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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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... 1. Nown ntlt~in has come. and again here asa I A-w.lnsl'ring alone by the banks of the Eve; The Nisnets are warbling in each hilih annl tree- llut the hianet's ssood.netes have no cb arm for top. Iowv oft, witil a heart light and free, hive I strsyedI, In years gone Iy, by this pretty water-sile; Anti w hy arm I nose not as inerry and vay ? Ali! my love lives not here-bile lives far away. S. ...


... LITEIIAIlURE. A Srsvrcs or ?? ACrsc 1. Soat;pa . Ilr Professor Lisars. hirt 11. l'silisurgh, IS39. When the first prt Of this valuable work vna published we exansinesl its merits at cosisiderabla 1l-gsl. WVe i ,sist cl on the adinirable descriptioln of discase, ?? of the operative departmient, and on thi Imppy illustration of the various poinits by ll-xe- cutedl plates. The second plut, wihich ...


... M .)ET'vill Our 2 c:iti pal ons as t) tti.e elfidt of tle produe- tin of :!c ! ?? I llitlts' waS ,n il Saturda :niit imoire t tO rm 2: l..! 2t is :s i,iiat:10m lol i ant, : t .ig t-laoW I) n-ri t, genlliuie- hileicsilut ott a iz mder-o Tourna:lm.enii t, lw iil s ?? :1 ?? mogIlI iice0it ?? or scencry, dresses, dteoration5. &v. *l ' tit h:; We love to enjoy it heatrty laugh, t were not quite ...


... Six.rit NORWICH MIUSICAL FESTIVAL. Norwich, W'ednesiday, Sept. IS. The festival is now fairly commenced, and that unirer favouralble auspices. Tlie first concert took t phlce last evening ; anid ilthouligh the weather hid i been showery nill tue afternoon, andi tlie rain fell more heavily towards the evening, there was a much larger attendallice at the hall than on tihe first night of the lst ...


... TAIT'i ErinSoD:soI M.AGAZItSE Fon OCTOBER. Tait opens his October budget with a violent at- tack on tbe 3hinistry an il their supporters, grounded on the arrangements ut present iln progress for strengthelning ani consolidating the Whig Cabinet, Dnd enabling them lo carry out tile principle of pro- gressive reform, ?? he aflzicts to designate slbuflling for luck ; but as few can be misled, ...


... L,'ITl, EA U II;;. 'fite hait iszue froii the cheap aind elegant Itrc,;% of tie Mcmr. (Chamfjcrut'- I -r reprint from thi s'4 th cdli- tiot of Mtjitepl'-. flutadetit. ?? lin F>,ypt, ArabLia P'etra'a. andI tin' 1 lliiV I.:inl. 1Vie notit. id ttili l-i e'littioti of tlii:; virf.k as it caime froiin the LuI'tlll ?? itt the ( I;rIv Ilirt 'if thid eair. We ile-ived touchl ?? a-,el a; 1iriormitiioin ...


... DREAMS OF A WELL SIENT LIF:E. (Frwom I/ic 31orii ;£t C/ransick.) Ce genie doirahblo *ui venlt A ho'lt *ba tmite't elloseq. ?? (IC scat/nO. t.'clinet on hir. cnurh, in that pliasing ?? ?? a SCapini oif ixtY I5tlil erohti oiily krtsiii¶, When at night, njih) a' caon-ile. :t reo', Ilai 'al sary ftc ?? t1 lile thll mi'ishief ?? rouid.t thrlir. tie dlay- Tisq. lulI'I inl a r eet ant sco f A-isfiedt ...


... ADELPIII TIII..ATRE. Through11 the bills of the (lay the Iranager an- nowuices, that the : Rival Kinights is to be with- drawn after Saturday night. On the part of the pub- lie we beg leave to protest against this, for many will be disappointed if this fitmed burlesque is not per- formed at leaqt for another week. While the detnand continues unnbated, certgsinly the supply should be kept ...


... Composed On visiting the pite of loghall Casles, near Blignar, Lapntrksilire. ore the residence of thi Enas of VVilgtmn, the aneestors of thoe lon. Admiral Sir Chas. Elphinstone 9'lplirig of Combernauldl. This no- blemuan a few years ngo sold his lorge estate in the pa- risi of Bliggar. end ni gentieman who poichelaqe a part of it, in his rase for improvemnent, has ?? caused the extensive ...


... AD)ELPSI I THEATRE. Now that tile close of thle present season is fast apprnaellaing, each ' ploor Player is earmustly clin- 0 pliivid in cottsidcrittg lionw lie or shte iniy hest enlist t, tile iublihc favour in lilt or her own individual cnsc 'I prviu to ihet partang night, andi is anxiously 1 eiigaged in making selections from the chequered it race of' titentricid representations, to ...


... LITELIATULE. TuiE CHRISTI.AN IRERAS1)) FOIL AUGUST. Eilinburgi: Joobn JJohnstone. This monthly part is particularly rich and varied in its c'Ittelits. WVh1et w e mention that they include treatise.s nal sernionis by tile Revs. Janies BuciintiUO Lith; John t. Lorimer, Aleanider Moody, Tlhos 31'Crie, 'William Grant, Logienlinond; Robert S. Crnldlisih, ?? Fairley, Gilmerton; Dr ?? I lisldey ; ...


... TiLi: RlEJECTED LOVER. I. Gond bve, vmy love !-Snmc years boie run, A i 'I ;k-e my hli j lin loot ue Poling, Sin.- hl't te lidy's ei tr I oiiuig tf IIIVe and nil tha:t r,>rt ofr tbine L So1 IMI,..-.etlwuLIthit thlis harp would :liie'r 11 101e wrh(! i.aion-bv spiill or charm- Nor ClIF03rt I that iniy ienat could o'er Iliuve giveill one ftill So) much alaru. But 'iih it is ISI, let it be- If F ...