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Advertisements & Notices

... iit Ct - iof id- Hle( AA. E. TOBT 1olse.i, Ship, Sig,'ililtl Omiten l Paintii -- ( (if t the hi;e lirinf of Wehfr & Thorn), 1r.( EG'S to I.till> lth filka tt' til ' tilt! pati'mintoi2 lip flojo I' B wirllton ilii n aita lijil. ii, nl na ?? ie that llen h .al now' eli ?? iemill Ttlwin ii erll t is eraN ancornit. il that (I es Shop, lineo StrQet, t e ifeyply OCpil pdy Nlr A. CSingostr. . \i\fLth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S'1 sr ONAN'sS IIOIH)ER Cl UU. inrilerleithen on Toe-day thle 5'3tl annl ?? til 24th instant. Folr particularsl sce handl-bills. By order of the Patron, Il BlOVD, Seey. Innerleithlen, 5th .Tulv RS~39. SAIliNG ANT) STrEAM VE:SSELS WVANTED, F'OI1 PER~FORMlING T51l: MAIL. SEll- VICE TIE'rWEIEN AIIERI)EEN OR l'ETE'nllF J). AN!) LII.ER K i I;Ni THDE - *- SliF;T[LAXI) I.SLAND39. kepartmenet of the- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iday Aberdean Gae Light Ccmpany. eks, HIP ANSU.A I. lF.ItAT. MEETING of tile . ?? PAIITNERS of theCOMIPANY, will be heldin thel ock, IlAIAt Of the llovAI. II}TCL, Union Street, on Wedriiesdtly. I brig the 14th August. at 12 o'cloek noon; when the atteidaneccoi I E. the Partners is requeited. jun. ]3y order of the Directors, w Al.X. RIiCIIIE, Sccrctary. bh !bee,. Gns 1ight Company's Office, xee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Concerts at Peterhnead and Eatiff. t' R. II. I-I BAKIERI, ( tleinler, oflite litoyal Society -V Altof Mukisiciatis. and late Violinist at ?? r ojsts 1,,a~trx?. Ltondoni) respectftilly RaiittUnlets that lie will give cliai en Evening CONI.EjtTat i'cterlieaid, in ?? ?? II-t:,cn Fritlar, thle 5th uI til and on, it ini the IlrY I 1. i, cII Slonihly, the Stb of-litly Onl wlic ioC ic- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (tto;IANI) RAC'5 STAID. I' l~t ti:ljtS wvill receive thleir 'rickets as i-(1li :iat tihe 5.tan~l, whiere dalily Tiekets ivill b .d; it ulIiv, Sltillinig. each. I. M ITCHLL, Serey. S l; - 1 ltefrel1.menlt Rooms rtre only open to e . Eli hiv~e T ickets to the Stand. ~ | ' ,I V S AI.E (3F ?? IlANG IN GS E. lll11l IX LONI )OND. PATTERNXS , / LIFT Tiil- BEST Q2UALITY. 8i . - TAIT ha'. been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE'ACrtE WANSTED, 05i THE rVI'. IC CGSOMMriMAY AN x 'MlOATI117'MATiCAL SCHIOOL, OF' THEi CiT OF AitT DiIEN. r-1'1Hi- Oil-I' of MASXTER 1 ' thle olive SC-HOOL, Ahin ?? by the ?? lf.T Sr JAITKi s CiRo. esi !;mlidaiits for thep sameri ire required to appeai' withini thle T;W .sIV.tpel 'lThursdaiy the 2l 5th day of J1 ly ocx I. at 10 . i look, foreleseit in order to iiniiergn P. particillar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO'I'lCE. TIIEc(OMMIiSSIONiEIIS for thle SUPF.RlN- TlNIll-Nl land M\ANAG:EMEIIT of thse IIARI1OL'I and1 I)OCl;S of L1-ITII herebv in- timalte, that it is intendedl, sinider the Act 1st jnnd 2,1 of hler plresent Mfajesty, e. 55, sect. 12. to mnke nn alteration of thle Ilaies ands luntics lvjrable nt the said Jharbour andl 1)ocl~c, byv ABOLISHlING the liULl;IXG ESTALh M.ll~~EN'r and the BUL1;- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ENERA L ASSEMi.' lTY'9 SCIIOOLS. V appo~tintmnnlt of thc l'resh~ytery of Edin- -t burgb, and n~ceordiiig to a recommenda~tion ?? th e Gen~lerl~l Assembily, a CO LLECT' rION wil tik' place in the CIICIIC['IIES of 'JIIIS CITY, (io S IIBlATlII next, the 14tlh curt.. inl aid of thle GEl- NI-:l:Al. ASSEIjLY--S S (- II () () J S in the IlilG ili .Ni)S and iSLANI')S; throu~ghout SCOT- IDAVIJI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AM o. 1~3 AAa REERIDEEN MAUMEST COMfPANYI (CAPITAL, iC2O,000, divided into Shares of XI each. (I to f lihi Direl~oro, J AMtha.-IAlIlilN. E'q. oif Peesley. rP I' H- BAvt Of Pm1tlitiittt, htii-ot1poi:.iii tis Co. tiany. and conforring on thrni tim val tltlal. pt'ivileia( icrjo ed etai hia i MARItKEKI' PLAC. ?? the it, lif'Abrdeeni, ?? ?? onI the i at .1 uk T ie ol.iee~tq of the Comlpanly. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / y ASSEMIIl., { IX JItOlPTOtN IIOOMS. T hERE wvilt he an A'4SEMRIL1- in the nbove llooms on *VEl)NESDAV the 10th instant. LAL)Y PATIIRONESSES. LADY)\ GRl-ENOCli. The ionourable LAI)Y SIXCLA!R. The llonour~ble Ml1S PIIIMErosE. LADY LAU DER. LAVY IASTINCS. Tiekets, Fb e Shillings C3C I, to be lhad from ?? Barry. at the British llotel. .Iuly 5. 1S:19. ; yy NOTI(E. T TIIE COMMI7SSON9ER.S for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Faiotlies Visrling Edinburph. D SUT HE RLAN D riturnis toilulks to the Nohility *, tnd Gentry of Aberdeen, and ncighbourliood, for the patloliago received froml thelli. ?? begs ave to ilntilmate, hit ?? Ile l1Cll- Xl.R from Abrcrromby I'lace to NI,. l28, C( EOt1lG SJIll .T r.lliell hc has fitted lip in halhadosmem style a: a '131 VATE ii Ol E. Tiieve are elegant Selttes of Apartmlents en ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eno-lish Reading, Grann-nar, and Geograpbhy. It. LEDINMI1AMtreitilyitlialhi i- '.atent ion of opening, a CLI, ~S for tle aboev-nientiiloil N O;1;1111 il MONDAY, the 50t August next, exetosiocty £01 I tqol, Lo Ics. I:Closs is intciideil for l'lipils 111noaie~advceil thanl these ti:-. cliv attendl MY T.'s eioleiini hay Classes. Terms t i's l;ii. i'r (hiaiill. Th Academyi will lie Ile opiencil. ...