... THEk FINEs ARETB. . . . . d ON INVEN]oN' iN POETRY AND PAINTING. By Sir Al it.) si7ce, P:A- ' Invention' seems to have bceniregaided; iin all qnhilgitened periods, as the' highest abd most admirable quality of.,h1 hulian mindi5is the quality which makes the nearest appjroich to the agcy 'of creion, and as affdrdiiig ilie most ?? ackliolovded' evidence of that ilntellectual powoer which Eve ...


... FASHIqVv AMb VAUIETIES. WtNOSOt, SUNDAY EVENING. Her Majesty aten'ded divine service this morning in Sti George's Chapel. The Queen isa accompanied by his Majesty tbe King of the Belgians and Viscount IMelbourne, 'md attended by the Dowager Countess and Lady Fanny !Cowper,' Madame Van de 'Weyer, Lady Harriet Clive, llonourqble MIiss'Spring Rice, Honourable Mi.,s Pitt, .Earl of Surrey, ...


... VARIZLTIBS.' THE WIEIG 'DMINISTRATION. (Dedicaled to Daen O'Conllell.) Here's to the statesmen,who givern our land, Who role icith such vigolor and skill, sirs; Who daily our praise and our sionder command, Bv .tbeir progress, in-sthidiling stock still, tirs. Htere's i- theiij all', gr'.in'oimes and small, Who ?? so IichliVbiAt do uiatiting at ti. Here's to their cilef, weho'ifill upees 1lp ...


... PUBLIC AMUSBAINTS. POLYTECHNIC IAThTUTION, 309, Regent- street, OPEN (taily from Half-past Teti till Six ?? following is the preegrallaine of the Exhibition: Ilulf-past Elevea o'clock, The D)iver and Diving Beul. Twelve, Maunetic Experiments. HIalf-past Twelve, Pmeurnratic Telorarsita. One, Microscope. Two a Lecture on Experinentitl Philosophy, Chemistry, or the Chemical Arts. Half- pat Two, ...


... SIX SONGS, BALLADS,4c., bySAMUBL I LOVER, EASQ The popularity of Mr. Lover, as a song writer and composer, will always ensure circulation to whatever comes out under his name. In good, society he has long been a favourite, and it is no slight praise of these songs when we say that they are worthy of his reputation. We must be economical in our extracts, for it would hardly be fair to copy ...


... -SETCOI ON IVOU-NLIGHT. !-w. I._i ?? , _1- |_ h b i 0 Higb'thron d. in:,glory sleepsithe moon Ad . . . ' ,Upon tbolmountuins height, a, , Andimakes the eve a.sombre noon . With beam's of paly. ihghi.. ag: ' She apreadsiber Iucid mantle o'er m' TThelields of rip'pxing grainm, Id : 'And silvers sil, tho'dark before, 'a lilne aiire rolling main.: On: ime.worn piles and cruimblieg towers, is ...

Literary Extracts

... . -, 4 WtertWj Oxtl'i?`?5- -. t . .. t ?? to rb av(l1l ?? i;-lr f.;it t 'lii':ti~'uotI ,! izol ?? A* ,: a I o thie : loi eirsci.a tawlue. (ot li mere mi:l ?? ?? ?? to til(, that NIw-,, y ou0 p eaI , no one listens to the end of your story or remark; so, there is no kind of flattery more irresistible than to fiud that your conversation gathers hearers, more and more; and women are but too quick ...


... -LIZLARY . SONAPS. DauNKsio.-Drinking is an honest oc'itpatiom, riid injures no one. 'L'oo'k at'tihe low(er animals,'they alwvays3enjrry a fraught moxe than a fecd. - Thq hiorse. snorts with delight .in tis bucket;'the. cat purs. as.she laps; the ductlts lif't.. their heads in g-at\itdc 'to lheav'et d eien forta ?? of miuldy' ~viater 'frofir &i green 'pond . Oh! drinciri is' a blessed' act ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... A foos r itev trhasidse' sullstiessoon. London: Longmaii & Co. im A work of this kind, according to the statements made by theoar noble chairman, and the Secertary totbe Society for the Diffu- sion of Useful Knowledge, has long been wanting. Theo pre- sent volume is published to supply the deficiency, and, judg i ing from the variecy of copies which it esubretes. wre should say that tie object ...


... DECZAR:RTION OF RXGHTS I OFTIF PEOPIE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRIIIAN AND IRELAND, ACCORDING TO THE ANCIENT LAW'S AND CUSTO.48 OF THE REALM OF ENGLAND. 1. That the sovereignty of this United Kingdom is monar- chical; not despotic, but limited.- .Vide Brac on ov the Laws and Constitution of lEnglsand, book 1, and De Corona, book 3, Locke, Blackstone, .AO. 11. That the duties ...


... LITERAtX NOTEICE. Lcctures on Biblical Criticismn, exbibiting a systecaati view of that Science. By Samuel Davidson, LL.1 P'rfessor of Biblical Literature in the Royal Acadeem cal Instititiksn, Belfast. Edinburgh and London, 183! THE importance of Biblical criticism to students I Theology, who are intended for the sacred profession , the Christian Ministry, is now beginning to be understoc in ...


... A HARVEST HYMN, TN A WET SEASON. Rt J--fA R . ?? ?? IxU1N, IN A WET SEASON. BY JAZ!ES MONTGOMSERY. We lift our eyes, our hearts to Thee, Our knees, our souls to Thee we bend; ther of all earth's family! The appointed weeks of harvest send. The ground. thy table, is full spread With food to nourish man antd beast; ast Thou prepared the children's bread, And wilt Thou now forbid the feast? ...