Advertisements & Notices

... ner - O C O M O T I V E P O W E R - T h~~e Man c hester ~ [A nd Leds Ralway Company are desirous of makiug ar- Orb rngeoeuits with camletent 'patties for the SUJPERINTEN- a DBr Co te TAMIENGINII DEPARTMENT, on one of ii cII thle following plans; viz.: F- le It, To contract willh co p te t ad rs o topartics to tl ?? farnilsh the necess r o e, aa ix d p i e r p s e ger p ar g n3 m ile, and ppemr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %J1I9 ?? 1bM E~t~i'I4', :i4MT CI IFUK, tit. .5 ^ 0511151 Il 13 Afro 1i and - r.. J ~ f, ito , I . , Ol , his lirst Supplh this Sesmli, .lc 1icial ?? Nl 81(and, Ilite i)utdi aond Eitililsh / t)\ E || S I. i: 1., Nwhich Ilk! Iill Sell til Iilalsllablt. \lI '%tl'lkltcf w)NION SEI:I) IlKli Irili, adl Pochl \ETHE A XD ?? 11 AMSIE).1erjabllul vither in orA IJ% 01-po&C. - - Xi'll l-,\ 21 Feb. 18,39 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rIE DUKE OFN0RTHUMBERLAND' j AU~iT will n ce5~ at ALN WICK, Ona Molidali IA it A of\T~ii\ atd be bolden there for Two pays | ofjarh, it will be resumed at NXWCAss eethe next D~yis a ber d9eld rtehzerievee tbe Rents trom the Tenants The Baifliffswil D before the Audit, as no Qui, tals wil beiven to them after the Monday and dhursday. ?? on which Days the Accounts of everyind are eted Cattile. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STO gIIIP-BUILDERS AND- OTHERS. y4IdT SA LE OF NA V Y T2i arER IMlp01 -BY MR. WALtER TENCH 14th day of March Inst., precisoly at Fout p Thur ?? at the Crown Inn Ldlow, In the k inat°P iD the following or such other Lot8 as shail county 8 pon at the time of sale, and subject to oonditions be g . II tn be produced, wbjhpc DS of 1200 OAK TIMBER TREES, J 0ow 5nding In llopton Park and other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU BIACATIONS. rI'IIE MONTITLY MIAGAZINE forMLlARCl, 1839, -Lllrite is. Gd., editedi~y JOIN A. IJEIIAUl). E9s. Wiillconfuill: Norne Papers, Iy (Ivorgts Itowure M.A.-Tl he QlMo 1uker, a R~e- verii'- Ptolusres of Gdunius, a Plaini fin Three Parts, by Juhn A. Re- rood, Port 3-Thq Iluitatnatory 'Theory of Lij'hit (coniti iv d-'fit Court All rtial, sneled,, fri in the th-eords of thev Eccentric ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOOT RAces.-We fortunately have it in our power to afford Pedestrian the information ho requires, from a memorandum copied at the time, of the performance of the feat, from the Traveller newspaper. Thepasse isas follows:- Abraham Woods, the noted Lancashire pe estrian, rann ten times ever the four-mile course, at Newmarlket, in fourbours and fifty-six rminutes, on Thursday, April 16, 1807. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORT OF NEWCASTLE GENERAL SHIPPING COMPANY. FIRST DIVIDEND. THEl Directors hereby give Notice to the T Shareholders, that they have declared a Divi- dend of 10 per Cent upon the paid-up Capital ofthe Company, for the Year endin, the 31st Dec., 1838, and that such Dividend will be payable at the Com- mercial Bank, Bridge End, Newcastle, by the Trea- surer, Wmn. Walker, Esq, on and after the 6th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SH~IPPING INTELLIGENCE. TOTICE to SHIPPERS and PASSENGET JIfor MADRAS.-The GENERAL KYD, 40tnC Joists. H.C.S.,,Cormrmander, will leave the East India Dock '1 MOtttOW MotusIN, March 2, and enebrk possonsreaut Oravese on WednesdayMarch 6.-For freight or pinsenge apply to J. Idereer, Ea olst n Chambers; or Camprbill and mnerson, OTICE to SHIPPERS.-For ALGOA BIA' tenanto omneasuransent goods.-For. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRST uPtlORTATION OF NEW PATTERN ioNG AND SQUARE SHAWLS SlAVS JUST BEEN CLEARED BY MESSRS. J- & J. EDGLEY, .1 44. BOlD-STRET. ' h Lot wili be found aereral adns totally *t, rett to any that have ever been iued they am vdi f 1 worthy of the attention of the Nebilit, Gentry, an rticularly ig decided novelties. and unusuall cheap tj t~ Id Jnt'zj riih Shawl iVrehouse, 2511 Feb., 183. ASLE ANND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; THEATRE ROYAL, DVEB-LI. 4.7his Evening, Friday, there will he no performance. Th01etiibatedl DISTIN FAMILY. forming the.BRASS QUINTETTE~ BAND. continuing to be received with enthusiastic applause, are engaged for One Night more. Mrs. FITZWILLIAM is re-engaged for One Night, and will appear To-morro- (Saturday). rrO-MORROW (Saturday), March 2, 1839, the per. I formances will commence with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aso w ous .rNVAZ ?? LV rm.Il POWDER iai R. JAMES'S FEa ess ia Fever, Ialas. J..J ministered with equal succe! Sore, Threats, watory Diseases, MeaslesPpleurisy i Id part A Rheumatism, &c.: and Cols't Catarhek theia progress 4 arty Influenza, ?? 1o. rackets aud Bot- and shorten their ?? Packets, PI~d, are 4te~'~25 P .IIUE 'SANAL1f IC PILLS are utieri-249. Dr. JAMEgS'S A tirtve ine Chlronic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY IAUCTION, FOR RBADY MOXEY, At Lybarn West Field, Parish of Chatton, Northum. berland, on Monday, the 18th Day of March, 1889. ROBERT BROWN, AUCTIONEER, LL the FARM STOCK, upon the said A Fa'm, consisting of 87 Leicester and Highland Lwes of the first-rate Brre., 50 L-icester Ewe and Wedder Hogs, and 20 Highland Do. all forward in Condition; 2 Cows,3 One-year-olds; 6 Draught ...