Advertisements & Notices

... ISELMAEWTZxz&LGaOUINT OF evil D II ZETO A DOUSLE SHEET. T ple proprietor of The Mercury to his Readers. tf is our bo ist ald lour pleasure to possess many friends I who remeriber 'it F M ERCU itV, though of space sufficient til Nrlc pCr, vet in size not equal to the one-half of its prC5t~ iliiserisionss Its grovirg popularity, and the con- dcnial hisr ii its Mollnts, gave gradual increase >, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLOWMhAN'S IMPROVED COPYIST OR PORTABLE COPYING LETTER CASE. r iE Inventor of the above contrivance for copying lettcrs or any wlriting it, ink, by the mere pressure of the hand, begs to state that he has recently introduced such im- proven ents in this article that iso one using it can by possibility fail inl obtaining a clear and accurate eopy. The operation is so simple, the contrivance so ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 018Cj}]kVoqdlt Edlibul'6b1rgh M9apiztne, -. CCLXXXIX, Fon NOVMIBrERj. ~~yTFS:i1. On thle preosent Posit ion of tile t C0I T'Sfl o tCatia(l. dhrft ?? lernintitnit -U 0 TI~e l~if't and~ W(rlis. NO, ?? TllX ffillt G Iet ' T 'ma Thlousa nd a-Yeat. Part 11.- i I Roan l{;istory.--VI I. Cursory Co. ;fltlOO ~0t.Icle~t'z'itt ('ZlttS.-ivl. - lilrt eonisidvted a1 0f Athe 1C Arf;.--1 X ?? and ESIavi nS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE FREE AND iNDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE STE WARTRY OF KIRKCUtDBRiIGiHT. T HAVE delayed this Address much longer than 1 I Otherwise should have done in the hope of seth an enmend- ment taking place In Ladv Anne s calth, as might have enibled npo to visit Galloway, and fuilly to explain to you those matters at whislh J can now merelyglance. But her severe indispesition not having seneibly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, liv Application is intended to be made to Par- rjiament in th, next Session, for leave to bring in ' nbc a certain Joint StocIc Conipanl or p eallcd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITION OF OBJECTS CONVECTED WITH . MECHANICAL SCIENCE, THE FINE ARTS, &c. E ARLY in the ensuing Spring, it is in- tended to open in Newcastle-ou-Tyne an extensive Exhibition, embracing the following Oulbjects, viz.:- 1. Works. in Painting, Sculpture, Modelling, Drawing, and Engraving. 2. Apparatus and Models of Experimental Philosophy. 3. Pneumatic Pumps, Fire Engines, Steam Engines, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MATTHEW BIRCKLEY, MUSICAL COAC M MANUFACrURER, &c. respectfully announces to the Ladies and Gentlemen of HALIFAX and its Neighbourhood, that he has Opened a Shop at No. 49, King Cross Lane, covenient for carrying on the Musical Clock Manufactory, and whero every Article in that Line of Business can be ob- tained. M. B. has on hand a most superb and elegant SELF-ACTING ORGAN, with Four Barrels, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _,-94 PHILADELPHIA LINE OF1 : PACKETS 'n-~ Sailing o0 the bt off Ojery snonth, six. SUsqL:MlANNA, H. P. Mizavccrin ?? 6t tons, th D. ALGGO NQUIN. ALHERTTURLEV ?? 4.t. tns, 14t h .1ln. poCAijON-AS, ENoci TURLEY . ?? , . XONONUAREiLA, J. W. 5t tons, 8th MFarec. These vessels are all of the firet cnlas, built expremsly for this line, and comibine every quality to resider the, solf; nud expe- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE Leasehold Tenants of, and other Persons paying to, the Corporation of New- castle-upon-Tyne, any Rent Acknowledgment, or other Annual Payments amounting to £5. anil upwards, are hereby required to take notice that the Treasurer will attend at the Town's Chamlber, in the Guildhall, on Monday, 4th Day of November, 1889, at the Hour of Ten in the Forenoon, in Order to receive such Rents, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (A CARDn.) SURGEON, 3, CHAlPEL WALKS.'' St. Paud1's Slchools. ;rflO.MOEROW (Sunday the 17th instant,) TIREE T SERIUONS are to be preacehadin St. Paul's Church, and Collections made in aid of St. rauli's Sunday, National' and Deaf and Dumb Schools; sermons in the Morning andi E ;vening by the Rev. FIELDING OULD, M.A., Minister of Christ Church, Liverpool; sermon in the Afternoon by the Rev. R. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0flE t SHPPEtSfor VALPARA14 se 1,.ISIA The feat-safing frest clas bertoss TYRI;l V.jXIs OIl~lt Oolnlnndar, wall knlowr Jun the tirade to Jol ha'n' OD o0 1oo of her cargo contracted. for), wil V~6I C fi~oedr the above ports, dead weight nottet be alo, ,dop l~edt )lodiaog FTeLondon Dok.-plyt sdjilyl aeo~d AnotlrtCOn. t, St. Mary-ase.oc, plyt y f ligt F~Iqonly;ls h~ti~ a,1t oene) 99Iscclm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN, flp0 MORROW will be performed tbe Neiv Play of 1 LOVE. Huoot, Mr Anderson; Countess of Eypenstesn, ~btss Ellen Tree- Katherine, Miadame Veocris. With THE BEGGIRsSOPERA On 'Issesday, LOVE. With THE ISEGiGARSO(PPE.RA ' On Wednesday, LOVE. Witlh THE BEGGA R'S. OPERA. On ''hrrsdor, Sheridan's Comedy of THiE RIVALS. With THlE WATIIIRMaA P. On Friday, LOVE. THEATRE ...