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Morning Chronicle


... PUBLIC A2MSEMENTS. LAST WEEK BUT ONE. ROYAL ACADEMY, TIRAFALGAR-SQUARE.- NaINO heebi iv that the- EXHIBITlyN of tile ROYAL AICA. DR Y Ivrl inally CLOSE on S~krUltLOAY NEXT thepthii nsantur at Seven lo'luck Oreriauly-Adileoion(avery day ftrom Eight o'clorc 1IllSevez) One Shilling. Cataloruo One Shilling. HENRY HOWARD, R.A., Seo. Exhibitors are rerlucsted to send for their works ?? W;idnesiay, ...


... IP'CBLIC A31USHMRNTS. BIT H IlSHI IN STITUT1IION, Pall..iuiall.- The tiALL ER Y.wiith SELECTION O FPI 01rt? RS by Ancient Masters ft Ilie I ~io iajb i~ll.Di (cI, Ritil English Schools, jinlucdoin .j o rtov of tile Worka o I iv, ilae WVitt Hilton, Egli., R . A., Keeper of l ito ibi Academy IS OPEb~N. tfinl) fromi Ten In thle Inornipglitttil Si&i ,.sn w1il~t:-.X UI5Is lI. tO. Ctloteoue, is. ...


... PUBLIC AMUSBMBNTS. MATCHLESS WORK of ART, in a serici of Forty-thirce beautiful Models of Shipli and Boota, &c., of all rat pi, go elaborately fIlibhed, that the roierosrcole Is ?? to etxnnme the, perfection of the warkmandhip.-ELECTROTYPE; er, tlh uf snakier Coina and Mediae Daily at a Quarter before ?? a the POLYT'ECIINIClINSTlTfWTtON. N Relent-street. Tibe rixibntinnt cenelt of ...


... PUBLIC AMUSBMENTS. SPLENDID EXHIBITION.-ROYAL GAL- LB'RY, Adelside.5tV55t Lowther.sriade, West Strand.-ELECTRO- MAfNiSTIC LOCOMOTIVE ENStNE AT WORN' ElNetrical E0l, thr only living speelmen In Eurepe; NeVEutifYl Model of CHilyse t ar ensd Tradinx Janks: Oxyhydrogen MPcroscopme. 8mam tinr., Anessrs. Whltworth'a Patent Foot ILathe. Plr. Curtiu's Jrheb for Lifting l~oco- motive En mn,9 8team ...


... Tise Hour and the Aa. A llistorical Romance, by HARRIE]T MARTINEAU. What was the real ehaiM erofToussaintL'Ouvertuire? What would be the progress of his mind from a state Of contented slavery, in which dim recollections of ancestral command, and the natural craving for freedom, had been quelled by stoical philosophy, to that of leadership in a struggle for negro independence ? What was his ...


... LITERATUIRE. Poems of Chivalry, rFEry, and thie Olden Timne. By Walter Prideaux, Esq. [London: Smith, Elder, and Co. The revival of the joust and the tournament has given additional intcrcst to the tales and the poems which tell of wondrous feats of chivalry, and of thc undying loves of plumed knights and ladics fair. hI the volume before us those loves which in the earlicr times warmed the ...


... PUBLIC 4MLSBSMBlVTS. ' ?? 1lrTYA LIXTII ANNUAL BXHIB O leh dl oft Ne SOCIETY of PAINTERS In WATER COLOURS, at their addci I Pall-ausit Nist o l C;LOSE oil Saturday, Jaily iI. I) The Sdlls CrALLERY 4V, . Catllogiie 6d. to So 3 let caih day froPY as bensd to R. It isonent u stll w Ann A le J0H BENTZepelary. lats THE SIXITH NIA EXHIBITON of the NEW SOCIETY of PAINTERS IN WATER COLOURS RS now acqu ...


... TR'lE ITALIAN oP lIA. 'ILheperforinances of last right were far the bone fit of Ml. TAxCuONo. Ill CDOSCf.Menceo l Gi..iso's ?? tf I3ot't'icre ,It sivijlitt ~vvo not per irirned, but un act of`11 1`ratr' and at, uct otL ?? ?? wtere subeititte-l fur it. A noiw ball~et w~a3 broughit out, called LOUntbre, whifde is said toi ?? uo'ea t. Patersburg, thoughiwe leor~ty think it ?? the highfloiwn ...


... THE GBRRMAN OPERA. Tie production of Jcseondr, the Mast and best ?? conpcswgitdon of SI'JHR, bag been the greeteit and mo t suc- cepstul eff rt of the German company at the lrince's Theatre. This opera was performed on Thurrday evening, for the first timne in this country, and received by the an- di-nce in a ianner whieh must ensure Its frequent repetl- tion. It was thus received, ...


... PUBLIC AMUSRMRA''TS. BRITIISH INSTITUTION, 1tcIl-illaia-hI,T GALLERY for thre EXHIBIITION and S.ALEj at te WOERS t BRIITISHI ARTISTS is OPEN d~ily fromn 7pn itt tire, mrni,,q uitti ?? Iin uie evrroing.-Asdniail1on, it.C Cagaogu, POLYTECHNIC INSTI'rUTION, 309,1Regent. ?? additional Room11 is OPENED in consequenee efas t,j . erease of inter.-sting suibjectts io Art arid Seience., satong ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMBNTS. M~ATCHlLESS WOIRK of ART, in a series of Fortythre bealifo Modls o Shia an Beas, &C., of all rates, 50 elaoraelyfi~sho, tatthenieesrpo s rluirect to, examine th perfctio of tie orkmnni~p.-RECTRTYPE; or, the procoss of POLYTE~NIC INStTIVI'ON, alt, Rec stretet. Tihc.;j~lttiitionl consits o Elecricl an MacetieEnpeice ts, Olicrocopn. i'JtiC- LERYhiAdsaida eoture.t ELerowthpe,- e ...


... Yesterday evening Signora ErrMLINA Toar made her first appearance in this country, in the character of .Norma. She is, we understand, a pupil of PASTA, and has gained considerable reputation by her performances in the principal theatres of Italy. Her reception last night was highly fa- vonrable. She did not immediately make a great impres- sion on the audience, but her excellent qualities ...