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Advertisements & Notices

... Nectv C1ha1tPel. T UE Friends of Religion are respectfully informed that T the NEW INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, in Chipping, will be opened for Divine Service on Wednesday, Septem ber 2 bth, when TWO SERMONS will be Preached on the occasion. One in the Morning, by the Rev. R. SLATE I of Preston; Service to commence at half after Ton :and one in the Afternoon, by the Rev. T. GREENALL, of BurUley; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T URK'S. HEAD,,- CHURCHiSTREE9,T's PRESTON. W. ..a (i RATEFUL for tile liberal encouragement received Gsince le conomeneed WHOLESALE BREWER, re- spectfilly solicits a continuance of the satne, and assures his Friends and the Public generally, it shall be his eudeavourl to nerit their future support. ?? is his intention to have a few choice Brows of STRONG PALE ALE for CtRISTrnrAS; those who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTIWE ishbereby giveni-thatitheAommis-- sioner3 for 'loaeP ii is w Town Hall, in Macchest on Wedncrday thc 9th day of October net, prel eyfr.p t tenis'clockin the forcnoon. 0 WAID MUILNE, Law-cle~rk. Town Hall, Banchestor, ept, 271h 3 I59, ?ANK OF WMANCHEST R,_NOTICE. The ANNUAL GENERA 1A.ET1NG of thc Proprietors of the Bank ol n, Vill be held on Wednesday tho 9th day of o In ea Mlanchester, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f - -2 HANNAY AND DIETRICHSEN'S of£2 . RONDELETIA, dea ORIGINALLY PREPARED FOR THE EXPRESS USE OF orrn~ ti91 AMOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY AND THE ROYAL FAMILY, I AND NOW ADOPTED AT EVERY EUROPEAN COURT, isc N entirely new, elegant, and refreshing Perfume crl A for the Tollet or ltandlierchief, suaperior to any article pre- for viously offered for public patronage, retaining Its delightful fra- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? _ ?? I~ATE.ROAL LIVERPOOL, trh~ieilF1 AY~ 1TxILIM and R.FVIN herlst i8 ht 1ySeptembler 20, wvill be, p rformed the Ptiute Z~~edl %f4y AFTER THE WVEDDINrG, .?slr.F. ViningIO Lady Elizabe~th. -Miss Fauctit 9 ?? prolced, for the first time hore, a new, ~ J.B.BuelOt~oeand prformed with the 4 Allot edun at the Theatre-Royal, Haymarket, coedysucess this seas L E L I F E. ?? Mackay !~i~cd Mr.D5V~' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I care not how I am physicketi, so it be not by the ad- venture of a quaek bat advice of a physician, who, I am sure, wrill prescribe no more for me than may consist with my safety and ?? doth require.' -Old Divine. JUFFERERS from a redundancy or defi- kY ciency of BILE, from indigestion, pain in the side, or under the right shoulder blade. sick head .ache, heartburo, gidditoes9, oppression ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' 01 ved een pROFESSOR SWEDOUR'S IYGEIAN .e. IIERB PILLS, for the effectanl exltirpstion of erery epics e.and sytptom of the SPHILITIC DISEASE, and the disorder re- arifngfrom improper treatment; nly Pered and Sold he tbe ole Proprietor, ted AT So. 42, SEEL-STttEET, LIVlIltPOOL, In boxes at 2s. Jd.&and 4s.6d.teach Wb * ranted not tocontain COPAIBA,cUBBES,oranydeletee tilt- rlons ing rediet. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ( Io 1 Di vr. u t . isiols US gv ubiiytotesbjie t~inform ~to Directors, ?? - riIioC~ ce it te itildingf,) intowhch overal of the is ge~~lilI toefi 1 it aot ;IIa n whilst n th crushing at oti' li ~~S oninushave fallcn1111, and one in a p ~de~ O lc0 ni muhI hvel heard, broke hisa trej5lrhthn frtiedb putting rai, cls etwee the a O~ 'fcl e wai v I, which oul Foot only a trifle, and thuss tl Is- if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? ?? ?? TI, andI - LADuTblttr r.Cabers, recom- 1 atledrh-adernot 11, 4!sd unnoticednnd Al o0e . e ee5erya biasin inreere ~n u ee5 ~al~f on~ic rcen ~kofAugustide larnant,asi lorjIP ?? ti, puls rlbabr' R Oi ?? 6~~ eerempanitneent .s r eea03Irk of john Horn, Tillks alluded to ?? ,t a a 50n while conduct ang cis own defncre bfire T lit co~s~y55wel he salidI ,JThere are tale parties In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~.ELLING OFF.WTLLIA TS begs- to inform his Friendis, the Inhabitants o ?? MaNchse OnF it ?? htJ~~. LING OFF the whole of his valuable STOCK of LINEN DR---APestI(r SILK itCstY &. redue~d prices as cannot ~fail to ensure its immediate elcarassce.' 60, Deansgate, Sept,.28th, 1839. GOLD AND SILVER WAT'CH MANUFACTURER1S, WHOLESALE ANDN RETAIL. PI~T MAYO and EON, 13, MARKET-STREET (o)pposite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -.4m PHILADEI5PHIA LINE OF PACKETS Maw silftsg n the th' Of Mmry nonth, i. FOCA01~IAS, seecc TOLRY . 86tons,t Ocl Gt. suSkI~ANN. I. F MIRO~OIN ?? . .6eO tons, 8th Dec. E ALOXATTUA .i . 4lltons, 8th Jan. c C o ,~s~lO SrabioeOeil f IitheStrttgiassbuitlt expressly for this a ~e*andcobin evryquaitytorenerthemt safe and expa-A5 tions eonvieyantee for goedu, rand they arc furnishled with SpI- t.; en ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? PARENTSA '.tJARDIANS- J. j1,MUL1BY,` p .da llfiuc o 7, Delaeb..dt. end. i-iiA RNICF' re-~ Dpeaoieo youthS 0aO~ th *lI ul ad .h fireerrod;: and if speetable, youth,, beiri desirable he wouldl II ?? the I ouso and treated as ooof the familY.- preium wvill be required. lIirANCH ESTER GAS,. WORKS.- XII IONEY WANTED.-VNThP TO BOR- ROW. ?3,70, in Sums of not lethen £500, en rit d the AlMicheoler ...