Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPINQ INTELLIGENCE. NOTICE to SHIIPPERS. -For BOMBAY (call. N Inc at tue Fapef. Good lRe:., :1 ie dlopatehed i:maedli. ately, having all her sa1d weight on board, and onliy rooin for U 'lit ~OWU5U1 ~OIi~ hefise. fat~sillg Lievepool-boilt li pero an copertasone; lingin he tt nhurlho Dock. TIhia sh~phas Pon'. f whch te cbin ccoisuoatros ur, spancious Lan airy an aford ver ?? freight or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tendrietg Union, Eau'ex.-Ukap/ain wanated. O5(TICE is hereby given, that a Chaplain for the Nr above Union 'i'orkihunso will ho elected at the Beard Meeting to be held inl the Board Room of this house on W~ed- nesday the 6th day of June next. Salary, £60 per annum. The duties to be according to the prescribed rules of the Poor L~aw Comnmissioners, and to comsmence from the 24th of the said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE PUBi 1( iS re;:pect',t;ly inforellde that TIhe celebrated I ish Cotuiedi!, lvriln the Th'rtres Ri;t,'l Covent Gar' enll ;II tl;.ylkt Is e:,;giqed ?? FiVE NF Ins ONI.V, ! d AVII oI he. his irst Apli e alranc hele On MON Av NFexT, Junt! ?? when will he performned, for ?? first To e- Phe IN ;SH A M UASAI)OR. Sir Patriek O(Plenipo, Mvr. Powtn. Tlie Irhh Tutor, Dr. O'Ziul,, Mr. I'tiviitR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDRESSES TO THE QUEEN. ST. MARY AND ST. PETER, RATHMINES. WE, the undersigned, request a Meeting of the Inhabi- 7 r tants of this Parish on TO-MORROW (Sunday), 2d June, 1839, at the NEW ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, RATHIUINES, at Two o'Clock, to prepare an Address to her Most Gracious Majesty, humbly thanking her for the late exercise of her prerogative, whereby she has saved her Irish subjects ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WA.KEFIELD ADJOURNED SESSIOiNS NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVygN fbat the .t SlNO .GENEgAL NQuSiER SErONS 4W THE VzACE, for the West-Riding o th e County 'eACYork, will be held by Adjsurnment in the Coin. zeittee Room, at the Houne of Correction, at Wake. TLehld, on Wedneedav, the Twelfth Day of June inemt, at ?? ?? in tbe Forenoon, for the 'Paerpose of ?? the Riding Prison, (the said Meuse of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Catholic C]Iapel, Lead r1¶E Public is respectfully informed, that on SUNDAY, 1 JUNE 9THr, 1839, ISERMONS ?? be Preached and CollectionS made at the CatholQ: ChBapel, Lea, for the re- pairs and imnprovement of tho piace. The Sermon in the Morning :ill be Preached by the Rev. C, WALKER, of Lea, and in the Afternoon by the Itev. JAMES SHARIPLLS, of Blackburn. The MuicN wilil be performedi by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SDD by T h d R OYAL A MIL YauS l Te yNO ILITY. . ZARP's ROYAL BRITISH 7.L CERATES and LINIMENT. ThesX e CRATES and LINFINENT as C tonstitute in their several Modifies- Ad^ lotions~~~. rpd fetaand safe Remne-I Cln, rapia earecrum. anc ,.,saen.eme,-, ,,tk~Affetilons, Lumbago. Tid.Doloureux, Gout. PAi elseS ITan Instances of Scrofulous Sores aund I dldnlsr Swelurs Relaxed Sore Throats. Hoopling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . vLVk, .LAAIV, THEA RO-i~YAL, D ULL'. The Public is Respectfully informed that MR. VAN AMB3URGH, being highly flattered and gratified by his reception in Dublin, has in the most obliging manner delayed his departure, and offered his valuable services for ONE NIGHT MORE-_THIS EVENING, Sa-. turday, 1st June, after which it is quite impossible he can appear again in Ireland, as he performs in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'o ritmezx. A Number of PITMEN wanted at Blaydon Main Colliery, F1-our Maile5s Wesl of Newcastle. Apply to Mr. J. OLIVEB. Viewer, on the Colliery. Blaydiin Tlaiu Colliery, 24th May, 1839. Dispensary, Newcastle, May 30, 1839. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Governors of the FEVER 1 HOSPITAL aviul be held at the Dispensary, on Tues- day, tbe 4th of June next, at 12 o'Clock, when the Attend- ance of as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - Salo b it_ _ _ _ 0 TO CLOTH MANUFACTURERS AND OTHgRS5 SPAN ISH WOOL. Ur. THOR.' HARDWICK has received Instructions9 et Importer, to announce for SALE by AUCTION fa isloroi ?? TrInitsr-street. Leeds. an Tuesday, the Fatd a qr 15 Reas at Two ?? In the Afternoon Precisejly; C. .S3 o 10 BAGS SPANISH WOOL. Iu Quaity~ tbe .11above is LAMBS~. SHORT-FINE, and MIDDLING 'e be lound well worth the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, A-LARGE ROO1, in Butterworth'e t Buildings, BrAdford, l.atrly occupied as a Chapel isy the Warrenites Association, capable of holdiig five hundred people. Also another Large Room in the same buildings, suitable for different purposes. Apply to Mr. THoS.BuTTERWORTTH, Bridge-street. . EMALE DEMCCILTIC TEA PAR~ , AT NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYZNE. HE Cc.uncil of the Female Political Union T`I have ...