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... FLOWER& (FRto3Id LA BLESSINGTON'S Nyv] osu3:c, n1 DESULTORY TT oUGHTS AND REFLECTIONs.) U . ,OWRSra re the bright remembrancers of youth: t They waft back with their bland and odorous breath The joyous hours that only young life knows, Ere we have learned that this fair earth hides graves. t Thev bring the cheek that's mouldering in theodust a Again before us, tinged with health's own rose,- c ...


... PO R ?? - P OET R Y. (FOR TciE HINTrer rYInNGiPosir. HAILI evorrolling dep blue sea, Upois whose shoret I joy to roam, And 1atohl tile bounding wvild weave' gleo, Whim, on tho beach it throwso its foam. Yet scane perhaps iso eharm ron see ?? this boundless, deep exponsee, Nor think there ever joys can be Save il the tuneful soog, or danen. Blit to thoe call reflective mind A thousand thoaghts ...


... Pie Edinbfurght Review, No. 110.-Longtnml', Orme, and Co., Patlerntster Row. London-~Colebrated as this work is fur the masterly articles that hveno ppearrcd in it, the number before us can only bt 'properly cliaracterised by saying that it is 'of inestImable, value. The first -article in it is at 'notieeof, Col. Gurivpoots despatchee of thel Duel of Wellington, floom 1199'to' 3818, S. work ...


... - p O:ETY Y= 'Gili611ilo on ti; :eqlwtJ - i They tell ~i, all the world 4nie bcei' *T. 'Cotieu migilty Mlqcdee QUeen. At lidlU t Natiiofo's PeotI But iI tie Coonatioh.P.icture, More animated.1hey depiot her; Flatter'd aaid stretea'd an inch or two! *Am Painters claim a right to do. Old Melbourin's folds are iron'd out, And the Arobb-p 'what .a sn-t I. Bloomfield, with smiling phis, appeara ...


... WIS C1iArA.TS DAYLIKm, KAMW.LOOMN % EAVSR, Of ZOLTON,1 AsPIRniso Mortal! to a claim most high Of Fortune's casridates for deathless fame: Thou, whose bereavement to Eternity Shall stand to the accouint of Europe's shame: And thou, for wshoe-imid Desolation's cry- The war.fiend, laughing, rode the tow'ring flame Of Moscorv's ruins: now the lonely sigh Thy spirit heaves may kindred moaning claim ...


... fl3ZSTOL SOCZETTY OW ARTISTS. I EXHIBITIOfN 01F PAINTINGS. A has ty view of this exhibition enabled IUs, in our last, to speak of it in terms si' commendation, and a more careful examination of the several pictures which it comprises has fully confirmed us in the opinios whbich we then exil-esoed. 'We at the sanse ?? announced oar intention of reviewing this as we have ithe previous ...


... A toast I-A Oust Iyho3 ,edelo'd,; As late wo thronfd Id featat beard And I. as uwe.ll c U d- ,, Tho loved ltbO honolr'd ! tmid adored 1 Thu mystic words; by every tOlngneo, Wero yet ald yet agele enoored'; And,-achoetg baok, the chamber rang- The Ieo'd I the hnaeur'd I and adored I' The glaa flow ol its welcomo round, Vale ?? liand in-lhad Nvith Mirth; And still, as elect, dao haulae ...


... I [Pon TrUB XXXTUER rRViNirOST.1 I loy to look upon tile rolling waves \tresr tbo iast slnkins sun with ruddy glow, Seoero to illuorts wide cau's rocky Oaves, Ad tho rast billowsb which usnceasiith flow. eow beauttiful o'er these hoaviog Wstors *4lreaer ?? deeply glowrirl rosoata tints As on. tae raging6 slk ?? foamss it ianks I I wonder net tbat yosth o gay stop fuiters To roam inlleuve ou ...


... SUZSTOi. SOCZMTY OP' ARTISTS. EXH1BITION OF PAINTINGS. (Continued from our papCr7 of Sep. 7.) & Vanyage's Tomb, St. Mlary-Redciuff, Bkistol- S. G. TovsY.- When Mr. Y'ovey commenced what -we mnay almost teim a series of illustrations of the ecclesiastical architecture of our city, we predicted that his productions would occupy prominent stations in future cxibi- bitions, and tead to promote his ...


... Ftan from the haunts of peace still, still I straY, And mournfully I look towards the west, And mark the sun declining to his rest In clouds of gold-foretelling a bright day WIll shine toamorrow. I could meekly think, Or hope, this were an emnshm of my fate; And if isl patience yet awbile I vait, These troubled thoughts and fenrs will cease, that sink DIv soul in Care's dark flood: for though. ...


... WMZ THEAT'dEI ?? On Monday, Mr. Templeton took his benefit, on} 1 which occasion we were-glad to see the house so fully and re- 1 spectably attended. The opera selected was Bellini's Sonzamauae, but as we have before had opportunities of bearing testimony to le its excellence, we prefer offiering a few remarks upon Auber's -n Pro Diavolo and Donizetti's Love-Spell both of which have been ...


... Qum te sub tenera rapuemrnt, Fcta, juventS I 0, utinamr me crudelia fata vocent; Ut linquaM terras ilisaque lumina solis; . Utque taus rursum corpore sim posit,&c. *Akt r Lsv rries.s 7iiEggi have been hours when I have dwelt With rapture osl thy glowing charms; - And of that dcarest bliss have felt- I To clasp Perfection in my arms. , I saw thee-like an opening flower- t Blush into life, and ...