Literary and Scientific Notices

... Literary and Scientific Notices, Stalitistict Arrsscti qt' Scoelnd :No, XXIII. Edinburgh c f William Bllaeckwood 8: Sonls. Ticis ninviber contains statistical accounts of ten panrishes, iO Dumbartontshire, acid four in Pertlishire. Tho whole is exe- citted with great care and ability, and contains much Interest- ( ing local inforutatioca. The account of Mouilin ecntrtccts a Ia4 short notice of ...


... FASHIONS ' FOR a OBER. 0' [Prom the London And LdiesW Magzinetf 'Pashiorn.3 Is Very pretty materials for autunmal dress. are the hi chiia' and broch6 silks; but plaids, both in poplins, wi leeantines, and pros de Tours, are much in favour. h( Velvet spencers are again seen with the autumn toileltte. be Generally speaking, skirts of dresses are very much TI ornamented, some with bouillon8, ...

Literary Notices

... itilfrarp Nottf-ro. Obseratioles, By E. IN Cleaver: Baker-strrct, lbishitle volume, with its unaifected tile and vitb- out ani author's iname, iakina itssilent and unpreterd- ill wVay. like the hidden rivulet tlioughl a greeri field. las greatly pleased us. It contains the pith and the marrow of a library for those tvito seek to gather only the goodI of ivhat they read, nid covet no excitement ...


... I A . X - i E. . ?? . I Sir 'Charlesikhaw,^who ri'evOM in SpAinwnith considerable credit, icqs beeon appoinled Comlnsion-er of. Police in Man- chentet' ?? pa sere o ?? ; ilstint~yentraet diie digy Whe Earln Lcn'lt Lord t.teng etm, tewao ?? sor tlirtndoe dipitempdrary, thiono uir Coloninl- Secretaryship has hee2 offerednboth to Mr. Chrl'es Belier iaod Mi. Watd, atid ,dec.Iined84 ...


... THEs Eglington Tournament has excited, as it was well fitted to do, a lively interest amongst the' lovers of magnificence and futn ; and has given great satisfaction indeed to all the nume- roqs persons who have visited this lest week the novel and fashionable scene. Feeling, as we did, that the display vas of deep public'interest, we dispatched our own reporter to the Tourna- ment, that we ...


... I I TOILIQMTO ORIGINAL AND SELiCTED. BABYLON. A Sonnetfrom the Italia-s of Pctrarch. Mlay Heaven upon thy looks rain down its fire, Thou wicked one, that scorn'st thy simple store, Grown rich and proud by making others poor, Since ever to do ill is thy desire I Nest of all treasons I whence, full-fledged, aspire All vexing ills winged forth the wide world o'er; Slave to lust, revel, ?? ...


... FASHMON AND VARIETrES. WrNDSOR, SEPT. L.-Her Majesty and her Royal High- ness the Duchess of Kent attended Divine Service this morning in the Chapel Royal of St. George. The Royal suite included Lady Lyttleton, Lady Charlotte Dundas, Hon. Misses Pits and Anson, Lord Gardner, and Colonel Armstrong. 3Her Majesty came on the terrace of the Castle, and pro. 1 menaded, at half-past four o'clock ...


... AUTUMN SHow or B3REDING STOCK AT THE I ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY'S CATTLE YARDi I Yetjnrd-s Who .1 - :. - 1._, -L X- J.i vsteroay the premiums in this show were adlllirld n The yard was somewhat more numerously attended than on )n the day previous. Wednesday was axed for sale, but few ie.purchases were made, and these at prices not to say high in or perhaps even remunerating to the breeder. ie For ...


... T- g-Y16I1T1TIaAL A, B. C. WJRITVE BY ATTHIlt DISON, ?? to ?? Sglre'jitch Ch4rtsr Astsew ?? d F[Frqi ,te' WQetkrJ1 Yi diepato'J . A stapd4 for AeNY, tDP~tyvd1W4 imtluoWup, a 11o00gLhed nd wrong 11oloo itd trado-ovar been. a | fIJSD QnnsDEe), by vhich it is b4uil- 1.he ?? of a despot-asiheii ?? a liind! s C stantds ?? CouaT, the seat of all avwl. :n for ?? asqial} the devil p EP fr Bxctsit, a ...


... MIUSIC. Tl'rl TNU ..IFN riT-' `clr.iin, '12 - TI.r Tu Atl- PI1T. WVri telu t'i caai),lsueli. cle~2l'ate' to tio li1 t I lmlw lrahlhe 010 i.ri of l.dhit.n 1, I--r t 1. ?? nt:agws. Lonlon: Crarner, Addisul, & lleale, 20)1, l'g-ent Street. rhe above song. tile words or which anpeare:i in Our last lnuiier, has jnst beeu set to n21125ie Or v Tery spiritcel andl popular t escri ption. The- ...


... DECZAR:RTION OF RXGHTS I OFTIF PEOPIE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRIIIAN AND IRELAND, ACCORDING TO THE ANCIENT LAW'S AND CUSTO.48 OF THE REALM OF ENGLAND. 1. That the sovereignty of this United Kingdom is monar- chical; not despotic, but limited.- .Vide Brac on ov the Laws and Constitution of lEnglsand, book 1, and De Corona, book 3, Locke, Blackstone, .AO. 11. That the duties ...


... THE PZAT-6OEE.. HAvYtARKuT TnEATRZ.-Thi engagement of Miss Ellen Tree, (niowdrawing to a close,i has enablkd the manatemen! fit troduce sonis of the ?? admired. Shakbeprial dramas hit style worthy of their.high reputation. Afrorigst theae iv Wvould instance the i Twelfth Night and Ad jydi like iti both of which have of late years been seldom aited, e6eh at the patent theatres, simply from ...