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Aberdeen Press and Journal




Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... ort lie (court ot sesiei II - wiI-atIIeI so' t' t i I o- TOH- It. TRAIL, A.M., S TWEtONt. lits to intil. ;I:11te to tile litial'itillits of \otat.itSt Riod tile ?? r tarisius, tihat tie lois tlow settled il te \ Village of .\lulltoiyulc as a tract iticoner it, tI, voitiis ?? IIle tIIIt. ot' Medici IIu, tile Jl~l le, tk931!j D;6SOLUTIONT. 914ii TE ?? m ied(I llt nt .1 itiltieal dIt, thle J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01 SI SB PSON, liLANYET' WcARPTrIaUev. 11, lln',11i 1ro0; or., Wil ?? X traooili nary Bargarin of tim L remain ing part of thle fi ra-t divi n,ion of Iis olte eon tr-act for I'he Tiveoitv ''lieomiand Pairs of BIA N1 mid. SUU1 I and ItNG. in I LI S iBiL.A NKET'S. daring the onsuiiig fmiirteen day. J0T thle seoond t%,ionile noo' on tile way. asl 'Tlw, tnoibl to gnitllt.1 at extra gooil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTIH oF SCOTLAND Fire and Lif a Assurance Company. CAkP] ATI, ONE MILLION. It lIE ND OFFICE, No. 3it. U-NION STREET, ABERDEEN. NS Hl ITS COMPAXNY offers to tie Public nilnoirt, nli T Rates anit liberal Conditions, in Life Assurance Branch. '[le groat advantage of LIFE ASSURIANCE ?? cc boeet aild ie ?? . by the piiti aoiltofa ,iiol I Ainitial l'realiuiil to an A.,surillice tolpijiiiv, been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hrouse of Refuge. ErIt'ittI Atititti Gets-c-ti M-litte of Sttoetilt' ' t{ tn the AlUMMIt N 10SF OP Il El- t(.l: , ?? b, ' held. artthiin te CoFl IttTII OUSlI.on\ tON- FX' Issttsy. iii' 12th Js;; i next at 3 onclolt aftertin ll. witeit a l eport tif tti I C,-llttiidttet of 2!anaglec:c ttt to l tie stitle of tite 1)ttitittitt1t cud1 it.'Treautttet'X Acetllutsfor the pastyear, till be sttbtit. i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Old Wilke. V~HFSti ~d) era lias jut oilV t hand tind inl bodalargea Stock of fine Old I'01T and SHERRY WNNEr,~. eitiier in- Battles, QiIlatrto Cqsis, Ilibds., or Pipes; VOIi'VliGN anid IMItTI-il[ spIRITS, of best qunslity, Soein finls (ld NLNL VVtWII~I(VK 21 ILK-PUINCII; DRit-P elioriso ED)[Nit JRM ST sRlONG AL. 1, which is weell ft: kel~isil to ble of supel ior qual ity; LONDO-N l'OtTFt. *Of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TME CLME i TFETS !In tilt PtntllC ?? Onl 1`11DAY tinl ?? .,tlvt at I0; T110. liliRN I'T Secretary. A lwnlr~een. 1th J11tie,1 3.P ?? - - - . - - - - - ' I ?? ?? 1tPCl AI, GlE `RiAL AI.MRl,'IN'T G of t11w t 1tARtTN ?? o ~eBAKN f ?? i to AllSEti' II: tURN. Iw',d t IIl,, 0 ily, lt!,. too -IIIion ?? dI II ?? Qtated d fll. I, rot It Mv'tieni of flit' M et ! r1111. IIt. or tI Le I bd~tivisiin of, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 188R. AIE'ItANDER ANDZ1RSO1f, ME;,.BER or TtlHE ROYALI COLLEGE Or SURGNEONS, E1GS to infl rm the IJinahitantl of .lltnt aend its neliglboithood, tiaLE ]bc hs comileonced thc biusiness of his Profession in til its branclhes. Etlon. Jduno 10, IS39. Fvancis Stephen & S0r., JVOOLLEX lf.4ArUJF,4(' T1.RERS, 1-1 UNTLY, 11 N' thlitnine1 tIti' f O nnst inolterul thanl;s to their iteimere1ots Fribeuls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIae IVost Cltenlsive Stocik of Chiaa. GIas5, and Istfeoxvare. In the North of Scotland, h rn-so 1 IlS,1!tr irt t, ItIv ictlrlvam prices, at Ni'. 17, 'iililn ol ci reel anti the Premiises (thle otost cominitiliotioctiltri- te!. itld rxtenisive in Town), to be let. for any ntimiber ot ar; that nay he agrefd. from \tltitstit 15 IS10 . GiO2RGE MlEARNS begs respectfully to ?? his nu- i^iceore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DROITS OF ADMIRALTY, To bc Sold. [It M1C(ic1ltl Lno of FLM.. (It. 4it5 ti -Iu tit' ti Blittish Phanit ta , tio ; ;tso, on the 2Tth instant, I Soa, 8 niud tundlr 12 illeics itl ijimicter. qIt. 23 Icct; and 2 1)efls, 16 will ktat above 21 feset lolig, baltic pr oduce, pichuid lip at sea, oll' thc Bldeha- cess in Juimi, 183IS 1alna oil the Spar 1113. Cnstonu-Ilionsc. Balnti; Juno li, N8M. DMI ...