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Freeman's Journal


... LAW rNTELLIOENCE. - L COURT OF QUEER'S BENCHIYEsTExtRAr. The Lord Chief Justice and Justices Crampton and Perrin took their seats on the bench at the usual hour. Corkery v. Barton. Mr. Coppinger moved the court, on behalf of the rlaintiff, that the service of a writ on the defendant be deemed good under the circumstances of the case. He moved on thte affidavit of Jeremiah Duggan, who ...


... DUBLIN POLIC-y.ysETADAy. - : ELEAD Otris E. PROSECUTIsON or LiCErS£D VJSxNEs,_M;Chae1 - Guilfoyle, No. 58, Meath-street, -was sutmntna'd to answer - the complaint of Sergeant 32 A for keeping bis htztse Dpen, for the sale of spirituous liquors at prohibited. hoirs.a The officer deposed that'on the night of the 30th of No- *veemer, at five pinutes to twelve o'clock, he saw a side- dooroleading ...


... LA I IITELLtGENCE. I COTR TO3 QUEEN'S BENCH-YESTERDAY. The Chief Justice ?? Crampton and' Perrin I ; entered the court at eleven o'clock. O . C1lMINAsL INFORMATION. . The Queen, at the prosecuzion of Colonel Knox Gore, Lord I e Lieutenant of the county Sligo, v. Janzes Anderson. Kr. Keatinge, Q. C., on the part of the defendant, ap- f peared 'to show cause why a conditional order, obtained by ...


... CITY Swa gqtrznbAY, AlptT.?.. oh. ?? ustu Llignt lion. the Recorder took his seat on thhben'cie' at his usual early hour. William Traynor and Jamnes Burnet were indicted for breaking into and entering the warehouse of Philip Dixon Hardy, and stealing therefrom five books and a quire of paper. Mr. Hardy deposed that he owns the premises No. 3, Cecilia-street, and keeps there stores and a ...


... i THE CHARTIST' SPECIA*I COMMISSION: I I Monmouth, Thursday Evening v The court opened this morning at nine o'clock.i Several witnesses were then examined. ' Sir T, Phillips, who appeared with hii aim in a sling, ex- amined by the Attorney-General-On.the,4th of ,Novem- ' ber last I was mayor of the borough af Newport, having a been so fiom the 9th of November precediilg. In the course t of ...


... ; THE REGISTR.fY COURT. I , I The ]Ballymote Registry S6 ssions terminated rather ab- 'ruptly; in consequence. of the scandalous ]atitude alloiwedE those hired sswearers, as Counsellor Casserly was neces- sitated to withdraw the Liberal. claimants and retire him- self, seeing the court did not afford himnthe protection due to aI gentleman of his profession in, the discharge of his duties, or ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. HENRY-STREET OFFICE. CHARGE OS' BlAsMY.-Many Anne Clarke, a plain looking young woman, bearing an infant in her arms, ap- peared to charge her busband, James Clarkr, with, the Criroe of bigamny. The accus'ed was brought up in cttody.. The complainart stated she had discovered that in, tliree mnonti. aflter he had become her husband he intermarried titb a woman named ...


... CITY SESSIONS-SATURDAY. The Right Honourable the Recorder sat at his usual early hour.;V ASSAULT. James Rysn was placed t the traversers' bar charged with assaulting Thomas Lonergan. The prosecutor deposed that he was passing, between one and two o'clock at night, by the traverser's house, in which spirits is illegally sold, when some words having passed be- tween the traverser and witness, ...


... DUBLIN POLICEYESTERDAY. IR~~i~~iD-O O-OPFCE. PROSECUTION OF LICENSED VINTMERS.-James Quinn, No. .44, Meath-streety,,. Wa'clas-,hged. -by.. ,P~ole-ergea~tit Healy with selling it prohibited h buu >1' The officer deposed that on Monday night, the 20th of Novenber, at a quarter to 12 o'clock,' he saw. a bottti banded out of the defendant's shop door to a boy, who was l walking off' with it, when ...


... I ?? - P UNISHME NT F0 l)EA T. IMPORTANT STATEMENT BY THE COMMITTEE OF THE ANTI-CAPITAL PUNISHMENT SOCIETY. In the year 1821 there were 114 executions in England and Wales. In 1828 the number was reduced to 59; in 1836 to 17 ; and in 1838 it was only 6. That this change has been effected without diminishing, even in the slightest degree, the security of thd persons and properties of men, is a ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCIE~t DAy. Judge Perrin sat at balf-past ten o'clock to bear motions cf course, after which a meeting of the judges took place in chamber, to strike the circuits for the coming spring ssizies. Their lordships returned into court shortly before two o'clock, end disposed of a few motions of no public interest. All notices of motions, both at.the crown and civil side of the ...


... COVMT O QTEgN'g BENCfl-LoyDov, WswrnsAv. I Somers, M.P., v. Holt. I This was an action of libel against the defendant, as pub. Isher of the Age newspaper. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiffs with damages. ,ir Crowder now moved for a rule nisi to stay proceed. m order to deprive the plaintiff of the benefit of a verdict. lie had the affidavits of Mr. Holt and others, which set forth ...