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'%ateo lul Ruchtn. E

... Jan. 1810. I N tie Ballkrliplcy of JOHN SC'1IOLJF1 ELD) 0,.1and WILLIA'AsN ltLI iID of MirS~fleld, In the Corunty or York, Crns Milier~satd Chapmaen. A miE-rING of the Coominisioners will be holdeniat the WB- Ison's Arms Inn. in bilirrield aitireaslid, en ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 14.h Jan, 1810. G1 rI ?? id %,oa -not5/ 0, ?? dm THE DEBTroRS AND CREDITORS OF Pt u-T Mr. JOHN FOSTER, DECEASED. id All Persons; Who stood indebted to the late JOHN FOSTERl lie Easquire, of Heptonstall, In the Parish of Halffa~x, II; a the County ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , Political, and Economical. By JOHN John Miurray, Alhemnarle-Ftrert. Now ready, (th Third and Fourth Voliues, completing the Work, 8vo., 1y9. each. of TII CORRESPONDENCE of WILLIAM 1TPITT. First Earl of Chatham. John Murray. Albormarlo-street. :n I vol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sir,,timed ?? Cravasm, Mrs. Ilannaim Slnr Gr Iimy, (the paeti David Hummme, Esqi, l18a H. ?? Conwray Coenmmtess of Aieiebury John Cimate,Em Capm~tati n Jcmmisotm Sir Dmivid ?? Goamrg Coimnatt Rev. Wiliiaum Mason lar . i'mmmrtt Lmmdy lierv,,y Time stmssc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thel Toan- I allh ok n or before Too-dav' the 2'Sth of 3 t*tllat- ilvchtl day no ?? will be accepted. lox arler of the Board. JOHN LATIIAM'%,Ju11., Clerj; to thie Guar~lians. A1onehestat', 28, Princess-street, Jan. 9, 1840. 7M0 EXHIBITOR1S AT HORTICULTU- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Positive ordors tractl bee issed itt n tterorparcel be received on board except threag .rritrcithelonpe~eoffice, Dablin; to John Pollock, Water intit.I~irror' t ?? nod Ca., PeLrl and tivrn'r Tntr~r. . nilF. . Cme tiimouth Mr Theirron Stills, ?? Iii. 2 ...