... CONFESSIONqS OF A TnUaG. BY C'TIrtIN I.EADOWS TAYLOR. 3 vols. Bentley. The horrible deeds of these deliberate murderers have re- celltly become so familiar to the public, that a work like the present,-laying open, as it does, the entire system of Thug- gee,-is one of general interest. Capt. Taylor hints that the only fiction his volurnes-contain are the slight and utimport- ant links which ...

Published: Sunday 15 September 1839
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5981 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... ORIQINAL POETRY. ON DUBUFE'S PICTURES OF ADAI AND EVE. THE TEMPTATION. THi noonday sun is sinking Behind the new made hills, And his thirsty rays are drinking From Eden's silver rills; And a thousand birds are floating Away on painted wings, And vesper hymns to Heaven Each fleetingiwarbler sings; And bowers all new and beaming From Cod's own radiant hand, And hanks with verdure gleaming 'Neuth ...


... LITERAR4Y 'iSSIP. NThe New York Corsair cohtaivs ahothe& paper from the pen of N. . Willis, entiffid Jottings down in London. Mr. Willis is at the Opera, where Tagmoni was perforiin, and thus gossips! About things operatic, things fashionable, and things liteirary:-Well, I looked at this marvel of delight; tram the ssae box with a very different marvel, Lord rougbane! He came to pay his ...


... M .)ET'vill Our 2 c:iti pal ons as t) tti.e elfidt of tle produe- tin of :!c ! ?? I llitlts' waS ,n il Saturda :niit imoire t tO rm 2: l..! 2t is :s i,iiat:10m lol i ant, : t .ig t-laoW I) n-ri t, genlliuie- hileicsilut ott a iz mder-o Tourna:lm.enii t, lw iil s ?? :1 ?? mogIlI iice0it ?? or scencry, dresses, dteoration5. &v. *l ' tit h:; We love to enjoy it heatrty laugh, t were not quite ...


... reUBLJC : HEUMBNTK. POLYfECHNiC INSTIT TION, 309 Rdgent- street, OPENdaidyfrumnilalfrpastTantilt tllzo'alock.-ihafolfl ls tile ?? of ihe Exhiblitlion Half-Pt 11, *elulk Path Diver ana DIving Bell. Twelve, Magnetic )W ?? Twelve. pneumatic Teiegraih One, Mleropeoih'. Two a Lecture onj Ehperletlsntial philomnr, Cinemiltry, or Tihe mdt .- teal r ts. Half DIat TwoR Plimuitic eleraph. Three, 4 Th ...


... -c-l EXHIBITION OF MODERN PAINTINGS LIVERp0 ACADENY. OL The fifteenth annual exbiiition, now olaen in, Pr 7ssu- The fifteenth annual exhiloatton, nowsy open in poostomfi'a~p is a is highlv crieditable both toathe parties who hvel to the aitists who11 have contributed their works0 Th~r ust, tile pictures thtgaetl al fil! eeaeli of te trs hatgrae te wllsof he ari room, I t ofth fistorder ...


... WIS C1iArA.TS DAYLIKm, KAMW.LOOMN % EAVSR, Of ZOLTON,1 AsPIRniso Mortal! to a claim most high Of Fortune's casridates for deathless fame: Thou, whose bereavement to Eternity Shall stand to the accouint of Europe's shame: And thou, for wshoe-imid Desolation's cry- The war.fiend, laughing, rode the tow'ring flame Of Moscorv's ruins: now the lonely sigh Thy spirit heaves may kindred moaning claim ...


... LITERATU RE. ROBIN GOW'S WIFE. HIS WOOING, WEDDING, AND WIDOWHIOOD. To know M-n a dozen years ago, was, of necessity, to know Robin Gow, the best story-teller and trencher- man, and the most undoubted follower of Rip Van Winkle in the parish. And who did not know M -n then, and who does not know it still, dear pleasant para- dise ' of all things that be opposite and contrary?' With a gaol that ...


... Efcts ?? Bucks Herald says: The Ayles- bury Railway continues to convey a great number of passen- gers, and every week proves an incroase of the numbers. At a meeting of the Aylesbury and Hlocklitfo Trustees, held on Thursday last, the tolls on the road were lot at an advance of £20 per annum. This is a proof that the railroads have not injured the funds of this trust. TZice Noozed.-A young ...


... no-rraa-DAUGHT~A. MAfo*er.-Wby doesn't he propose, my dear? Why doesn't he propose? You really should contrive to bring the matter to a close; I'm Sired of giving balls, and fltes, and dinners every day,- And then to think that after all they're only thrown sway I Your dreses, too, and ornaments, you've had them by the dozen. (ctwoeew .) 'I wish you'd taken soy advice, and not re. fused your ...


... 1. Nown ntlt~in has come. and again here asa I A-w.lnsl'ring alone by the banks of the Eve; The Nisnets are warbling in each hilih annl tree- llut the hianet's ssood.netes have no cb arm for top. Iowv oft, witil a heart light and free, hive I strsyedI, In years gone Iy, by this pretty water-sile; Anti w hy arm I nose not as inerry and vay ? Ali! my love lives not here-bile lives far away. S. ...


... ASHIONA ANMD YARIE TIES. t WIN'DSOIt, FRIDAY. Their Majesties the King and Queen of the Belgians left the Castle soon after five o'clock this morning, attended by Madame d'Hooghvorst, Count d'Arschot, Count Mtoer. kerke, and It. Vary Praet, for the Royal Dockyard at Woolwich, where their Majesties embarked for the conti. nent. Viscount Torrington one of the lords in waiting on tha Queen, and ...