... FASHPON AND VARIETIES. WINDSOfl, WEDNESDAY. The Queen, accompanied by the Duke Ferdinand and Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourg, and attended by her suite, (inde out on horseback at four o'clock this afternoon. The Duchess of Kent and the Princess Victoire of Saxe Cobourg occupied a pony phaeton, and Lady Charlotte Dundas, Baroness Fenyevessy, lion. Miss Pitt, and Lady Harriet Clive, rode in a ...


... WINPSOR, TUESDAY EVENING. This afternoon, betweeen four and five o'clock, her Ma- jesty took an airing in the Grand Park, in an open phae- ton, drawn by four grey ponies, and preceded by two out- riders. The Queen was accompanied by her Majesty the Queen of the Belgians, her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, and the Princess Victoire of Saxe Coburg. This afternoon, at four o'clock, his ...


... GAZETTE OF THE 'TNMATRES.. learning's triumph o'er her barbirous foes First rear'd the stage. ENGLISH OPrERA HousE.-RiCci's eelebrated& opera of Scaraamuccia has been, performed here during the week, but not to crowded houses. No doubt the spirited lessee, Mr. Balfe, was induced to produce an English version of this opera from the success which formerly attended its per- formance by the Opera ...


... liI?Iloctrp. Y CI IYlUDI 0 EN ; lYNION I tiiigiiir tri-iltai fjl/Iregii', (1it CIL iarrdilgarierh iV ,g~i~)Jtdd, an nddel' sI 1iipresui lio 1 ILpii BIatigoririid ddyli ra guru,-rnit nodded Palr oedd wn yr Nghyrnru Ulvnrdld yingeledd rnor gio Itoil dwlybiiv ysuiryw deulu. T1ristori. ?? i'r fiori--cu gadael ( ,vvedi yn anirhydlon, I)yub elvd (i air h or'ch rylion) Al fyr byst ir ?? bcun. ...


... PUBLIC AMUSBMNTS. POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION, 309, Regent- street, OPEN dailY frm Halfi-ast Ten till Slio'clock.-Tha foliewie i8 the programme of tbe Institution: Half- past Elevel the Diver and the Diving Bell. Twelve Magnetic Experiments. Half.put Twelve, Peuratie Telegraph. tne, Microscope. Two, a Lecture on Rxpe- rimental iPhilissphy. Chemistry, or the ChemlcZ Art. HalftpastTwo, Pneurnatic ...


... T'HE LITERARY EXAMINER. Des IdMes Napol6oniennes; par le Prince Napoldon. Louis Bonaparte. Colburn. As an historical essay, as an eulogium on Napo- leon and on the past, there is nothing to censure, and not much to gainsay in this work. In a pious tribute from the collateral heir of a great name to the memory of its illustrious founder one cannot find even a little exaggeration misplace. The ...


... (I'rom the Ladies' Gazeile of Fashion.) Carriage Dress.-White chip list, a round open brim descending very low upen the cheels; the interior is trimmed at the sides, in a light style, with flowers; the crown is ornamenited with a twisted roil. leoan and cirtain of rose-colonred crape lisse, and a large holiquet of short, fill-cariled ostrich febthers, placed low on one side. Pale straw- ...


... FLOWER& (FRto3Id LA BLESSINGTON'S Nyv] osu3:c, n1 DESULTORY TT oUGHTS AND REFLECTIONs.) U . ,OWRSra re the bright remembrancers of youth: t They waft back with their bland and odorous breath The joyous hours that only young life knows, Ere we have learned that this fair earth hides graves. t Thev bring the cheek that's mouldering in theodust a Again before us, tinged with health's own rose,- c ...


... THEk FINEs ARETB. . . . . d ON INVEN]oN' iN POETRY AND PAINTING. By Sir Al it.) si7ce, P:A- ' Invention' seems to have bceniregaided; iin all qnhilgitened periods, as the' highest abd most admirable quality of.,h1 hulian mindi5is the quality which makes the nearest appjroich to the agcy 'of creion, and as affdrdiiig ilie most ?? ackliolovded' evidence of that ilntellectual powoer which Eve ...


... This novel and costly fete has terminated. It was such a treat as has not been enjoyed since the ancient and storied days of chivalry. The following account, supplied by a spea- tator, will not fail to be relished by all true votaries of 1o- mance: -The' most refined taste had presided over the arrange. ment; the whole was in perfect keeping, and nothing tawdry, tinselly, or theatrical-like, ...


... A Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey has returned from the Con- tinent. The Duke and Duchess of Beaufott, the Marquis of Worcester, and Lady Blanche Somerset have arrived at Vienna. ' The Dowager Duchess of Roxburghe is now on a visit to the Duke and Duchess of Roxburghe, at Fleura Castle. The Duke and Duchess of Cleveland, having attended the races at Doncaster, atrived on Saturday last at their seat, ...


... FASHIqVv AMb VAUIETIES. WtNOSOt, SUNDAY EVENING. Her Majesty aten'ded divine service this morning in Sti George's Chapel. The Queen isa accompanied by his Majesty tbe King of the Belgians and Viscount IMelbourne, 'md attended by the Dowager Countess and Lady Fanny !Cowper,' Madame Van de 'Weyer, Lady Harriet Clive, llonourqble MIiss'Spring Rice, Honourable Mi.,s Pitt, .Earl of Surrey, ...