the mar- sltaka, who ws In attendance, whether be was ready with a broker to go with the distress warrant which had been pre- pared and signed by Alderman Copeland and himuself into the premises of Stackham, the overseer of All Hallows-on- the-Wall, to ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-MONDAYI The sessions commenced this morning, in presence of the Right Honeurable the Lord Ma or, the Recorder Alderman Lai, ne, Sherifis Johnson and Mood, and the Under-sherifs. The caleadar contains the names of eI hty-nine prisoners; of whom seven are from London, sixty-nine from Middlesex, six from Kent, and seven from Surrey. The grand jury baving been sworn, The ...


... SINGULAR DISCOVRY OdFA MURDER. Our readers will remember that in the month of August last, we gave the particulars of the finding of the body of a man, In a field on Mitcham-common, and it was stated at the time that suspicion was entertained that he had come by his death by foul means. The deceased had no hut or coat on, his pockets were turned inside out, and the glass of a watch was found ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT.-Dsc. 81. [Before Mr. Chief Commissioner REYNOLDS and Mr. Com- missioner BowxN.]) IN THE MATrER OF W. MULFORD JONES. In this case the Insolvent, who was formerly a convict, and subsequently a grocer and publican, at Sydney, in New South Wales, and whose debts amounted to about 2,000, was remanded with a visw to further affidavits arriving from the colony, and through ...


... KINGSTON PETTY SESSIONS.-MONDAY. TIE NEW PAROCHIAL ASSESSMENT ACT.- RATING OF RAILWAYS. A special meeting of magistrates took place en Saturday, at the Court-house, Kingston-upon-Thames, for the purpose of hearing appeals made against the poor-rates of the dif- ferent parishes in the division The most important was one by the Directors of the London and Southampton Rail- way Company against ...


... N.A4I COURT OF AS SIZ= AiteWND, DAY or THE TRIAL ISTWEZN 5! GIOQUET AND TXE -> ?? . . MRISAGEh. .At the.oteniag of the court -M. -Parquia cowpiained of the partial report given in the 1,eusager neospper of.the present triai,-and: of the errors in that given of M. Par- q'in's coaelusio i X ?? M. Poucaud was then epiled. Tle. court asked from him further eipla.batign 'rosictlng the '40,000 ...


... GISQUET V. THE MESS&GER. SITTING op Dac. 30. M. Cippin, counsel for theltfessager, asked that more wit- resses should he examined, to prove what sums Madile. Nieulle, CharlesGisqoet, and Hediard, bad Irom the Hiron- delles. The President said the amount of the sum was little mat- ter; the fact of their having received one sum or another being proved. Abn Desmnoulins communicated a letter ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT.--JAN. 1. [Before Mr. Chief Commissioner REYNOLDS and Mr. Com- missioner BOWEN.] IN THE MATTR OF JOHN HART. The insolvent in this case bad been a general trader ih Now York and having there contracted several debts 1i, came to ingland, where he wisB arrested, bie debts beiig about 1,000. He had been several times before the court, and on the 2-5th of July last lie was ...


... SHERIFF'S COURT.-TUESDAY. [Before Mr. Under-Sheriff BURCHnLL.] STIARPE Vt. GROOME. This was an action for the recovery of the sum of .7 2s. 4id. for goods sold and delivered. Mr. JAMED appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. MARTIN for the defendant. The plaintiffw as the proprietor of the Woodman public- hosse, at Dalston, in Milddesex, and the action was brought to recover the sum of 7 29. 4jd. ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-TUESDAY. MANSION-HOUSE. THR NEw PoOR-LAW.-Several members of the comn- mittee of the board of guardians of the City of London Union appeared before the Lord Mayor for the purpose of bringing a charge against six able-bodied men, who being paupers in the union workhouse, at Peckham, had com- mitted acts of dangerous insubordination, in refusing to perform the labour ...


... I CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-TUESDAY, [Befbre Mr. Sergeant ARABIN.] ROB8BERY IN THE LONDON DOCKS. Edieard Quin, aged 23, described in the calendar as a cooper, was indicted for stealing G6 pounds weight of tin, the property of the London Dock Company, from the Docks. Mr. BALLANTINE prosecuted, and Mr. PAYN1E defended the prisoner. It appeared from the evidence of a private constable of the Dock ...


... SURREY SESSIONS-TUESDAY. This day the General Qnarter Sessions for the county commenced at the Sessions-house, Newington. There was a very fall attendance ofr magistrates. Mr. R. Hedger was caliedito the chair. When the reports of the different gaols were read, -Mr. HAwEs, M.P., complained of the wording of that from the visiting justices of the Guildford Heuse of Cor- rectlon, and sald that ...