Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. n On Wednesday, the Rth instant. at the Unitarian Chapel, Bow- lalley-sn,, Hull, Mr. Frederick Lowther to Miss Dinah GoodilM, both of that plice. This was the first marriage celebrated in the H Bowialleoylane Chapel. On Thursday, the 7th Instant, at St. Luke's Church, Mr. John Wood, of Allonby, Cumberland, to Mrs. Mary Webster, Corn- I wallis-street. E Same day. at Ballanuh, Isle of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -it BIRTHS. ua- April 5, in Alfred-st. Bath, the wife of the Rev. R. Law, a son. April 9. at the Rectory, North Petherton, the lady of R. King to- Meade King, Esq. of a daughter. Val MARRIED. on At Weston-super-Mare, Mr. J. H. Maggs. of Melksham, to ar-Sarah, second daughter of Mr. M. Dav, of Weston-super-Mare. Id Apri 2. atYatton, Mr. Wm. Hardinlg, to Miss E. S1. Stinner, be both of Cleeve, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... : ourum wmxner'saa-v :t tF Zs 283D,4 j . ir ?? tifrcsl.noJ. D' volltdl e, n the °21d I ?? of A. T. ( Itic ilo Esq. of ftleileotllI of ai d auitltet. Bi3zT11-At 3A,11iLe of Bielot'ab, onl hi t i ist., TMrs ?? ,of nt soll, ItllTII.-At (Cantray, Oil tie1 tlth inst., ?? lady of Hter I Dl)~ viosno 1J.:. of Calnrl'.v of a soll. BiiirTIL.-At Balolny Ri-'st-shhhe ol ilr lli cllart MIS E1. Bi. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... it WEDNESDAY, October 23, 1039. It) ?? fliolisie Cstie, otl tile ath illst., tile CooIn atl teoss of D AI) tiO SI I:, ttf t daugilihter. alO lii rt.-AtI Ratthon Moase, oil thie 18thi instant, Mrs GARn DlNtt, of at tolaglteiri t ?? Kirliall, oil ?? (ith instant, Mrs Cia . ItO- I torsoos of a dtiatigiter. to ?? IH try, otliey, onl tihe 3d inslint, thl ?? w tbe Rev. Mr :Mo ssoN of that plaeo, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Tuesday, th1O loth ins Uy Leigh, of Darley Rectory, of a Son.. - On the 15th Instnt, at the Mlount, Sheeld, of Arnold James Knight, Esq. D On Saturday, the 16th instant, t Birmingham, the lady of Captain Jel q of a son. MARRIAGE - On Saturday, the 16th instant, at ChiweU , E Charles Saville, Esq., of Theydon Garden, nesr AiX to Ellen,. second daughter of Mr. Joseph BA 'df, eri bourn, in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the BIRTHS. ester On the Ist instaut, at the Rectory, Stanton-by-Bridge, ester the Lady of the Rev. Thomas V. Whitaker, of a son. On the 3rd instant, at the Vicarage, Longdon, near atson Lichfi Ld, the Lady of the Rev. Stuart 'Majendie, of a ais daughter. rd tlae At the Grange, Birompton, the Lady of John Braham, r th Esj- the celebrated vocalist (now aged 70 years), of still- b yh born twins. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF ]iRS MNCLLEAN'. LATE lMlISS LANI3ON, Otn L. .L Wle have ticet furntishel wvith thre following ex- tract from a letter of the Rev. Thomas Freeman, Vesleyan AMissioriary at Cape Coast, containing tbe tunnoutteett it of this calamitous event, The sympathy of n large portion (f ?? public, as well as of her immediate frierdtis, will be awakened by the circumstafnes or ?? tibea of this ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... !H9 tLATS to1uD XORfl¢BIRY. The strictures of the press, in referende to the ;Hxtraordinary'conduct of the magistrates in' omit- ting to take Lord Norbury's own depositions, have l eli ited'the following apology for what men of all ( parties now regard as a gross dereliction of duty:_ Shortly after the arrival of Lord Charleville and Captain e Fox, it seemed to them that some examination of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ons the 20thinst1tuant ati Prdyof John lsx~ly 13q ftan Onth ifth instnty spect till), the lady of Iv. J. Thomson, EqM..of]'Olter-strect, in, this citV, of a rnaughter. On thc O2th utset it, ait Auoghntelay, clou J ty, 3yoo thelayo RoWlatd Bletty, E of a Sol], Miss nth O'Rcll5 CI ti lt e vt it lr i OfILSoil..W elnst y of John Langley, LEsq. of Tramore. of aa rter. county ofihienly, tile lady of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ;r L F worn~pr.v )r n ?? istnt a CllBIRTHS. On the Ist instant, at Convamore, county Cork, jthe Countess of On Easter Sunday at Glenfield. near Leicester, the lady of Win. Thomptan, Esq., late of the Fusilier Guards, of a son, On the 4th instant, at Beabeg, county Louth, the Honourable Mrs. Snmyth, of a son. Beon the 8th inst., in Upper Leeson-street, the lady of Richard B. Bennett, Esq., ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED On the 15th inst. at St Marylebone Chlirch, the Rev. Richard Croft, youagest son of the late Sir Richard Croft, Bart., to Charlotte Lesnora, elder daughter of the late Lieute- ?? Russell, of tbe M adras Cavalry. On the 19th inst. at the Unitarian Cliapel, Little Portland street, Regent street, 1. B. Arrnour, E-q., to Mary, eldest dughter of the late B. T. Hlopewell, Bsq, surgeon, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the M4th inst. at Dinder Park, the lady of Edwin Lovell, Esq., of a son. Oin the 20th inst. at the house of her father, Joshua Bates, I:5q, in Portland place, the lady of M. Van de Weyer, the Belgian Minister, of a son. MARRIED. There have been great doings among the domestics atFenis- cOwlee, the seat of our excellent and ;popular ConservatiVe mmeW. Fielden, Faql. Last -Wednesday ...