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... POLIPY. L. R L. BiV D, N'li. RIDD)ELL.. Trint art. gnne. sirl for ever. beloved L. E. L.. 'Thon art gone, with choice spirits for ever to dwell Bleqlneathing to mortals, thougih brief was thy stay, A memory to live In its beanty for aye. Iw eep for the harp t hat ]lan' sonthed me so oft, '.\lid the diseords of liWe with its breatbings so soft; I wep those bereaved onl a turbulent ses, But. I ...


... 'lTlE SCOTTBTISH IvDOW'S LA MENT. Ariuii tlle l.amillis tide Mid,. dIurn' thlo lill;,ll tlvc. Ill u5' oil. trat c sille wi(>o wi s blcst. lil illn A kAind ciilciii:lii, :111i t\\:lt ,a:irnis Nv, t 'roitId illen |ere Blit t liyi're f't:l'll II': Sill' thc Il' Oi' thil vei. S4air Irouille cains' r gate, ...


... UNPUBLISHIED LINNS, WA ITTEN AT PISA. cr P. It. SIIELLEV. Aviry ! awn ! from men and towns, 'Po tbio wild wood and the downs- To tite silent wilderness, Where tme soul needs not reprevs Its mUusic, lcst it should not find An echo in anotlier's mind ; Whilst the tomb of Nature's art llarmonimes heart to heart: I leave tits notice in thc door lo eachl accustomed ri'iitu'r- I am gone into tho ...


... LITER A HY NOTICE. A LITrTr.E volume has just tnade its appearanee under the title of Laqgs of the reelinys; a Collection of Or (qi- Nal Poetry. bIy Eliz Dobbie. We are entircly unac- quainted wvith the alithoress, but her work is indicative of a highly cultivated taste, and considerable poetic suscep- tibility. The spirit which it breathes is that of pnrrc mo- rality, associated with ,iall ...


... JIGXIA'AL PFOR T. TIIE AUtl) MAAN'S LAMiUNT F)Oil HllS flUD WIFE 0, wnl; Is iS, 0, OM-n is Ille, a weirlo lot is nill no I trow, I toil about friae iorn till u'eta, yet, weel I lcu an uwliit to do; Aly aill gild %ifu, I luj'ed sne weel, avie from nie i9 ganu, Ai ' thro' life's LIrerie viniter h re o tm left to pineo a ti;e. NaD mnltr, flimen I return at e'on I filn' the ben-holbo sung, Or see ...


... STANZAS FOR MUSIC'. nIv J. pam.ilR, Late of tLe T/igntre Rl'aijii, .Bdfast, I SiHL theG in flie Spring, Love I sl111i nivet thee. ill tili Spring When to greet thio op'lloiog Violet The Oild bee's ol tie wing. Whlien tlhc earth inciu newly wi h n'd From Ai niter's i(Y tfirail, Aid deeks berself ihi gorgeous lines For Sumiiiil s feseivii ! Then time will flee right inerily As in the ...


... WE copy the following beautiftilly plaintive stanzas fromnil the Life of IlMansie Wauclh. The anuthor, Mungo Glen, is represented s a young lad from the Lammer- moor hills, who has beexi bound apprentice to Mansie to learn the tailoring craft, but he gradually loses his health, becomes fatally consumptive, and longs for the home and green hillsof his childhood. Afterhis death, a pager ...


... TIlE TWIN SISTERS. BYV TliE L.STr AIRS. MACLEAN, (L. E. L.) T:Iu goldenu light i3 in th 'r hair, (;o'dVa ias cverl 5n1lbens vvcre- Thc lnnnikg light is in their eycs, Azure ais ever were the skies. And evcry tilinz in each sweet faoe Is tOllulhed witl! PlildnUES wud -vith grace; The toncs are uncl i a iplit beseenc The cclours of a nontide dream. Some dream that, from external things, Borrows ...


... 6GOOD Pl . F.A wr L ! i uevrll ! is olfen lienrd From the lips of those who part Tis a wvhispr'd tone, 'ti5 a gelctle Nvord, But it Pp egs; not from the heart. It may reive for thc lover's closing lay, To be sung beneath a sunsmnr's Ely; But give mc thle lips that r-y lno hollcst words- Good bye ! lAdieu ! adieu ! may grect the ear In the gnise of courtly speech But wheu wve leave the kind ...


... SONG FOR TIIE NEW YEAR. By l. LIzA ConOO. Oi.n TIrix has turned another page Of eternity and truth; lle rcads with a w arninIg voice to aWr. And whispers :1 lesson to yoiith. A year has fled o'er heart and hea:id Sinco last the yule log burnt; And we have a taslk to closely ask What the bosom and l brain have learnt ? Ohi let us hope that our sauids hlva rmin WVitl Wisdom's precious grains; Oh ...


... I½ in love ! I'm iu love I am sure, for I feel it; Anil the raptumr.q w'iclh m11OVo Through my heart-stringi reveal It. And the bcautiful beam Of a joy new and tenider, ILike time liHlht Of a dream, Flings armuzid muc its splendour. I'm in l-vo! And I feel, When I look forth before me, Uappy hopes then to steal, rn their gentlemess, o'er mce Yet a tumult of fears Do those hopes often Fmother, ...


... 0, 111GINAL PORTR Y. SIIPILE NANCY. Il'Y D. 4I'K. RIDDE.1, Tnuaxv were no acts of madaess- No wildness in her air; No bursts of maniac gladness, No ravings of despair- But., witl heart touching tenderness, Oft youl would hear her tell, Of early trow', And broken vows, And ldm she loved se well i And this, too, poor forlorn! This was her mortal sin. 'J'hat tenderness had wvorn The mental woof ...