... T'HE LITERARY EXAMINER. Des IdMes Napol6oniennes; par le Prince Napoldon. Louis Bonaparte. Colburn. As an historical essay, as an eulogium on Napo- leon and on the past, there is nothing to censure, and not much to gainsay in this work. In a pious tribute from the collateral heir of a great name to the memory of its illustrious founder one cannot find even a little exaggeration misplace. The ...


... FLOWER& (FRto3Id LA BLESSINGTON'S Nyv] osu3:c, n1 DESULTORY TT oUGHTS AND REFLECTIONs.) U . ,OWRSra re the bright remembrancers of youth: t They waft back with their bland and odorous breath The joyous hours that only young life knows, Ere we have learned that this fair earth hides graves. t Thev bring the cheek that's mouldering in theodust a Again before us, tinged with health's own rose,- c ...


... A Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey has returned from the Con- tinent. The Duke and Duchess of Beaufott, the Marquis of Worcester, and Lady Blanche Somerset have arrived at Vienna. ' The Dowager Duchess of Roxburghe is now on a visit to the Duke and Duchess of Roxburghe, at Fleura Castle. The Duke and Duchess of Cleveland, having attended the races at Doncaster, atrived on Saturday last at their seat, ...


... CHARTIST VtTiS.. The Aberdeen Artizan's Association held a social meeting in the Temperance Hall, Queea-streetj.of Fri- day, the 6th inst., and it having been announcedby placard that the whole of the proceeds were to be de- voted to the support of the families of Lovett, Collins, and Vincent. the Hall was crowded, and the collection large. The entertainments of the evening consisted of songs, ...


... IR[SII FAIRS At Dron~in fair, on Thursday, prime beef sold, sinking offal, 44s. to 46s. per cwt., and mutton, 51d. to5Ad. per lb.; l scarcely one beast left unsold. Pigs very brisk, and sold at 42;. to 44s. per cwt. to Cork buyers, and in great demand. _-Limnerick Chronicle. CARRICK O1NSUIR PIG FAIrt.-The monthly pig fair of ! Carrick-onr-Suir was held oa Tuesday, and presented an al- I most ...


... j3octt Ip, SAILM X.C., ARI GY N'GIIANEDIL) Yr hon a awjrir Pi dw 1ik yea yc Fglirys Sfi7l lledig wrth g'ia (Idu'r inu i cc'. 1.-Tydi a filest, Argl aydd (l , I ni i b reswylti 'ielacthi Feliv l ooe i oes, o hyd, Pr byil yn shalh celiedlaeth. '2.-Cyn lionio v mcynilddoedd maith, ' bvd, a'r gwn ith mown uindlob () d rg'w vtidalddeb Dlu %vyVt Ti, A Deuw i ildrsg'wy(ldoldleb. 3.-Iroi diyv i ...


... DIORAMA, Regent's- ?? Establishment will be SHORTLY CLOSED for easoe. The Piet 1res ?? Es- hibiting repreoent the CO7tONATION of her MaJeety QYERN VICTOIAl In Westminster Abbey, and the listerner of the CHURCH ot SANTA ROCE. at Florence, with all the effectsoflight and heale trona nnen till midnibht. BothPsinintinareby leChevalierlBouton. Open from Ton till Pive. THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT-GARDEN. ...


... ?? O TLG UUTIS'M PORTS. e y ?? t, d SOUTH ER N. S j t. M ?? t' .r a, me't'iO * nfraa1a V f92t-RraIW fwe wpuld willingh. 13. g~t cQot4! wrJeqp4 4i*zt a Place inl Ou' e : @1 ?? ,: , ^ip~ :O:.II;fl the etp of Geo.g. t ?? Vs r po,%~lviwdhino a e ?? ~~ ?? ~~F. ?? the ye be'1b(~ ;!E~s~hWQJMt 3s ; ,) O itirl obit,' I t t p i' t n. rglqfp t rimee D ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 A.,O Itt, . I . Is ?? iwt4 .1si I . P e e ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF 'THU MORNING CHRONICLE. SiR-To all admirers of our national drama, the re- opening of Theatre, after the late manage. meat, must be a subject of interest. The announcement. of the new managers bespeaks a proper feeling, and indi. cates success. But there is a report circulating, which, as prevention is better than cure, ought to be noticed by the press. It is ...


... PUBLIC AMUSBMBN7'S. POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION, 300 Regent- alreet, OPEN daily from Half-put Ten till So'clnc.. hefolonint lI the programme of the Exhibition: Pialf-paut Eleven o'click The nirer and Diving Bell. Twelve, Muigetic Experiments. IRailt-pat Twelve, PeuniaticTeleTirns. One, Microscoep. Two ?? oD Experimental Philosephy, Ulemlstry, or the Chemical Arts. Hall- S Two. Pnoismatc Tele.grnph ...


... The Lord Lieutenant arrived on Wednesday at Newtown Anner, county Tipperary, the residence of Lady Ob)orne, from his Excellency's seat, Summerville. A large party of th e neighbouring gentry were invited to meet him. His Excellency proceeds to Besborough, the hospitable mansion of Lord Duncannon, before returning to Dublin. WINDSOR, TUESDAY. This afternoon, at half-past threc o'clock, her ...


... THE TEIIPTRESS! +15 rol - [We extract the following vcrses from a noble poem in tile ;RRTAN'4NIA, of Saturdaly, beaaing the above title. The motto is from I velationsJ-. Aiid the womian Nws arrayed in purple *n scalet ceolour, &c. At this period such ipoejnl deserve hu be~st comnmenda(tiotn( a'nd we carn~stly recominenit it to the atenioii of the Protestant coinhillnity, because truth is oqten ...