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Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Public Tags

Advertisements & Notices

... Notice to Publicans. INTIVATION i, heIrIbV OveII. th:at il ffitllr', no I TENTS for the Sale of Liquors will be al!owel to be put up on the Square or !trvets of Dufftoan, either at Feeing or Cattle Ua~rkvt.a, J5IlVQ~en 39th April, 1$32. JOH~N LEDlTIMON & Co. W, mrost vesi ectfilliv tim i utlinat' to thirci rCiton'l'C B and thlo Pubicta te av received thle greater part of their Purchases for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Board and Education. M R. LESLIE, A.M.. Parochial Scmoolmnstel of L Longside, can now accommodate Two additional BOAltDERS. Te-es, for Boys usider 12 years of age, 2B Guineas per an. nuin. Farther Information will be obtained, and respectable re. ferencesgiven, on application to Mr. L. Longside, by Mintluw, 20th May, 1839. PANANICHO WELLS. HE Yearly increasinig nuinber of Invalids wiho re. r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tea, Coffee, Wine, and Spirit Warehouse, CORNER OF ?? STHRET AND CASTLC. SRSCTh. G ORGE JAMIESON takes leave to offer his G thanks for the very extensive patronage which be has enjoyed during the last twelve years, and to Intimate that he has assumed as his Partner Mr RoenET SMITH, formerly in his 2 own employment, and lately in business, 86. Broad Street. The business will in future be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !,vintoy o7 G,-d1 at ?? In the Public Welgh-House o' Abercdeen-Unclaiined. F'romi what V'eSsel, &C. EJ. City of Aberdecn. from I.ondon, J. Scorgic, Queen of Scot and, do. George I oss, Courier, from Glasgow, MIr King, Velocity, from Leith, J. Anderson, Florence, from HufI, George Ross, Forth, from Leith, No Mark, Sovereign, from do. A. Farquhar, .Forth, from do. Forbes &- Hall, A. Mackie, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A SPLENDID DISPLAY OF Plain and Cut Glass, China, &C., AT NO. 812. IlTI/)N Sil'tEET. r Bl;N'I NG & CO ?? ?? tlii1 Sill % * etha:nks to their l'rienls unit nrurerons Custn- N *ess fior the very lierdal patironage vith rliich they have C le rii hnonnred fur the last tsenty years, aind hez leave to ats- ?? then th:tt they vill Ilse their utmost enisavnsrs to imerit em i 11 :Isfirt hler ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERUDEEN BANK. T S a C S GPEd -% r l. I ,MV' l'TXNG of the ft I'ARiNElttv *Xf the lCANICINC. CO9IPA N'Y in tBiEB iOK F'N. held thi, da~y. the lc ?? by the iitated tlid~al Meetiglitof the 2d current. for the Subdi vision of m:wkami ; pproipriatioin of Additonall SbfIIts having been uonsail'm's!y amd fitnally .sll5etioned-Notice is therefore ?? 'ises. that applicaltions falr thie vcollining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOTANY. HF. COURSE ?? BOTANY and VEGlETF.rABLE. T_ I'llV-;I0)LO(G in MARISCIIAi, COI.IttE, ?? - ienlcell on Mlonday Morning, 6th of May, at S o'clock, by Dr at ICNIlG T. a] Ithe Lctulres vill be accompanied throughout by Demton- I- ~rations on ll .11 tho par ts of Plants, nnd bly Egxcxursions. They se will be given on live ruornitigs in the wveek on .11onedap. gi Tuesday, Thfi'rifOst, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SaOW OF -:CAT'TL AW> 86ORS9S. HEGARIOCH iFARMER CLlTl, wai the 1TI1H. T LAND and AGRICULTURAL SOCrETY of SCOT- LAND, with the view of improving the- Ireed of CATTLE ani HORSES, have resolved to invite a Competition to take plare at PIsTMAcH5E, on FRIDAY the second day of August next, at II o'clock forenoon, when the following PREX'I- UMS will be given, viz. Preamiumr to be gireia by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Public Dinner at Turriff, TO MR. JAMES Mt1RR tVAY OF BU -iR-SiD1 OF DEL. GAT- | n DINNFR~t 1 i Mll he !VIl to Mt )ir, TtRlAY. ill P i'lla. os I l;f Oil FRII)AY fhirt, by tiS Friends, non the oneciroro of h ii Iccotny this comutry noL MIan-nw ger of the ltoic l0g11 1 Inveenletont Comnpany. #r Iinncr on the T:Lble A, 3 oilnek. MONRiS1 lIJURSYTHI, Scoretary. Turrifi', 27th May, 3839. SA GO DREAD. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TN tprnis of an Act pasrrped lo th 7th and 8rol vests of the reign of his late Majesty liter George the Fourth, .tAled an Act for ?? ore effectually ?? and improv. inc .tlie Iluarblours oif Poet rhead, in the tnnmty 'f Aberdeen. ;Notice is herehy Olven. that a General Meeting of the F.IUArs pnd Ku ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN BATNSN , 4'i'a SPECIAL GENiERAL MFFTIXG of the ' PARTNERS of the BANKING (COM1PANY in AEIIt- I hE:leN held.tbis day, the Ressolitioitsaitoptced by thc Stated (tlncral Meeting of the d current fur the Suibdivision of° Stoek and Appropriatinn of Additionail Shiares, having been unanintoulyst end filially ?? is, therefore, 1iimmw given, that appliciatiols for the remaining Stock still ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDIEN BANI. *T aI 4PEcIAL w. (lNRIjALj MINETl'NGl or III w PART>'R~othe itANKilNG 'iM ~PA NVin lltRR TPEEN, held this dny. the ?? by thr Ktntcd ?? neral Meeting of the 2d carrent, for the Suittdivisilnl of 5'tcl: nnd pippropriatim.ti of Additiutial hbhare.s lias h-b'n elnit:o1iisly and ?? ?? is. therefore its' Livell. that applijetions for the rcmiaoining toel still to b .-dispowed of. in ...