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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... LADIES' FASIIIONS FOR SEPTElfBER. All the toilottes of the momluent are of light delicate colours ; silk dresses arce nurnelonos ; the corsages vary; the skirts are very fall and long, and the sleeves continue mloderate. White is very much bworn, but taf'eta5 glace, organdys tamboured in colours, foulards and anislins with pattern satines, are worn. Cfannezons lnouillonles, with either long or ...


... ORIGINAL POETR'Y MAGGIE KANE.-A SONG.. B Y T. B E C G I. Liira jazel is ther oi sa61L blue,- Her breast the driven snaw, And white an' bonnie is her brow, Nae wrinkle there ava'; And Maggie she 1as8 gifts and grace, Surpassed, I wot, by nane; And wtia could show a form an' face To peer wi' Maggie Raoe? Yen, Maggie she has brauty scouth To steal our wits rwa', Andt 1Maggie she has lovers rowtb, ...


... LITERAtX NOTEICE. Lcctures on Biblical Criticismn, exbibiting a systecaati view of that Science. By Samuel Davidson, LL.1 P'rfessor of Biblical Literature in the Royal Acadeem cal Instititiksn, Belfast. Edinburgh and London, 183! THE importance of Biblical criticism to students I Theology, who are intended for the sacred profession , the Christian Ministry, is now beginning to be understoc in ...


... OUR AIN AULD) TOUN . !:: ' XM~I S ,;1110 '.Y t1ll. wert- nLe! on the brielkt. nud tile wvarth F1111) ilMl, A i til!e bonny eatithy hillp, an(d Mi frniproilt tilow(ry (cll, And tbo Wlile blrilies gnu mli! %%ill musie in their svolll A' glentiln nFo swcetly rouin' our ain auld tovii. Let foreigu hirkies eracl r the-ir grovers aunong ticioisels , 1 wad ratller l0e a glislO o thl pu1rple hleatiler ...


... BD JAMIES YARRUNT CLAYE. Alia- There's nae lack uboult tA housC. Civ E me tbe jolly angler's life, 'Tir bettor far than wealth, It banishes all worldly strife, And gives thc glow of lealth; Ile likos not buuitingthough le hunts Tho fish like any Corsair, AAnd would not thank you for a horse, JUxcclpt to get good hoshacdir! Give me the jolly angler's life, 'is bettcr far than wealth, It ...


... ORIQINAL POETRY. ON DUBUFE'S PICTURES OF ADAI AND EVE. THE TEMPTATION. THi noonday sun is sinking Behind the new made hills, And his thirsty rays are drinking From Eden's silver rills; And a thousand birds are floating Away on painted wings, And vesper hymns to Heaven Each fleetingiwarbler sings; And bowers all new and beaming From Cod's own radiant hand, And hanks with verdure gleaming 'Neuth ...


... GRIC(INA-L POET'ATY. DESTRUCTION OF rITAROAR'S ARMY Al THEU rIED SEA. so your cliariots, Egyptians ! 'tia Piharoali commands- To your saddles, my horsemen! gird on your keen brands- lsk tihe blast of tbe desert, let's off and pursue These f'ngitive bondumen with horn and lialloo; TIho intricate wvilderness, pathless and drear, Shall stzty their fleet course till our chargers draw near, -'Then ...


... THrE Pi TURR rIFE. PV W. 4:. DRlll 5, AN AxlY'l N PO7, How shall I knoew thee in tile sphere whichl kIecOP The diiembodivd spirits of thf (lead, When all of thiee that time could wither IcepI)e, Anti perikhes amongst the dust wve tread ? For I shall fcel tic sting of ceaseless pain If there I mcet t ly gentle presence not, Nor helr the voice I love, nor read again In thy serenest eyes tbe ...


... Ya pass by, Mary Williamson, As me ye'd nevcr seen- And ean ye haoe forgotten, then, The happy thnn that's been ? When bairns baith we played onrsels The ice-lang summer day, Till gloamin closed the vio!et's e'a And hushed the lihnet's lay. Ye mind, dear Mary Williamson, Ve wandered by yon stream, And culled the fairest flowrets there To be a diadem. While, fondly hanging on my neck, I'd place ...


... 111KE hlJEc:TEbD. P t.-- Se ivorc l! 11 'tt1, i uiaj' her in tho bower, By roses shaded round And deemed in that blight ho(ur My wishes would oe crowned. Snid l, this day be mine, door Bo mine alono, dear Kate.- Saild sho, I carn't be thino, dear, You're just a day too late .leoparingly I rucsed fortlh, And soughit tho ILover's Leanp ?lly burning toars they gushed torth, I rolehod tbo ...


... LITER ARY NO TA!CE. -ZeaIf e 1839; or Four Letters to the Rigidt Ron. ijEarl Durhc, A'c. eoi the Colonization Vf thmat Llatd, yj Johni Dunmore Lang, D.D. y 5 the most extraordinary, and, in some respects, t painfully interesting pamphlet that we have per- dfor man years. The author is Dr. Long, the well. pceshyterIia Minister of New South Wales-a ~siof l arning and very high talent, as his ...


... The annual Antuinn Showv of the Bangor Farming So- cioty vas beld in Mr. Stcvenwor's inn-yard, on Tnesday, the eth ultimo; and, notwithstanding the morning was ex- ceedingly wet and unfavourable, w'O never observed a more numerous collection of horses, cattle. &c. exhibited at any previous show of the Society. A large proportion of the milih cowvs, heifcrs, and calves, were of a very snperior ...